- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 297
Rey or Ray [Pronunciation: rā] (Persian: شهر ری, Shahr-e-Ray, "City of Ray"), also known as Rhages (/ˈreɪdʒəz/; Greek: Ῥάγαι, Rhagai; Latin: Rhagae or Rhaganae) and formerly as Arsacia, is the capital of Rey County, Tehran Province, Iran, and is the oldest existing city in the province.
Ray today has been absorbed into the Greater Tehran metropolitan area. Ray is connected via the Tehran Metro to the rest of Tehran and has many industries and factories in operation. Limited excavations of what was not bulldozed began in 1997 in collaboration with the Iranian Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization (ICHTO), the Department of Archaeological Sciences of the University of Bradford and the Department of Archaeology of the University of Tehran.
Note on spelling: According to the Iranian Chamber Society, the correct spelling of the city in both English and Persian is Ray, though variations in spelling also exist. The city university also uses the spelling Ray ("Azad University, Shahr-e-Ray"), as does the Encyclopædia Iranica published by Columbia University.
rhaga Lupakan
Rhaga beginikah caramu
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Forró Na Guitarra "Base Pisadinha e Rhaga" - HD
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Ini adalah demo kami, belum lewat proses mixing. jadi mohon maaf jika terdengar kurang sempurna. @recording 2008
Ini adalah demo kami, belum lewat proses mixing. jadi mohon maaf jika terdengar kurang sempurna. @recording 2011
Fala meus Guitars, vídeo curto tocando uma pisadinha de leve! Quem quiser essa Back Track me chama no whats ou me manda um e-mail whats: (85) 9 9708-9638 e-mail: nandoabreuofficial@gmail.com ____________________________________________________ Siga-me Facebook: Nando Abreu Instagram; @nando_abreu_ ________________________________________________________ Back Track feita pelo meu Brother Everardinho Bass Instagram: @everardinhoviana You tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S-_6Wx9cFE
New country! In this series of episodes, I'll try to change your mind about one of the most misrepresented countries in the world. Unless you've been there already. In that case just relive the awesomeness of it :) I'm not saying that Iran doesn't have its issues. I'm just saying that sometimes the actions of a government don't reflect the people leaving in the country run by it. And Iran it's the perfect example. Despite the media telling us that their main goal is to annihilate the West, what I'm experiencing so far is a lot of curiosity, kindness, and will to interact with tourists. And its people are not the only reason to come here. It's a country full of history, filled with amazing spots all around. My goal here is to spend a lot of time on buses to try to show you as many amazing...
Beautiful, 5 Amazing Places in Iran. It might not be on everyone's travel radar, but Iran has a well-worn tourist circuit, encompassing attractions in the ancient cities of Shiraz and Isfahan. For those wanting to get off the beaten path, the country has a wealth of lesser-known destinations that rival the stunning beauty and historical significance of their more famous counterparts. Here are five of the best: beautiful places in iran, best places in iran, best places to travel in iran, best places in dubai, best places in the world, best places to travel around the world, best places to visit in the world, beautiful place in the word, travel, Rudkhan Castle Hidden in the humid green forests of Iran's northern Gilan province is Rudkhan Castle, a medieval military fortress whose origins ...
Lorestan is a stunning province with rich history and unique culture in west of Iran. In this feature, Ali Rashid takes us to some historical sites in Lorestan. Watch Live: http://www.presstv.ir/live.html Twitter: http://twitter.com/PressTV LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/PressTV Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PRESSTV Google+: http://plus.google.com/+VideosPTV Instagram: http://instagram.com/presstvchannel SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/videosptv
Die iranische Großstadt Shiraz ist die Hauptstadt der zentralen Südprovinz Fars und gehört mit ca. 1,5 Millionen Einwohnern zu den fünf größten Städten Irans. Sie liegt etwa 700 km südlich von Teheran im südlichen Zagrosgebirge auf etwa 1500 m ü. NN. Das Klima ist relativ angenehm und mild. Man nennt die für ihre Gartenkultur berühmte Stadt den „Garten des Iran". Ihr Blumenreichtum und die berühmten Rosenzüchtungen geben ihr ein spezifisches Gepräge, das schon bei der Auffahrt durch den äußeren Torbogen auffällt. In Shiraz sind die zwei berühmtesten Dichter Persiens in anmutigen Mausoleen am Stadtrand begraben: Hafis (1320 bis 1398) und Saadi (1184 bis 1282).
Teheran (persisch تهران (Tehrān) ist die Hauptstadt Irans und der gleichnamigen Provinz. Im administrativen Stadtgebiet leben knapp 13.000.000 Menschen. Als Industrie- und Handelsstadt mit Universitäten, Hochschulen, Bibliotheken und Museen ist Teheran ein bedeutendes Wirtschafts-, Wissenschafts- und Kulturzentrum sowie ein wichtiger Verkehrsknotenpunkt des Landes. Bedeutende Museen der Hauptstadt sind u.a. das Nationalmuseum (Iran Bastan Museum) mit archäologischen Artefakten aus der vorislamischen Zeit des Iran und das Museum für Glas und Keramik mit Schätzen aus Email, Kristall, Perlmutt, Gold und Lapislazuli. Der Golestanpalast ist der einstige Regierungspalast der Kadscharen in Teheran. Er wurde Ende des 18./Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts errichtet und war bis zur Errichtung der Islam...
September 2, 2014 (Persian calendar 1393/6/11) Tehran province (استان تهران) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehran_province Darband دربند is a beloved place for young people, families and for those who like hiking.
Abonnez-vous et aimez la vidéo ! Subscribe and like ! Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Hors-frontieres-1625308417712879/?ref=hl Site Internet : http://hors-frontieres.fr Mon tour du monde continue. Déjà plus de 120 pays visités. Et comme toujours, voici les vidéos complètes de cette formidable aventure humaine. Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My world tour continues . Already more than 120 countries visited. And as always, here is the full video of this great human adventure . If you like my work , please subscribe to my channel. You'll be the first informed about new publications.
July 9, 2016 (Persian calendar 1395/4/19) Qom province (استان قم) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qom_Province Qom county (شهرستان قم) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qom_County Khalajestan district (بخش خلجستان) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalajastan_District Dastgerd city (شهر دستگرد) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dastjerd Iran Qom province, Saba Health vllage lake درياچه سلامت روستاي صبا استان قم ايران
Me duele amarte,
sabiendo que ya te perdi
solo quedara la lluvia
mojando mi llanto
y me hablara de ti.
Me duele amarte,
los sueños que eran para ti,
se pierden con cada palabra
con cada momento que
espere vivir.
Me duele más
imaginar que tu te vas
y dejarás detrás de ti
tu ausencia en mis brazos.
Me duele tanto sospechar
que ni tu sombra volverá
para abrigar mi alma en pedazos.
Me duele amarte así
hasta morir lanzándome a la nada
viendote partir.
Me duele aquel abril
cuando te vi por
ves primera y dije que
eras para mi,
Me duele amarte tanto.
ohhh ummm
Me duele amarte,
los sueños que eran para ti
se pierden con cada palabra
con cada momento que
espere vivir.
Me duele más
imaginar que tu te vas
y dejarás detrás de ti
tu ausencia en mis brazos.
Me duele tanto sospechar
que ni tu sombra volvera
para abrigar mi alma en pedazos.
Me duele amarte así
hasta morir lanzandome a la nada
viendote partir.
Me duele aquel abril
cuando te vi por
ves primera y dije que
eras para mi,
Me duele amarte tanto.
ohhh ummm