Sad BJD Box Opening :'(
Yes I think you should still order from
Fairyland. Other than the (NOW RESOLVED
with a great replacement part) broken leg and the hand issue which is an easy fix (
I'll do a video on how to mod the hands), she's a beautiful doll!
Just go through a dealer from your country so if there is a problem they can easily help you resolve it! I received my replacement part very quick and I'm so happy with my new doll, she's lovely!! There is a risk of dolls breaking in the mail or having a flaw no matter what company you order from. But in all my years owning BJDs, I'm rarely had any issues!! So please do not worry, many companies will fix your doll if there is a problem. I apologize for my reaction, I just paid a lot for her, and I was also so hyped up for her, this issue wasn't