Drupal 8.x core release on Monday -- PSA-2016-002

  • Advisory ID: DRUPAL-PSA-2016-002
  • Project: Drupal
  • Version: 8.x
  • Date: 2016-July-17
  • Security risk: TBD
  • Vulnerability: TBD

What’s new on Drupal.org? - June 2016

The Drupal Association had our annual staff retreat, the documentation migration begins, composer repositories hit beta, and more.

Drupal contrib - Highly Critical - Remote code execution PSA-2016-001

Drupal 7.50 released

Drupal 7.50, the next release in the Drupal 7 series, is now available for download. It contains a variety of new features, improvements, and bug fixes (no security fixes).

A roadmap for making Drupal more API-first

Drupal 8's web services initiative is under way. This is a progress report highlighting some of the people driving the work, and sharing a rough timeline.

Drupal is for ambitious digital experiences

Drupal started as a tool for hobbyists building community websites, but over time it's evolved to support large and sophisticated use cases.


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