Skyrim - Main Quests Playthrough - Bleak Falls Barrow Part 1/3
We will not be uploading a quest play through for the quest called "
Before the Storm" because it is just a quest to talk to people.
Jarl Balgruuf thinks that I may be able to help Farengar, his court
Wizard. Farengar wants you to obtain a
Dragonstone from
Bleak Falls Barrow.
Travel to the
Nordic ruins of Bleak Falls Barrow and enter. Be careful traveling to the ruins, though; a dragon sometimes spawns outside.
Low level players may want to enter the ruins quickly.
You will come to a puzzle room in the
Inside is a bandit; ready your weapon and let him come to you, otherwise you can be injured by the arrow trap in the ceiling
In the room, there are three movable pillars on the left and a lever in the middle (where the bandit was standing).