Latest NSW news

Sacked airport workers say their union abandoned them

Ireen Prakash (left), Irene Kramer (centre) and Elizabeth Anderson feel abandoned by the National Union of Workers.

A group of former Sydney airport duty free employees have complained the National Union of Workers abandoned them at a time when the union's former officials and employees were questioned about the use of union credit cards to buy tens of thousands of dollars in personal shopping items.

The business that 'struck gold'

Amarjit Singh from Unique International College.

A judge has criticised the failings of the Commonwealth's funding of private vocational education for allowing hundreds of millions of dollars to flow out of public coffers with little oversight.

Ambulance GPS putting lives at risk: union

Australian Paramedic Association NSW President Steve Pearce said the GPS system was failing daily.

Paramedics are being wrongly dispatched to triple-zero calls from up to 50 kilometres away by a failing tracking system that routinely loses ambulances on NSW roads.


Chris Edwards is one of the City2Surf Legends and also a co-founder of the Legends Medical Research Scholarship.

'Legends' run for a good cause

Running in every race since 1971, this year City2Surf Legends will raise money for a Rotary Health medical research scholarship

SYDNEY LIGHT RAIL:970814:SMH GENERIC:Pix by QUENTIN JONES:........Sydney Light Rail tram at the Convention ...

Keep your trees, we'll take the tram

Winning the public transport lucky dip, then complaining, isn't making the eastern suburbs friends across the other three-quarters of Sydney.