(CNN)Was a plan to overthrow Turkey's government really hatched behind a gated compound in a small, leafy Pennsylvania town, or is that merely a smoke screen? In the throes of a military coup attempt,...
Hundreds of women are murdered in Pakistan for honor every year. On Friday, Pakistani model and social media celebrity Qandeel Balock was killed by one of her brothers, police said. Balock was...
photo: AP / M. Jameel
Shocking - Qandeel Baloch killed by her own brother - Dunya News
At least 190 people have been killed and more than 1,000 have been wounded in an attempted military coup in Turkey. After a night of chaotic and confusing developments, with tanks appearing on...
photo: AP / Ismail Coskun/IHA via AP
CHAOS IN TURKEY: Military Coup Underway - Istanbul - 42 dead in clashes
The US space agency is ready to proceed with the final design and construction of its next Mars rover, currently targeted to launch in the summer of 2020 and arrive on the Red Planet in February 2021,...
While the motive for the attack in Nice is not yet known, officials have called it a terrorist attack and Prime MinisterManuel Valls said lorry driver Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was "undoubtedly...
photo: AP / Claude Paris
LIVE COVERAGE: 84 killed, over 100 injured after Nice’s Bastille Day attack (streamed live)
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) " A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the U.S. Navy was wrongly allowed to use sonar in the nation's oceans that could harm whales and other marine life.The NinthU.S....
photo: US Navy / MCS2 Andrew Schneider
US military’s sonar exercises still threatening sea mammals
Turkey’s leaders said they have largely quelled an attempted military coup, after army officers claimed to have seized power in the country on Friday night. The coup appeared to crumble in the early...
photo: AP / Murat Cetinmuhurdar
TURKEY COUP 2016 | F-16 Afterburner Low Pass Over Ankara
On 11 July Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel rented a 19-tonne refrigerated truck, paying the required deposit. He failed to return the vehicle, using it instead as a weapon in...
photo: AP / Ciaran Fahey
Attentat de Nice : Le tueur Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel est un "soldat de l'État islamique"
Grieving residents of Baton Rouge honored an appeal at the funeral of a black man killed by police to celebrate his life rather than demonstrate about his death. At a three-hour service Friday,...
photo: AP / Gerald Herbert, Pool
Baton Rouge Police Execution Of Alton Sterling (VIDEO)
French PresidentFrancois Hollande is to chair crisis talks with his inner security cabinet following Thursday's attack in Nice that killed 84 people. Mr Hollande, who says the attack was a terrorist...
photo: AP / Eric Gaillard
Nice attacks: President Hollande to chair crisis talks