The average delay in train services has come down by nearly 30 per cent since the beginning of the year, according to a survey.

Based on a comprehensive analysis done over the last six months across more than 2,500 important train stations across the country,, a mobile app for rail users, reports that the nationwide Train Delay Average has fallen by nearly 30 per cent since the start of 2016.

However, the same analysis also reveals that the average National Train Delay Index still remains high at 35.03 minutes at the end of June.

The study, considered more than one million train running status data points each month, as reported by travellers who were boarding trains at various stations across the country.

According to the survey, five states where average train delays are maximum are Bihar (61 mins), Uttar Pradesh (55 mins), Punjab (50 mins), Goa (50 mins) and Telangana (38 mins).’s definition of Train Delay Index is based on the amount of time a traveller has to wait at a station for the arrival of the train beyond its scheduled arrival time.

It is important to point out here that the worldwide operating definition of Train Delay Index across the world, including Indian Railways, only considers the delay at its final terminating station. This means that if a train manages to reach its terminating station on time, despite being late at all other intermediate stoppages, the entire run is considered on-time.

This explains why trains are given extra buffer time, either just before or close to their last stoppage, so as to help them complete an on-time run.

However, the study has considered delays at all intermediate stoppages where passengers board the train.

“We believe that considering delays at all the stoppages is a more realistic measure and reflects the train traveller’s view about the delay on their train journey,” explains Kapil Raizada, co-founder - PTI