- published: 23 Sep 2016
- views: 19465
Gulen is a municipality in the southwestern part of Sogn og Fjordane county, Norway. It is part of the traditional district of Sogn. The administrative center of the municipality is the village of Eivindvik. Other villages in Gulen include Brekke, Byrknes, Dalsøyra, Dingja, Instefjord, Mjømna, Rutledal, and Ytre Oppedal.
The municipality of Gulen sits to the south of the Sognefjorden and it surrounds the Gulafjorden, which is considered to be the place where Norway's west-coastal Vikings met for the Gulating, a governing body. The area along the Gulafjorden called Flolid (just east of the village of Eivindvik) is now a national historic place, where an open air theater and annual summer play commemorates the Vikings who gathered there 1000 years ago to accept Christianity.
Evindvig was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838 (see formannskapsdistrikt). The municipality of 1838 was created to be identical to the Evindvig parish (prestegjeld) that included the three sub-parishes (sokn) of Eivindvik, Brekke, and Husøy. The sub-parish of Brekke (population: 898) was separated from the municipality in 1850 to form a municipality of its own, leaving a total of 3,944 residents in Evindvig. (Later, Brekke was merged with Lavik as the municipality of Lavik og Brekke. This was short-lived and Brekke later became a separate municipality once again.)
Fethullah Gülen’le Söyleşi - heute-journal | ZDF
CNN - Fareed Zakaria Fethullah Gulen Interview on 'GPS'
Meet Fethullah Gulen, Deep State Plotter
WikiLeaks, Hillary-Gulen Intimate Ties & How Clintons Gave Birth to Mullah Gulen’s Terrorist Network
Fethullah Gülen - Turkey's '2nd most powerful man' INTERVIEW - BBC NEWS
Fethullah Gülen " Hakkımı Helal etmiyorum."
Fethullah Gülen im Exklusivinterview - heute-journal | ZDF
Latif ERDOĞAN: GüLeN 15 Temmuz'da Başarılı Olsaydı....! 2 agustos 2016
Gülen hareketinin Almanya temsilcisi Conflict Zone'da
Ray Sanchez (CNN) Fethullah Gulen, the reclusive cleric accused by Turkey of hatching a military coup attempt, concedes that his supporters could have been involved in the putsch but again denied any direct connection. "There might have been some sympathetic people [to Gulen] among them," he told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an interview. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pointed the finger of blame for the failed uprising squarely at Gulen. A bitter rival of the embattled President, Gulen is the leader of a popular movement called Hizmet. But the government refers to his group as the "Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organization." The 77-year-old imam, who left Turkey for the United States in 1999, has been living in self-imposed exile in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania. In the CNN interview, he cal...
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=19364 Since the failed coup attempt in Turkey on July 15th, the name of exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen is on everyone's lips. So who is Fethullah Gulen? Well, that depends who you ask...
In this episode of Spotlight with Sibel and Spiro we discuss the notorious USA-based Mullah Fethullah Gulen and Operation Gladio B in light of Wikileaks’ recent announcement that they plan to release a new batch of e-mails exposing the intimate ties between Hillary Clinton and Gulen’s 25+ Billion shady network. Sibel Edmonds explains how Fethullah Gulen was brought into the United States during the Clinton Administration, and how Bill Clinton’s White House, the State Department and the Justice Department’s Janet Reno provided the infamous mullah and his terrorism-heroin operations with blanket immunity and protection. We also take a look at Clinton’s hand-picked handlers, Graham Fuller and Mark Grossman, selected to manage and direct Gulen’s cells in the U.S. and abroad. Show Notes http:/...
Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi, Türkiye’de yaşanan korkunç darbe girişimi sonrası yapmaya başladığı basın toplantılarına dün de devam etti. Önceki gün New York Times, Financial Times, Sky News, CNN, The Guardian ve Reuters başta olmak üzere dünya medyasında önemli yer tutan kuruluşların temsilcileri röportaj talebiyle Hocaefendi’yi ziyaret etmişlerdi. Dün de on farklı ülkenin televizyon ve gazetelerinden gelen muhabirler özellikle gündemle alakalı pek çok soru sordular. Hocaefendi, tevcih edilen bütün sualler üzerinde genişçe durdu; Hizmet Hareketi’nin maruz kaldığı zulmün sebeplerini, R. T. Erdoğan’ın düşmanlık ve nefret içeren söylemlerinin saiklerini, darbe girişiminin hangi maksatlarla ve kimler tarafından yapılmış olabileceğini, dünden bugüne darbeler karşısındaki duruşunu, Tü...
Subscribe to BBC News www.youtube.com/bbcnews Subscribe http://www.youtube.com/bbcnews Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bbcworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/bbcnews In the interview, Mr Gulen denied using his influence to start investigations into alleged corruption among senior members of Mr Erdogan's AK Party which have led to a number of police commissioners being sacked and to some of Mr Erdogan's allies being arrested. Turkey's 'second most powerful man' breaks silence
Fethullah Gülen würde in seine Heimat zurückkehren, sollten die USA dem Auslieferungsersuchen der Türkei stattgeben und ihn ausweisen, so der Prediger. Hier das ZDF-Exklusivinterview in voller Länge. Mehr Informationen gibt es hier: http://www.heute.de/45349416.html
Latif ERDOĞAN: GüLeN 15 Temmuz'da Başarılı Olsaydı....! 2 agustos 2016 Latif ERDOĞAN: GüLeN 15 Temmuz'da Başarılı Olsaydı....! 2 agustos 2016 Kelimeler: latif erdoğan, fetullah gülen, darbe girişimi, 15 temmuz darbe girişimi, fetö, pensilvanya, recep tayyip erdoğan
Gülen hareketinin Almanya'daki temsilcisi Ercan Karakoyun DW'nin Conflict Zone programına katıldı. Tim Sebastian'ın sorularını yanıtlayan Karakoyun, Gülencilerin devlet kurumlarına, 'demokratikleştirme' amacıyla girdiklerini savundu. Karakoyun, Balyoz ve Ergenekon davalarında Gülen yanlılarının hata yaptığını söyledi.
Russian Travel Guide RTG Reklam filmi VO - Seslendiren: Selman Gulen
Sibel Edmonds is joined by James Corbett and Spiro Skouras to discuss the recent failed coup attempt in Turkey. We touch-upon facts and elements that are currently being systematically blacked out by the establishment media, and analyze the main actors and agendas involved. From the CIA and Operation Gladio B to Mullah Gulen’s $20+ Billion shady network in the United States, and the media’s role in implementing the deep state’s psychological warfare tactics, we leave no stone unturned! Don’t miss this daring and bold discussion, and please help us put out the word by sharing the link to this video. Please Subscribe http://bit.ly/29G0dWF *Follow us here at Newsbud Twitter http://bit.ly/29d5XFD **Subscribe here at BFP-Newsbud YouTube Channel http://bit.ly/29ewTEm
Le autorità turche hanno inviato al Dipartimento della Giustizia statunitense la formale domanda di estradizione per Fethullah Gulen, il clerico musulmano accusato da Erdogan di aver ispirato il fallito colpo di stato. Lo ha confermato il primo ministro, Binali Yldirim, parlando ai membri del suo partito. "Il presidente e io abbiamo fatto un appello personale agli Stati Uniti per l'estradizione del capo terrorista. Abbiamo mandato il nostro dossier attraverso il minustero della Giustizia". Da… ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: http://it.euronews.com/2016/07/19/ankara-ha-inviato-agli-usa-la-richiesta-formale-di-estradizione-per-gulen euronews: il canale di informazione più seguito in Europa. Abbonati ! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsit euronews è disponibile in 13 lingue...
International View from the Friday weekly program held on 3-1-2014. Disagreement between Turkey & Fethullah Gulen and more...
Kıymetli arkadaşlar, Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi, Ramazan ayı yaklaşırken “farklı bir mukabele” teklifinde bulunmuştu: “Kur’an-ı Kerim’in manasını anlamasa da, ciddi bir saygıyla, fevkalade bir tazimle, konsantre olarak, tam teveccüh ederek onu okuyan yine sevap kazanır. Ne var ki, onda ilahî maksatları izlemek, Peygamber Efendimiz’in (sallallâhu aleyhi ve sellem) gönderiliş gayesini takip etmek çok önemlidir. Bu da onun manasına genişletilmiş bir meal çerçevesinde muttali olmaya bağlıdır.” diyen Hocamız, mesai ve meşguliyetleri müsaade ettiği ölçüde, mü’minlerin günlük mukabeleyi ikiye ya da üçe bölmelerini, böylece zamanı biraz daha uzun tutarak okudukları ayetlerin meallerine ve muhtevalarına da bakmalarını tavsiye etmişti. Biz de burada (Pennsylvania’da) muhterem Hocaefendi...
[Fethullah Gulen | Pearls of Wisdom | Tolerance] Be so tolerant that your heart becomes wide like the ocean. Become inspired with faith and love for others. Offer a hand to those in trouble and be concerned about everyone. Applaud the good for their goodness appreciate those who have believing hearts and be kind to believers. Approach unbelievers so gently that their envy and hatred melt away. Like a Messiah revive people with your breath. Remember that you travel the best road and follow an Exalted Guide upon him be peace. Be mindful that you have his guidance through the most perfect and expressive revelation. Be fair-minded and balanced in your judgment for many people do not enjoy these blessings. Return good for evil and disregard discourteous treatment. An individual's character ...
Gülen Eycan- I put a Spell on you A. Te A. A..ga. Die Liebe und der Zauber. In Liebe du und ich Pinarim mein süsses Mädchen und Mamis Mami Törtchen. Mein Kamera Mann war nicht sehr aufmerksam, ein Glück,das er mich aufgenommen hat, trotz der Panic Attack.ss.s
Belaruslu 22 akademisyen tarafından hazırlanan 'Fethullah Gülen Öğretisinin Sosyal ve Felsefi Yönleri: Belaruslu Aydınların Bakışı' isimli kitabın tanıtım resepsiyonu büyük bir ilgi gördü. Belarus'un başkenti Minsk'te gerçekleştirilen resepsiyona akademisyen, şair, yazar ve siyasetçilerden oluşan 200'ü aşkın seçkin bir topluluk katıldı. Belarus Diyalog Avrasya Derneği tarafından organize edilen resepsiyonda halkların birbirini anlamaları, önyargıların kırılması, hoşgörü ve diyalog mesajları verildi. Program Belarus medyası tarafından da yakından takip edildi. Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi'nin fikir ve eserlerini anlatan bir kısa film ile başlayan resepsiyon söz konusu kitabı hazırlayan yazarların konuşmalarıyla devam etti. 'Gülen'i okumak' başlıklı bir konuşma yapan Belarus Bilimler Akadem...
Tragedies and suffering
I hear them scream
Screaming for help
The prophets preach
The end of the world
Only fools believe their words
No truth without evidence
Its easy to lie
Who can seek the answers
Who can see through the sky
Such a great temptation
Who can carry such a quest
And gain that information
We don't need no god
We don't need no god no more
We don't need a tyrant
We want to love
We want to breathe
We want to be
Rebuild the world
With the knowledge
We retrieve
We want to feel
We want to live
We want to see
Seek the wisdom
From the future