Hyderabad: He hated red. But he could not stop himself indulging in setting fire to cars and watch the bright red flames leap up in the dark. In the process, the 42-year-old Ram Iyyar Kannan Venkatesh, arrested by the police in the city on Saturday as the prime suspect in a string of arson cases, could end up being the first confirmed serial arsonist to be caught by police.
Venkatesh, according to police, began his fiery retribution on the society in January setting afire a car in RK Nagar area of Malkajgiri, incidentally the same locality where he too lived.
Though he managed to evade arrest despite his regular 'fiery' activities in the same locality, possible a false sense of security arising from getting away with the first five incidents and the fact that he would also consume liberal amounts of liquor resulted in his last arson being caught on a CCTV camera. Cyberabad commissioner of police (East) Mahesh Bhagwat said Suresh Albert, a resident of RK Nagar and the owner of the car that Venkatesh set fire to on July 14, provided the police with the footage showing the arsonist clearly. Armed with the picture, the police launched a search and zeroed in on Venkatesh on Saturday.
According to the police, who questioned Venkatesh at length on Saturday, the man who studied till class 10, claimed that he belonged to a once wealthy family that had fallen on bad times. Venkatesh, the police said, informed them that all his family's wealth was stolen by relatives and that his father used to own a grocery store in Secunderabad. The family also had an Ambassador car when he was a child, something Venkatesh could not get out of his mind. However, with his ability to work only on odd jobs meant that he could only dream of owning a car. The police said that they suspect that his apparent anger at not being able to come to terms with his past and present resulted in his taking to arson to take out his anger on society.
"Resorting to acts like arson happen as a result of a mix of extreme anger and jealousy," Dr Diana Monteiro, a counselling psychologist explained. "A person experiencing such emotions generally lacks regard for property owned by others," she added.
Incidentally, Venkatesh's current work,that of a painter, came in handy with his apparent uncontrolled urge to set cars on fire. He told the police that he would carry with him a bottle of turpentine and pour it on the vehicles before setting them on fire. The police said Venkatesh confessed he was invariably drunk while carrying out his attacks.
"He said that he used to have a sleepless nights by repeatedly thinking about his inability to lead a life of luxury like he did as a child. During the nights, he would walk in the lanes and whenever he came across luxury cars parked on the road, his feelings of bitterness only increased resulting in his desire to set fire to the vehicles," Bhagawat said. In his six-month career as an alleged arsonist, Venkatesh set fire to a Volkswagen Jetta, a Skoda Yeti, a Honda Amaze, a Mahindra Xylo, a Maruti Ritz and a Hyundai i10.
Venkatesh, a divorcee, did not have any children and used to live alone, the police said.