In manga and anime, a Super Robot (スーパーロボット, Sūpā Robotto) is a gigantic robotic, mechanized, or golem-construct, with an arsenal of fantastic super-powered weapons, extreme resistance to damage unless the plot calls for it, sometimes transformable or combined from two or more robots or vehicles usually piloted by young, daring heroes, and often with mystical or legendary origins. This is distinct from a Real Robot, which is a mecha portrayed as a relatively common and plausible item, used by military organizations in the same manner as tanks or aircraft.
The idea of a robot controlled by a young hero was first used in 1956 with Iron Man 28 or Tetsujin 28-go (dubbed and released in the US as Gigantor), by manga artist Mitsuteru Yokoyama, which featured a giant robot piloted by remote-control by a young boy named Shotaro Kaneda, who used it to fight against evil. However, the first anime to use the phrase "Super Robot" and the one that set the standards for the genre was Mazinger Z, created by Go Nagai and making its debut in manga publications and TV in 1972. The main difference between Mazinger Z and previous robots was that the hero, Koji Kabuto, would pilot the robot from the inside in the same manner as one would drive a car. This anime show was hugely popular, and spanned numerous sequels and imitations during the 1970s, as well as revival shows during the 80s and 90s.
Super Robot is a term used in manga and anime to describe a giant robot or mecha.
Super Robot may also refer to:
The vinyl sparkles on the seat where you are scheming
the ticket window won't open until you start believing
in the wonders you once found in a fabric store uptown
while the horoscope proves wet paper on the ground
you belly-flop across life's little hurdles
night clubs and yo-yo diets turning
turning you in circles
well reality doesn't care if you do or don't dye your hair
whatever you choose
don't let your soul vanish in thin air
half asleep (half asleep)
you may take this song for granted
half alive
life is disenchanting sometimes
the escalator to fortune somehow eludes you
mixing m&m;'s and essential oils
doesn't always work for you
and what of deserted homes where the dear and dysfunctional roam
wrap it up with a letter and a bow
half asleep (half asleep)
you may take this song for granted
half alive
life is disenchanting sometimes