- published: 26 Oct 2016
- views: 514509
Singapore (i/ˈsɪŋɡəpɔːr/), officially the Republic of Singapore, and often referred to as the Lion City, the Garden City, and the Red Dot, is a global city in Southeast Asia and the world's only island city-state. It lies one degree (137 km) north of the equator, at the southernmost tip of continental Asia and peninsular Malaysia, with Indonesia's Riau Islands to the south. Singapore's territory consists of the diamond-shaped main island and 62 islets. Since independence, extensive land reclamation has increased its total size by 23% (130 km2), and its greening policy has covered the densely populated island with tropical flora, parks and gardens.
The islands were settled from the second century AD by a series of local empires. In 1819, Sir Stamford Raffles founded modern Singapore as a trading post of the East India Company; after the company collapsed, the islands were ceded to Britain and became part of its Straits Settlements in 1826. During World War II, Singapore was occupied by Japan. It gained independence from Britain in 1963, by uniting with other former British territories to form Malaysia, but was expelled two years later over ideological differences. After early years of turbulence, and despite lacking natural resources and a hinterland, the nation developed rapidly as an Asian tiger economy, based on external trade and its human capital.
當新加坡的商場越來越空 中國十年大布局要把「獅城大賣空」! 武漢至法國漢新歐鐵路「一路直達歐洲」 省錢省時咬死新加坡!? 《劉寶傑》官方粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/Paojye 《關鍵時刻》粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/CTimefans 《關鍵時刻》頻道訂閱:https://www.youtube.com/user/ettvCTime?sub_confirmation=1
《远方的家》 20161024 一带一路(38)新加坡:初识新加坡 | CCTV-4 订阅CCTV YouTube官方频道 / Subscribe to our Official channels: CCTV中文国际: http://goo.gl/HcZaeZ CCTV春晚: http://goo.gl/A9V00o CCTV: https://goo.gl/gYT8W8 关注CCTV Facebook 官方账号 / Like us on Facebook: CCTV: https://www.facebook.com/cctvcom/ CCTV中文: https://www.facebook.com/CCTV.CH/ 《远方的家》是中央电视台中文国际频道(CCTV-4)于2010年12月精心在黄金时段推出的全新的旅游栏目。节目容量大、摄制力量强的《远方的家》栏目充分体现了央视对旅游业的关注和支持。栏目以“展示中国人的生活方式;表达新生代的旅行态度;沟通多元化的文化价值;构建华语圈的心灵家园”为宗旨;栏目以记者见闻的方式、以人文体验的手段,展现中国各地的自然风光、人文风情和人物故事。 观看更多[CCTV中文国际]节目: 中国新闻:https://goo.gl/17NNfe 今日关注:https://goo.gl/bzu8Lb 远方的家:https://goo.gl/2CqmsY 中华医药:https://goo.gl/ELD3sB 外国人在中国:https://goo.gl/5k52t6 城市1对1:https://goo.gl/iGlva6 文明之旅:https://goo.gl/TJiqOh 记住乡愁 第二季:https://goo.gl/Tlujv9 权威发布:https://goo.gl/COQIpi
马云为新加坡国际诚信研讨会(the Honour International Symposium)做的视频演讲实录。在马云看来,通过线上的交易势必需要诚信体系来维护,对阿里来说,一方面是建设诚信体系的产品,另一方面则是公司本身的诚信。演讲视频附于文末,干了这碗鸡汤,然后我们可以说说淘宝小二、假货和刷单的故事。 中国人很早就明白,要做成事什么东西才是第一位的。中国是先把仁、义、礼、智、信这些道理都想明白了,想彻底了才有了后面两千年的辉煌。政治,文化,艺术,经济,每一样都非常了不起,中国曾经有百年的GDP是在全世界排第一的,论语才11000多字,也就只有今天报纸的一个版面。但是一下子就影响并治理了中国两千多年。所以我知道今天的大会非常的重要,因为我们要管好接下来人类发展的两千年的文明。 新加坡给华人世界做了一个表率,我非常赞同新加坡政府所相信的。新加坡能够有今天的发展,今天的国际地位,最重要的是坚守了“honour”所包含的东西。那就是:尊重,正义,诚信,责任,担当等等。 我刚开始做生意的时候问我太太,你希望你的丈夫将来是很有钱还是很受人尊重?她回答说,当然是受人尊重。因为很多人那时候认为我不会赚钱。我以前也看不起商人,我也认为无商不奸,而且商人创造的社会价值非常有限。 等我自己做了企业之后我才明白,其实一个企业家要做的久,做得好,他每天考虑的大部分事情都应该是跟钱没有关系。跟钱有关的都不是战略性的,不以利益为出发点的战略决策才是真正的庙堂之策。所以我一直相信一个好的财务总监很难做好董事长,因为好的财务总监脑子里全部都是钱。脑子里全是钱的人,是很难做好事情,很难做好朋友。 阿里巴巴一开始那么难,什么都没有,没有人相信我们要做的事情。人人都说我们是疯子,是骗子。但究竟是什么让我们这个企业活下来?是钱吗?其实我们根本没钱。是资源吗?我们也没有资源。是人才吗?其实人才...
凤凰卫视官方频道 iFeng Official Channel【欢迎订阅】http://dwz.cn/2EQZg2 凤凰卫视评论官方频道 iFeng Comment Official Channel【欢迎订阅】http://dwz.cn/2ER1db 凤凰卫视锵锵三人行官方频道 iFeng Qiang Qiang Official Channel【欢迎订阅】https://goo.gl/WsCGYc 最近,新加坡和中国的关系尤其是新加坡究竟在奉行什么样的南海政策,成为国内媒体关注的热点。10月4日,朱锋发表评论指出,如果因为新加坡的南海政策而实质性地伤害中新关系,实在没有必要。朱锋认为:不是别人说了中国不爱听的话,我们就“发狠”;更不是别人说的和做的和中国想要的不一样,我们就要“报复”和“惩罚”。说白了,新加坡没有多大可以伤害中国的能力和意愿。相反,在我们的亚洲邻国中,如果我们愿意对不同的声音、不同的主张、甚至是忧虑和批评,能够仔细地区聆听、善意地去回应,并有决心通过自身政策与行为的主动调整来“相向而行”,体谅对方的“忧虑”与“关切”,这样的中国才是强大的中国! Welcome to iFeng Official Channel. YouTube has released its new translation feature. Click on the following link to translate any show you like!欢迎进入“凤凰卫视官方频道”,youtube推出翻译新功能啦,点击后面的链接来翻译你喜欢的节目吧!更多节目等你承包 ~ ~ ~ https://goo.gl/3RtIUo
《远方的家》 20161104 一带一路(47)新加坡 缤纷美食在狮城 | CCTV-4 订阅CCTV YouTube官方频道 / Subscribe to our Official channels: CCTV中文国际: http://goo.gl/HcZaeZ CCTV春晚: http://goo.gl/A9V00o CCTV: https://goo.gl/gYT8W8 关注CCTV Facebook 官方账号 / Like us on Facebook: CCTV: https://www.facebook.com/cctvcom/ CCTV中文: https://www.facebook.com/CCTV.CH/ 《远方的家》是中央电视台中文国际频道(CCTV-4)于2010年12月精心在黄金时段推出的全新的旅游栏目。节目容量大、摄制力量强的《远方的家》栏目充分体现了央视对旅游业的关注和支持。栏目以“展示中国人的生活方式;表达新生代的旅行态度;沟通多元化的文化价值;构建华语圈的心灵家园”为宗旨;栏目以记者见闻的方式、以人文体验的手段,展现中国各地的自然风光、人文风情和人物故事。 观看更多[CCTV中文国际]节目: 中国新闻:https://goo.gl/17NNfe 今日关注:https://goo.gl/bzu8Lb 远方的家:https://goo.gl/2CqmsY 中华医药:https://goo.gl/ELD3sB 外国人在中国:https://goo.gl/5k52t6 城市1对1:https://goo.gl/iGlva6 文明之旅:https://goo.gl/TJiqOh 记住乡愁 第二季:https://goo.gl/Tlujv9 权威发布:https://goo.gl/COQIpi
《远方的家》 20161031 一带一路(43)新加坡 行走狮城 别样精彩 | CCTV-4 订阅CCTV YouTube官方频道 / Subscribe to our Official channels: CCTV中文国际: http://goo.gl/HcZaeZ CCTV春晚: http://goo.gl/A9V00o CCTV: https://goo.gl/gYT8W8 关注CCTV Facebook 官方账号 / Like us on Facebook: CCTV: https://www.facebook.com/cctvcom/ CCTV中文: https://www.facebook.com/CCTV.CH/ 《远方的家》是中央电视台中文国际频道(CCTV-4)于2010年12月精心在黄金时段推出的全新的旅游栏目。节目容量大、摄制力量强的《远方的家》栏目充分体现了央视对旅游业的关注和支持。栏目以“展示中国人的生活方式;表达新生代的旅行态度;沟通多元化的文化价值;构建华语圈的心灵家园”为宗旨;栏目以记者见闻的方式、以人文体验的手段,展现中国各地的自然风光、人文风情和人物故事。 观看更多[CCTV中文国际]节目: 中国新闻:https://goo.gl/17NNfe 今日关注:https://goo.gl/bzu8Lb 远方的家:https://goo.gl/2CqmsY 中华医药:https://goo.gl/ELD3sB 外国人在中国:https://goo.gl/5k52t6 城市1对1:https://goo.gl/iGlva6 文明之旅:https://goo.gl/TJiqOh 记住乡愁 第二季:https://goo.gl/Tlujv9 权威发布:https://goo.gl/COQIpi
《远方的家》 20161103 一带一路(46)新加坡 知名学府在南洋 | CCTV-4 订阅CCTV YouTube官方频道 / Subscribe to our Official channels: CCTV中文国际: http://goo.gl/HcZaeZ CCTV春晚: http://goo.gl/A9V00o CCTV: https://goo.gl/gYT8W8 关注CCTV Facebook 官方账号 / Like us on Facebook: CCTV: https://www.facebook.com/cctvcom/ CCTV中文: https://www.facebook.com/CCTV.CH/ 《远方的家》是中央电视台中文国际频道(CCTV-4)于2010年12月精心在黄金时段推出的全新的旅游栏目。节目容量大、摄制力量强的《远方的家》栏目充分体现了央视对旅游业的关注和支持。栏目以“展示中国人的生活方式;表达新生代的旅行态度;沟通多元化的文化价值;构建华语圈的心灵家园”为宗旨;栏目以记者见闻的方式、以人文体验的手段,展现中国各地的自然风光、人文风情和人物故事。 观看更多[CCTV中文国际]节目: 中国新闻:https://goo.gl/17NNfe 今日关注:https://goo.gl/bzu8Lb 远方的家:https://goo.gl/2CqmsY 中华医药:https://goo.gl/ELD3sB 外国人在中国:https://goo.gl/5k52t6 城市1对1:https://goo.gl/iGlva6 文明之旅:https://goo.gl/TJiqOh 记住乡愁 第二季:https://goo.gl/Tlujv9 权威发布:https://goo.gl/COQIpi
梁文福《我聽到天開始亮了》作品專輯 2016 ,第二首主打歌〈新加坡派 2.0〉!也是 2015 演唱會現場版。 2015 年,梁文福特為國家歡慶獨立 50 年金禧而寫了這首歌詞。〈新加坡派〉原版發表於 1990 年的同名專輯,25 年後,這首新謠經典終於有了“晉級版”。該年 4 月 10 日和 11 日,在兩場“友情的細水慢慢流:梁文福作品演唱會”上,詞曲作者在超過一萬名觀眾面前,發表了這首歌。 梁文福《我聽到天開始亮了》全新作品專輯 2016 現已在全島 CD-RAMA 發行。 ►【人文短片:我聽到天開始亮了】完整版: https://goo.gl/25HrXQ ► 梁文福【新謠歷史外傳】官方完整版 MV:https://goo.gl/sjfzrm ► “因為有夢 所以有歌” 新謠臉書組群 Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/xinyaodream ► 海蝶音樂官方臉書 Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/OBMusicsingapore 新加坡派 2.0 (2015 演唱會現場版) 作詞:梁文福 作曲:梁文福 再後來故事說得越來越快 地鐵它老了隨時說壞就壞 榴槤和飛船早就登陸濱海 少年變建國一代 我們又搬家扛著更多的債 我表兄含淚和車說good bye 小小的麻雀成了歷史記載 到我的家裡來拍 我們終於又贏得奧運獎牌 金馬獎總算也爭得光彩 現在連總理也得文武全才 將新謠唱起來 當燕姿妹妹都已充滿母愛 鳳飛飛歌曲還是我的最愛 最近我獨自回到舊地感懷 只有回憶還沒拆 朋友們說我越活越不賴 白頭發還沒長出來 千金難買的不是帥不帥 而是不變的情懷 一晃眼已經來到金禧年代 感謝我愛的你們依然同在 願這個家國故事千秋萬載 未來就看下一代 我還是沒有吃到Sing...
Our Singapore travel guide! We had a fantastic time in this wonderful city, and now we can share our favourite tips, tricks, eats and drinks for your next visit to Singapore. Where we stayed - Mandarin Oriental Singapore http://www.mandarinoriental.com/singapore/ Apps we mention: Uber - https://www.uber.com/cities/singapore Grab Taxi - http://grabtaxi.com/ Currency conversion tool: http://www.xe.com/ Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/attache_travel
A travel guide for visiting Singapore. Highlights include: Colonial District, Merlion, China Town, Little India, Kampong Glam, Orchard Rd, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Zoo, and Changi Airport. Like this video? Check out my other Singapore travel guides. Sentosa Island: http://youtu.be/wfHWfkp9A5Q Gardens by the Bay: http://youtu.be/JUAHZhnqdlk Singapore Cable Car: http://youtu.be/Z08LzwjZUf8 Singapore Hawker Centre Food: http://youtu.be/ikJ7C_o_wds Singapore Southern Ridges Trail: http://youtu.be/TgV1xaW6zTE Haw Par Villa Singapore: http://youtu.be/TFDF7JwuMyg Conrad Singapore Hotel Review: http://youtu.be/e7vt2kpxZ0M Marriott Singapore Hotel Review: http://youtu.be/KnablyaQNZk Follow me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel Twitter: ChrisRaney Google+: https://...
https://www.expedia.com/Singapore.d180027.Destination-Travel-Guides Small and heavily populated, Singapore is an easy place to explore; nothing in the city is more than an hour from the business district. Thanks to modern construction and outstanding architecture, Singapore is rapidly becoming a powerhouse trade city, but it maintains ties to its Asian roots through traditional temples and many cultural hotspots, like Little India and Kampong Glam. Your Singapore tour must include the Botanical Gardens and Orchid Gardens, both beautiful and notable places to visit. If you’re a fan of exotic animals, stop by the Singapore Zoo and check in with its 300-plus species that take up residence there. You can also take a “bumboat” from Changi Beach to Pulau Ubin, set away from the bustling city,...
Singapore Vacation Travel Guide - Guide to Exploring To Singapore. Don't forget to subscribe like comment and share :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe2b_XPb28vcwhb2yn0l5dg https://www.facebook.com/Travel-Master-Guide-915409635234633/ Search Terms : universal studios singapore expedia singapore phone number singapore visa marina bay sands singapore points of interest expedia singapore jobs singapore airlines expedia.com.sg Singapore Vacation Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNIJLZEUqj4
Singapore Attractions | Travel Guide in 2 Minutes is the Video #7 of the first YouTube travel channel and vacation guide with the map inside video. Do you want to see more incredible sensations? ◑ Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1i2zSGTGGnLsPeprOK1Imw?sub_confirmation=1 WHOLE PLAYLIST First Vacation Travel Guide with Map Inside Video https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQQYHODrU8JA03EbEDtntwhMu6eR1zzAJ All the places of this trip are linked on the Google Map http://funfilmdirector.ru/map/singapore/ When and What: SINGPORE Marina Bay 00:16 Helix Bridge 00:27 ArtScience Museum 00:29 Merlion Park 00:33 Marina Bay Sands 00:39 Marina Bay Sands Chinatown 00:45 Buddha Tooth Relic Temple Heart of the City 01:16 Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay 01:18 Water Cycle 2000 Fou...
PLAN YOUR SINGAPORE VACATION The main island of Singapore is shaped like a flattened diamond, 42 km (26 miles) east to west and 23 km (14 miles) north to south. Near the northern peak is the causeway leading to West Malaysia—Kuala Lumpur is less than four hours away by car. It is at the southern foot where you will find most of the city-state’s action, with its gleaming office towers, working docks, and futuristic "supertrees," which are solar-powered and serve as vertical gardens. Offshore are Sentosa and over 60 smaller islands, most uninhabited, that serve as bases for oil refining or as playgrounds and beach escapes from the city. To the east is Changi International Airport, connected to the city by metro, bus, and a tree-lined parkway. Of the island's total land area, more than half ...
You're watching INSIDER TV - the insider's guide to the world's most exciting cities! Here's your essential Singapore travel guide this October 2016! Our hosts Jamie Yeo and Edward Russell tour us around the best places to eat, drink, shop, and play in Singapore. Let Insider TV fix your travel itinerary. Here are the must-visit places while you’re in Singapore: INSIDE Clarke Quay: https://youtu.be/nn-J3x39DOo 313@somerset: https://youtu.be/Lu926lEEugI Resorts World Sentos: https://youtu.be/alkLuFud8J0 During your travel, don't miss the following events: * Mission Foods Nation Cup 2016 — 4 – 10 September http://www.yoursingapore.com/festivals-events-singapore/cultural-festivals/hungry-ghost-festival.html * Oktoberfest Asia 2016 — 13 – 15 October https://oktoberfestasia.com/ * WTA Fi...
Top 10 Best Things to Do Eat See in Singapore Travel Guide. A visual tour of the Top 10 Things to Do and Places to See in Singapore. We cover the best restaurants for Singapore Chilli Crab, Black Pepper Crab, Hainanese Chicken, Indian and Italian food to fine dining restaurants with a view, Singapore Flyer, Sentosa Island and iFly the largest indoor wind tunnel in the world. MABUHAY and Welcome to HourPhilippines TV! Thanks for dropping by. Please subscribe, like, share and comment on our videos! ♥ We upload daily and weekly! Your essential guide to unforgettable food, travel and nightlife adventures in the Philippines and beyond! Have a great day and a fantastic life ahead! :-) Cheers, Lord and Aksana Food | Travel | Lifestyle | Parties | Nightlife | Events For business inq...
Book your travel activities at http://www.viator.com/singapore Singapore has traded in its rough-and-ready opium dens for towers of glass, and its steamy rickshaw image for hi-tech wizardry, but you can still recapture the colonial era with a gin sling under the languorous ceiling fans at Raffles Hotel. At first glance Singapore appears shockingly modern, but this is an undeniably Asian city with Chinese, Malay and Indian traditions. It's these contrasts that bring the city to life. Subscribe to our channel: http://ow.ly/LmRpJ Download our mobile app: http://m.viator.com/mobileapps Connect with us! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ViatorTours Twitter: https://twitter.com/ViatorTravel Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/viatortravel/ Vine: https://vine.co/Viator Blog: http://tr...
Travel video about destination Singapore. Singapore is a city of gardens and the heart of South East Asia. Its history began in 1819 with Thomas Stamford Raffles, a young official who worked for the British East India Company. Raffles estimated that the natural harbor was perfect for trading ships, so he bought the land from the Sultan of Johor and founded a trading settlement. As a free port, Singapore attracted trading ships from all over the world and today, 4 million people live here on an area that covers 640 square kilometres. In June each year, there is an exciting boat race in Marina Bay known as the Dragon Boat Race, that features magnificently painted dragon boats with hand-carved heads and tails accompanied by the sound of frenetic drumbeats. Dating back to colonial times, Br...