- published: 14 Feb 2009
- views: 241032
THE MAKEUP WORKSHOP / TMW ini Integrated Comm selenggarakan di Jakarta pada tanggal 28 April 2015. Dan untuk mengikuti The Makeup Workshop selanjutnya hub. Ussy WA: 0813.3277.7755 Tahun 2016 Integrated Comm akan menyelenggarakan THE MAKEUP WORKSHOP ON TOUR Bersama Anpa Suha. Adapun kota-kota yang akan Kami datangi adalah: 1. Palembang - 19 Januari 2016 2. Makassar - 16 Februari 2016 3. Banjarmasin - 22 Maret 2016 4. Bandung - 12 April 2016 http://Instagram.com/Integrated_Comm/ http://integratedcommeo.com/
http://Instagram.com/Integrated_Comm/ http://www.facebook.com/integrated.comm/ http://integratedcommeo.com/ Anita Hara menjadi model THE MAKEUP WORKSHOP WITH ANPA SUHA SESSION 5 yang Integrated Comm di Jakarta, 1 Oktober 2015. Untuk Jadwal Makeup Workshop selanjutnya silahkan Hub. Ussy Hp. 0813.3277.7755
Land Róber tunai show son dúas horas continuas de humor na Televisión de Galicia na que no faltan convidados, música, comedia, colaboradores e conta coa participación directa do público no estudio.
http://Instagram.com/Integrated_Comm/ http://www.facebook.com/integrated.comm/ http://integratedcommeo.com/ THE MAKEUP WORKSHOP WITH ANPA SUHA SESSION 5 ini merupakan makeup workshop Session terakhir yang Integrated Comm selenggarakan pada tahun 2015 bersama Anpa Suha. Tepatnya diselenggarakan di Jakarta, 01 Oktober 2015. Untuk Jadwal Makeup workshop bersama anpa Suha selanjutnya silahkan Hub. Ussy Hp. 0813.3277.777
http://Instagram.com/Integrated_Comm/ http://www.facebook.com/integrated.comm/ http://integratedcommeo.com/ THE MAKEUP WORKSHOP With Anpa Suha Session 4 Integrated Comm selenggarakan di Jakarta pada 6 Agustus 2015, ANITA HARA menjadi model Anpa Suha. Untuk jadwal makeup Workshop Anpa Suha selanjutnya Silahkan Hub. Ussy 0813.3277.7755
http://Instagram.com/Integrated_Comm/ http://www.facebook.com/integrated.comm/ http://integratedcommeo.com/ THE MAKEUP WORKSHOP With Anpa Suha session 2 Integrated Comm Selenggarakan di Jakarta, 6 Mei 2015. Untuk mengetahui jadwal Workshop Bersama Anpa Suha Berikutnya silahkan hub. Ussy WA. 0813.3277.7755 Note: Berhati-hatilah dalam mengikuti Makeup Workshop, Pilih Penyelengara yang Berpengalaman dan memiliki Track Record Yang Baik.
Ada cerita seru di Workshop Makeup kali ini, karena saat acar Jakarta sedang ada demo besar-bsaran dan terjadi macet diseluruh penjuru Jakarta shg membuat model Anpa Suha terlambat datang. Karena Workshop harus tetap berjalan sesuai jadwal, maka kami asal mengambil model wanita yang kebetulan lewat depan ruang workshop dan beginilah hasilnya. Acara ini Integrated Comm selenggarakan di Jakarta, 22 Maret 2016.
What would you do
if it all came back to you?
Each crest of each wave
bright as lightning
What would you say
if you had to leave today?
leave everything behind
even though for once, you're shining
Standing on higher ground
when you hear the sounds
you realize it's just the wind
And you notice it matters
who and what you let under your skin
Put to the test
would you step back from the line of fire?
Hold everything back
all emotions set aside it
Convince yourself
someone else
and fight from the world
your lack of confidence.
What you choose to believe in
takes you much too far
takes you much too far
No one else around you
no one to understand you
no one to hear your calls.
Look through all your dark corners
you're backed up against the wall
step back from the line of fire
What would you do
if it all came back to you?
each crest of each wave
bright as the lightning
do the same as you do
do the same as you do
do the same as you
do the same as you
I do the same as you,
Do the same as you
do the same as you do
What you choose to believe in
takes you much too far
No one else around you
no one to understand you
no one to hear your calls.
Look through all your dark corners
you're backed up against the wall
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back
Step back