Saudi Arabia Uncovered (The Head of a Snake)
Hours after the documentary was aired,
Saudi Arabia pressured the UK to remove it.Five bodies hang from a pole suspended between two cranes, a public display.They belonged to a gang of five robbers, all of whom were publicly beheaded before their corpses were hoisted high in the air, where they remained for days.The gruesome sight is one scene in a shocking documentary to be aired this week which sheds light on life in Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s bloodiest and most secretive countries.The film, Saudi Arabia
Uncovered, contains harrowing footage of beheadings.
A woman dressed in black is held down at the side of a public road by four
Saudi policemen, after she has been convicted of killing her stepdaughter.She is executed with a sword blow to the neck, as she screams: ‘I did not do it.’We have all heard of the brutality of the Saudi regime, but what makes this documentary so chilling is that we see it on camera.In another beheading scene, the executioner, dressed in the white robes typically worn by Saudi men, raises his curved sword above his head and brings it down in a single sweep.The documentary introduces viewers to a large public space nicknamed
Chop Chop Square because it is the site of so many executions in the Saudi capital,
Riyadh. The camera lingers on the red-stained drainage system used to wash away the blood of those executed He then walks past her, oblivious to her anguish, as she scurries terrified out of his way.
What the film makes abundantly clear is that the country is a murderous dictatorship which refuses to tolerate dissent.Our leaders conveniently overlook the truth about the desert kingdom.In Saudi Arabia, even a minor criticism of the regime can result in a lashing or long prison sentence. Beheadings, the film makes clear, are commonplace — so far this year, the country has been executing its people at the rate of almost one a day.
Ferocious moral codes are enforced by the religious police as they patrol the streets and shopping malls.
Blasphemy is punishable by stoning or execution, theft by amputation.
Anyone found guilty of insulting
Islam faces ten years in prison or perhaps 1,
000 lashes.But it also exposes the extremes of wealth and poverty in this oil-rich country.The brutality aside, secret filming in a Saudi mosque shows a preacher spreading grotesque anti-Semitic messages. ‘
The Jews have abused, dictated and contaminated the land,’ he says. ‘So, oh
Allah, stop them and spill on them the whip of torture, don’t let their flag fly high, and make an example of them.’The film reveals how hatred is directed at other religions in Saudi schools. One of the secret cameramen asks a 14-year-old Saudi boy what he is taught at school.
Back comes the reply: ‘
The Christians should be punished with death until there are none left. They should be beheaded.’But schoolchildren are not just taught to direct hatred at Christians and
Jews. One blogger,
Raif Badawi, was convicted of insulting Islam after making public comments about his government and Islam.‘The only way to deal with an unfree world,’ he wrote, ‘is to become so absolutely free that your very existence becomes an act of rebellion.’For comments like this, Badawi, a father of three whose family now live in exile, was sentenced to 1,000 lashes and ten years in jail.The religious police even ban the playing of music in public. The film contains disturbing footage of them smashing a lute which was being played on a beach.
The police ruthlessly enforce their militant version of Islam, known as Wahhabism.The official title of the religious police is the Committee for the
Promotion of
Virtue and the
Prevention of
Vice. Chillingly, only two other movements in the world — the
Taliban in Afghanistan and
Islamic State in Syria and
Iraq — have organizations with the same name.The
Saudi government has always denied that it has any connection either with
Islamic State or with Al Qaeda. This is a documentary that exposes the deep hypocrisy of Saudi Arabia’s relationship with
Britain and the
West.Saudi Arabia the terrorist country along with
Pakistan.All this filthy monsters have cause more misery and bloodshed then all wars combine together.
Stop The Islamization Of the
World!''And the
LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:15
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.''
Genesis 3:14-15''That at the name of
Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth;
11 And [that] every tongue should confess that
Jesus Christ [is]
Lord, to the glory of
God the Father.''
Philippians 2:10-11