Pascaline Crêvecoeur, was born in Brussels on April 30, 1982. She is a French speaking actress for both cinema and theatre.
She graduated from Insas, National Institute of Performing Arts - Brussels/Belgium, in 2007.
Pascal's calculator is a the mechanical calculator that Blaise Pascal invented in the early 17th century. Pascal's invention was called the arithmetic machine, Pascal's calculator, and later the Pascaline. Pascal was led to develop a calculator by the laborious arithmetical calculations required by his father's work as supervisor of taxes in Rouen. He designed the machine to add and subtract two numbers directly and to perform multiplication and division through repeated addition or subtraction.
Pascal designed the machine in 1642. After 50 prototypes, Pascal presented his first machine to the public in 1645. He dedicated it to Pierre Séguier, then chancellor of France. Pascal built around twenty more machines during the next decade, many of which improved on his original design. In 1649, King Louis XIV of France gave Pascal a royal privilege (similar to a patent), which gave him the exclusivity of the design and manufacturing of calculating machines in France.
Nine Pascal calculators, including the first surviving mechanical calculator to from the 17th century. See Competing designs below. Most of them are on display in European museums.