Munro, Buenos Aires
Munro is a quarter of the Vicente López Partido in northern Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina, best known for its jeans and apparel stores and outlets. It is located some 20 km from the downtown of the city.
It is bordered by the towns of Villa Adelina, Carapachay and Martínez on the north; Villa Ballester on the west; Florida in the south; and Olivos to the east. The border streets are Mariano Moreno, Bartolomé Mitre Avenue, Paraná, National Highway 9 (Panamericana), Antonio Malaver, Alexander Fleming, Luis María Drago, Primera Junta, Montes de Oca, Capitán Cajaraville, Juramento, Carlos Calvo, Albarellos, and Belgrano.
There are many sports clubs in Munro such as Unión Vecinal de Fomento Munro (founded on 1922), Olivos Rugby Club (1927), Club Unión de Munro (1946), Club Social y Deportivo Industrial Munro (1947).
Some of Munro's local industries are: Atanor, Fabriloza, Colorín, Virulana, Ripán, Telagoma, Bayer, Gillette and other factories of clothing, lumber, steel, food, etc. In the town were located the Lumiton filming studios (they still exist today as a museum of the movies filmed there).