- published: 28 Aug 2016
- views: 93
Jim is a diminutive form of the forename "James". For individuals named Jim, see articles related to the name Jim.
Tekken Tag Tournament (鉄拳タッグトーナメント, Tekken Taggu Tōnamento) (commonly abbreviated as Tekken Tag and TTT) is the fourth main installment in Namco's Tekken fighting game series. It, however, is not canonical to the Tekken storyline. The game was originally available as an update kit for Tekken 3.
Tekken Tag Tournament was originally released as an arcade game in 1999 before becoming a launch title for the PlayStation 2 in 2000. The arcade version operated similarly, but ran on a 32-bit graphics engine like Tekken 3. It received upgraded graphics when it was ported to the PlayStation 2. Its sequel Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was released in 2012. A remastered version of the game titled Tekken Tag Tournament HD was released for the PlayStation 3 in November 2011, as part of Tekken Hybrid.
Continuing the fighting mechanics from Tekken 3, Tekken Tag Tournament sees players battling in teams of two characters. At any point in the match, the player can hit a tag button to swap out with their other fighter, allowing the resting fighter to recover some lost health. The tag can be implemented in many ways, such as in between combos or utilizing special throws. At times when a resting fighter's is flashing, that character can be tagged in to be given a temporary boost in strength. Unlike other tag games such as Capcom's Vs. series, players are defeated when only one of their fighters lose all of their health, requiring players to be strategic about tagging their fighters. In the event of a timeout, the team with the most accumulative health remaining wins the round.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (鉄拳タッグトーナメント2, Tekken Taggu Tōnamento 2) is the eighth main installment in the Tekken fighting game series, originally released in Japanese arcades on September 14, 2011. It received an update, subtitled Unlimited, on March 27, 2012. A console version based on the update was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in September 2012, accompanied by an extensive promotional campaign. It was also ported to the Wii U as one of the system's launch titles in November 2012, subtitled Wii U Edition.
Like the original Tekken Tag Tournament (1999), the game includes almost every character from past Tekken games, giving it the largest playable roster in a Tekken game to date. Players can choose either a team of two characters on each side or a solo character. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has been positively received by critics, earning averaged review scores in the range of 82-83% at both GameRankings and Metacritic for the PlayStation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360 versions, as well as several fighting game of the year awards.
This video is a walk through of stage 22 of the Mega crab Event! (2017) my troops are maxed out and boosted to the top !! Let's defeat Dr. T Mega evil plan ! NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations. 'Eclipse' by Jim Yosef is out now on our new compilation album NCS: The Best of 2015. Jim Yosef • https://soundcloud.com/jim-yosef • https://www.facebook.com/jimyosefmusic • https://www.youtube.com/user/Jimboows ================================= My recording Gear Hardware: Motorola MOTO G (1st generation) 8Gb model ================================= Special thanks to Motorola for the wonderful devices it has built! I'm only recording with my MotoG and it is just doing great ! I'm able to record 720 Videos at 30 FPS just on 1 Gb of ram! Keep that quality build coming Motorola. NOTE...
X2プレイ動画その17を再プレイ。 ゼロと闘います。 エンディングまで。 ゼロは普通に戦ってもよいのですが、ボス3連続は面倒すぎるのでハメます。 チャージしたソニックスライサーは、シグマから少し離れたところで撃つと2連続でヒットするみたいです。 1発4ダメージ×2なので、8ダメージ。 シグマのライフは32なので、運がよければ4発で倒せます。 シグマウイルスは、 1.ビーム攻撃(初回は左→右) 2.Xに体当たり 3.Xのいる方へ敵を2匹吐き出す 4.Xに体当たり の繰り返し。 2は画面の真ん中あたりで待機。近づきすぎなければぶつからない。 3の敵を吐き出す攻撃は、地面の方に誘導しましょう。 ただし魚は上下移動するので注意。 4の体当たりはシグマを画面中段に誘導し、自分は上段に逃げる。 ライフゲージが邪魔で見えにくいので、ぶつからないように注意。 1のビームは、4の体当たりが終了した時点でシグマが画面左側にいる場合は、左→右にビーム。 画面右側にいる場合は、右→左にビーム。 基本的に回避を優先して、欲張ってたくさん攻撃しない。 シグマウイルスの色はダメージ(チェーンストライク基準)に応じて 00~05 緑 06~09 白っぽい青 10~15 青 16~19 紫 20~23 薄いオレンジ 24~27 赤っぽいオレンジ(25発当てると消えてパターンが変化) 28~32 真っ赤
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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Fight Lab Stage 5 (Rank S) Show your support and ►LIKE◄ the video -- It helps a lot. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Playlist: https://goo.gl/uGPPwd ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe � http://bit.ly/XCVii007r1 Channel: http://www.youtube.com/XCVii007r1 Twitter: http://twitter.com/eksyGAMMA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ I don't have Google+, so I can't reply to comments. If you have a question, contact me via Twitter. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Description: Never underestimate the heart of a champion. The original Tag Team Fighter that started it all is back. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 delivers new and returning characters in the largest roster ever. Experience the most advanced attack mechanics. Ultimate combo move sets and new battle modes with innovative features to broaden Tekken cons...