This is Fort Collins Colorado - This is Tour De Fat ! August 31 2013
Tour De Fat
Hits Fort Collins, Colorado on August 31
Tens of thousands of people join in the fun.
We are already a little crazy here to begin with, then figure the air is thin and the beer is strong it gets a little wild, in a good way.
Tour de Fat is a bicycle
parade and festival sponsored by
New Belgium. The event, which take place annually, includes music, New Belgium beer, new circus- and vaudeville-type acts, bicycle dance troupes, and the main activist spectacle, a giant group bike ride/parade wherein the participants, many costumed fancifully, ride through town. The activist climax of the tour, however, is the bike trade, in which a local participant transfers the keys and title of their motor vehicle to New Belgium in exchange for a new commuter bike and trailer in order to