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Undoing the Aesthetic Image Archive

Notes on the photographic image

Dossier: Undoing the Aesthetic Image
by / RP 156 (Jul/Aug 2009) / Article, Dossier, Undoing the Aesthetic Image

Body without image: Ernesto Neto’s Anti-Leviathan

Dossier: Undoing the Aesthetic Image
by / RP 156 (Jul/Aug 2009) / Article, Dossier, Undoing the Aesthetic Image

[T]he great Leviathan is that one creature in the world which must remain unpainted to the last.

– Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

The IMAGE-grip is dislocated and a more fundamental element emerges … in short, IMAGE is not the work’s supreme motive or unifying end.

– Hélio Oiticica, Block Experiments

In the immense emptiness and sepulchral …

This is not my body

Dossier: Undoing the Aesthetic Image
by / RP 156 (Jul/Aug 2009) / Article, Dossier, Undoing the Aesthetic Image

People exposed, people as extras

Dossier: Undoing the Aesthetic Image
by / RP 156 (Jul/Aug 2009) / Article, Dossier, Undoing the Aesthetic Image

Undoing the aesthetic image

Dossier: Undoing the Aesthetic Image (introduction)
by / RP 156 (Jul/Aug 2009) / Dossier, Undoing the Aesthetic Image