- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 1969
Claudium Virunum was a Roman city in the province of Noricum, on today's Zollfeld in the Austrian State of Carinthia. Virunum may also have been the name of the older Celtic-Roman settlement on the hilltop of Magdalensberg nearby. Virunum (Virunensis) is today a Titular See of the Roman Catholic Church.
Municipium Claudium Virunum, or simply, Virunum, was founded under Emperor Claudius as the capital of the province of Noricum succeeding the town upon the hilltop of Magdalensberg, perhaps also taking its name from that settlement, which is widely believed to have been the royal capital city of the pre-Roman Celtic kingdom of Noricum, a town whose name is, as yet, not known. The new Roman foundation was situated on the main route from the Adriatic to the Danube, with a branch through south eastern Carinthia connecting Virunum with the Amber Road. Established on a flood-proof terrace on the edge of Zollfeld parts of the city stretched as far as Töltschach Hill in the east.
The city had the Latin Right and was the seat of the provincial governor (procurator Augusti provinciae Norici) till the middle of the 2nd century. After the Marcomannic Wars (which the Romans called bellum Germanicum) the administration of the province was moved to Ovilava, today's Upper Austrian town of Wels, but the administration of the province's finances remained in Virunum. When Emperor Diocletian split the large province of Noricum, Virunum became the capital of the province of Noricum mediterraneum.
King Of... was a television comedy talk show made by Big Talk Productions for Channel 4. It was first broadcast on 17 June 2011 and was hosted by Claudia Winkleman. The show featured two celebrity guests per episode and a studio audience. The guests discussed what is the 'king of' various categories.
On 24 June 2011, Channel 4 announced that King Of... was to be cut short due to Winkleman's pregnancy. The final 2 episodes, with Ruby Wax & Johnny Vegas and Billie Piper, were not recorded.
Magdalensberg and Virunum, Carinthia - Austria HD Travel Channel
Caesar IV - Hard - Empire, Mission 2: Virunum
Śladami bursztynowych kupców, die Bernsteinstraße, via Ambra - Virunum
20 Euro 2010 Österreich VIRUNUM Rom an der Donau PP Silber
Viaggio a Cervignano - 5) Le strade romane: Annia, Julia Augusta, Aquileia - Forum Iulii - Virunum
Noriško kraljestvo
Total War: Attila Co-op with King of Pergamon - Visigoths - Ep.#2 - Battle of Virunum, 397 AD
Basilica Costantiniana di Aquileia
Magdalensberg is located northeast of Klagenfurt in Carinthia, Austria. On the south-facing slope there was a late Celtic and early Roman settlement. Since the geographical location of Noreia, the capital of the Celtic Kingdom of Noricum is controversial, a clear assignment is not possible. One gets the best impression of those days during a visit of the Archaeological Park Magdalensberg near Sankt Veit an der Glan. In the city founded by the Romans in the environment of Celtic settlements, many Celtic and Roman finds were unearthed, the evidence of the prosperity of the Noric. A temple district, a Prätorium and a bathing facility were uncovered next to workshops and housing departments. The high craftsmanship and the Roman influence are still recognizable in a copy of the Youth of Magdale...
Virunum Das Municipium Claudium Virunum war eine römische Stadt in der römischen Provinz Noricum auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Zollfelds bei Maria Saal in Kärnten. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Johann Jaritz Lizenz Link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/deed.en Lizenz: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 at (CC BY-SA 3.0 at) Urheber: Johann Jaritz (//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Johann_Jaritz) Johann Jaritz (//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Johann_Jaritz) ✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet ✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA ✪Bild Quelle im Video
Virunum ups the game's challenges considerably, as invasions are organised and in very large numbers, and the amount of prosperity needed is high. You should eventually set up about 4 villas and upgrade them to their max level. This province will need to be solid militarily, so watch the video if you are having problems.
Konnynuacja pieszej eskapady szlakiem bursztynowym www.bursztynowyszlak.com Zbliżam się do miejscowości Maria Saal, i po drodze muszę trochę odsapnąć, fundując sobie lody. I człap. człap, tak jak może nieraz bursztynowi kupcy, docieram do ogromnego tronu książąt Karyntii. I chce to wykrzyczeć dużymi literami: VIRUNUM ! Poprzez Virunum, stolicę prowincji Noricum, odbywała się komunikacja z kolonią kupców rzymskich na Magdalensbergu, oraz z zagłębiem górniczo -- hutniczym Hüttenberg. Uradowana ponad miarę, proszę Pana, ktory przyjechał z synem na motorze, o "pstryknięcie" videa przed tronem. A że źle nastawiłam aparat, wcześniej jest i zdjęcie.
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"Viaggio a Cervignano" è una serie dedicata ai beni culturali e ambientali del comune di Cervignano del Friuli (Ud). Per riscoprire luoghi dalla storia millenaria. Segnalo un video bellissimo curato da "Cinemazero" di Pordenone dedicato all'Amideria Chiozza, che per un attimo appare anche nel mio video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S5zY1UBgx8
NORIŠKO KRALJESTVO Mogočno obzidje, nekoč velikega mesta na Gosposvetskem polju, poznano arheološko najdišče Virunum v vzhodno alpskem prostoru … http://www.gore-ljudje.net/informacije/134200/ … Na predstavitveni tabli ob vstopu v Virunum se seznanimo, da že sam začetek naseljevanja na Štalenski gori seže v trideseta leta pred rojstvom Kristusa. Čas, ko so se tukaj v zaščitni coni in v azilu svetišča naselili italski trgovci. Leto 15 pred Kristusom so Rimljani osvojili Keltsko kraljestvo Norik je postala naselbina pod Štalensko goro prvo glavno mesto province. Na samem temenu gore pa je stal že od daleč vidni tempelj z dvoranami in velikimi zgradbami … http://www.gore-ljudje.net/informacije/134200/ … Arheološki park obsega štiri hektarje in s svojimi ruševinami kaže na bistvena področja ...
King of Pergamon's channel -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEnAeqD7FVpOTr01VsfK14Q King of Pergamon and I move north to deal with the Western Roman Empire, culminating in the Battle of Virunum in 397 AD.
Ricostruzione virtuale della Basilica di Aquileia in epoca costantiniana - realizzata da Altair4 per la Fondazione Aquileia in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del FVG e l'Arcidiocesi di Gorizia e grazie al contributo del Mibac. da http://www.fondazioneaquileia.it/articolo-it-in_mostra_a_milano_la_ricostruzione_virtuale_della_basilica_costantiniana_di_aquileia-164-0-1.html Il video è visualizzabile in alta definizione
An den Ufern des Wörthersees – Pörtschach und Maria Wörth please read more: https://blog.myvideomedia.com On the north shore of the Wörthersee, we drive to Pörtschach. Tourism and orchards characterize the landscape. To the south there is a magnificent view of the Karawanks, a mountain range on the boarder between Austria and Slovenia. The municipality of Maria Wörth is the second most important place of pilgrimage in Carinthia after Maria Saal. Originally located on an island, now on a peninsula, Maria Wörth is one of the most popular destinations on the Wörthersee. The parish and former collegiate church, founded in 870 by ...... Am Nordufer des Wörthersees fahren wir nach Pörtschach. Fremdenverkehr und Obstanbau prägen die Landschaft. Richtung Süden hat man einen herrlichen Blick a...
The Lüner Lake is the highest mountain lake in Vorarlberg, Austria. The Lüner Lake hydroelectric dam was built on the crest of a cliff at the end of the Brandner valley. The reservoir is accessible only via a narrow walkway of or by cable car. This place is a popular starting point for long walks that offer an impressive panorama. ...... please read more: https://blog.myvideomedia.com Der Lünersee ist der höchste Gebirgssee in Vorarlberg, Österreich. Im Brandnertal wurde auf dem Scheitel einer Felswand am Ende des Talgrunds die Lünerseesperre errichtet. Der Speichersee ist nur über einen schmalen Steig, den sogenannten „Bösen Tritt" oder mit der Seilbahn zu erreichen. Auch dieser Ort ist ein beliebter Ausgangspunkt für ausgedehnte Wanderungen. Geboten wird ein beeindruckendes Panora...
The Hofkirche -Court Church -- with the tomb of Maximilian I is in the center of Innsbruck, right on the outskirts of the old town. Emperor Maximilian I. planned his own monuments already in his lifetime. His monument in the court church Innsbruck is one of the most important cultural monuments in Europe. When he died in the town of Wels it was his wish to be buried in Wels. 28 larger than life statues are symbolizing his family, the Christianity and the claim to power on other European royal houses are grouped around the cenotaph in Innsbruck. The monument was planned in competition to pope Julius II. The pope appointed Michelangelo to create a similar building, but at the end Michelangelo had to create the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel. During the completion time of the building in I...
On the western shore of Lake Neusiedl are a number of small towns, such as winches and Purbach which underline the ambiance of its excellent wine with its picturesque Kellergassen, the wine-cellar-lined lanes .The city of Rust is featured in a separate video on this channel. Mörbisch is regarded as the cultural center on Lake Neusiedl. Especially famous are the operetta performances on the floating stage. Equipped with one of the world's most advanced sound systems, including the acoustic method Bregenz directional hearing, it allows the spectator the visual as well as the acoustic localization of the actor. ........... please read more: https://blog.myvideomedia.com Am Westufer des Neusiedlersees liegen eine Reihe kleiner Ortschaften, wie Winden und Purbach, die mit ihren malerischen Ke...
La Tenuta Montemagno è il luogo ideale per soggiorni dedicati a eventi business e non solo. Le sue vigne, la cantina, le camere e i salotti: nulla è lasciato al caso. Ogni particolare è curato nel rispetto dell'arte di ospitare e del buon vivere, per donare al visitatore un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile. Tutto questo prende il nome di Tenuta Montemagno: un luogo creato seguendo un valore semplice ma spesso inafferrabile. Quello della bellezza.
This is part of a series, Planet Terra, which when licensed allows you to add your own custom narration to meet you specific marketing needs. Contact us at TravelVideoStore.com for more details about licensing this episode or any of the 365 other episodes to destinations around the world.
Burg Forchtenstein please read more: https://blog.myvdeomedia.com Forchtenstein Castle is one of ........ Burg Forchtenstein ist eine der .........
Visitors, who come the first time to the wooded hills of St. Peter in Wood, a few kilometers west of Spital at the Drava in Austria, would not suspect that people settled here already in the urnfield culture here. Later, the Celts and the Romans built one of the largest cities of Noricum, Teurnia with about 30,000 inhabitants. Already in the 4th century the inhabitants were Christians. Presumably Teurnia was a Metropolitan seat, the seat of the Archbishop of inland Noricum. In the 6th century, Bishop Leonianus of Teurnia belonged to the schismatics which did not appreciate the papacy. The three-nave Episcopal Church is now roofed and open to the public. The connected hospice is covered again with soil. Here are the roots of Christianity in Austria. The nearby modern museum displays many fi...
Lockenhaus Castle is located in Burgenland in Austria. The very interesting castle was once in the possession of the Esterházy family. Since 1968, it belongs to the family of Prof. Paul Anton Keller who has invested millions in the restoration of the castle. He has developed the castle into an event and congress center. Professor Keller has also invested a lot of the time and money in the research of the Knights Templar. An exhibition about the Knights Templar should demonstrate the legend, that the castle was once an Order Castle of the Knights Templar, of which there are quite some indications. It has been proven that the castle served temporarily as residence for the Hungarian Slovakian countess Erzsébet Báthory, the worst female serial killer of the history. ...... please read more: h...
SEE MY MOTORHOME GROUP ON FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/motorhomefulltime I continue on the Austrian B69, which is a favourite road for bikers, occasionally getting the chance to admire the wonderful views of the Karawanken mountain range in Austria and Slovenia before continuing up the mountain. En route I stopped at a bikers bar but unable to see anything to film because of the tree cover I continue northwards. As you can see in this film, getting down the mountain is much quicker than getting up in a camper van! The GPS co-ordinates I have given on the map on you tube are correct. Magdalensburg is a community of around forty mountain villages. It's name comes from the mountain which once held a settlement, possibly the the royal capital of the Celtic kingdom of Noricum. The ...