One Missed Call (着信アリ, Chakushin ari) is a 2003 Japanese horror film directed by Takashi Miike and written by Minako Daira. The film is based on the novel Chakushin Ari by Yasushi Akimoto. The plot revolves around Yumi Nakamura, a young psychology student whose friend Yoko gets a strange voice message on her cell phone. The message is dated two days in the future and Yoko can hear herself screaming in it. After Yoko mysteriously dies, her death sets off a chain of events which leads Yumi to discover that this phenomenon has been occurring throughout Japan long before Yoko received an alarming call from her future self. When Yumi receives a call with the date and time of her death, she struggles to save herself and learn the identity of the mastermind behind the calls.
In 2008, it was remade in the US as One Missed Call.
College student Yoko Okazaki receives a phone call accompanied by an eerie, unusual ringtone, which goes to voicemail. The call is from Yoko's own number, dated two days to the future. Yoko and her friend Yumi Nakamura listen to the voicemail, hearing Yoko's voice chatting casually, followed by a horrendous scream and then dead silence. Two days later, Yoko calls Yumi that night to discuss shopping plans. Yumi realizes that Yoko is on the exact routine as the voicemail they'd heard before, but can only hear Yoko screaming after she is violently dragged off onto a speeding commuter train, which kills her. Her head then vomits a red candy upon death as her detached hand, still clutching her phone, calls a number. Several days later, Yoko's boyfriend, Kenji Kawai, reveals to Yumi that he had also received a voicemail accompanied by the same ringtone as Yoko's right after her death. Yumi then watches as Kenji is pulled into an empty elevator shaft to his death. He also spits out a red candy and calls a number, like Yoko.
Beneath the northern lights we ride
The dark lord will guide us
Torches held high
We will kill everything living
There's nowhere to run
The smell of death filling the air harvest begun
Of death
On a quest
We are obsessed
Of death
We are
Obsessed with death
Blood is raining from the skies
Red painted corpses the dead will arise
Infected with hatred and strength: some in denial
The smell of death fills the air: slay your ritual
Of death
On a quest
We are obsessed
Of death
We are
Obsessed with death
Beneath the northern lights we ride
The oceans have frozen, nothing alive
We will forever patrol, we won't rest
We are the legions of death on our quest
Of death
On a quest
We are obsessed
Of death
We are