Famous quotes by Katherine Paterson:
"To fear is one thing. To let fear grab you by the tail and swing you around is another."
"A great novel is a kind of conversion experience. We come away from it changed."
"Thus, in a real sense, I am constantly writing autobiography, but I have to turn it into fiction in order to give it credibility."
"Youth is a mortal wound."
"The name we give to something shapes our attitude toward it."
"[In an atmosphere of liberty, one is as free to not open a book as to open it. Although simple in concept, that is not necessarily an easy condition to maintain.] All of us can think of a book that we hope none of our children or any other children have taken off the shelf, ... But if I have the right to remove that book from the shelf -- that work I abhor -- then you also have exactly the same right and so does everyone else. And then we have no books left on the shelf for any of us."
"All of us can think of a book that we hope none of our children or any other children have taken off the shelf. But if I have the right to remove that book from the shelf -- that work I abhor -- then you also have exactly the same right and so does everyone else. And then we have no books left on the shelf for any of us."
"It's very hard to believe."
"It was a wonderful way to be awakened."
"Youth is a mortal wound"