The abandoned Elks Lodge in Ossining
Here we are in Ossining at the corner of
Main Street and
State Street, where we see the old Ossining
Elks Lodge as it sits, decrepit and abandoned. As far as I know, the building has been empty since around
2005. We start with the outside, looking at the nice blue paint that adorns this nice
Victorian style building. We then walk up the steps and take note of the
BPOE 1486 tiles on the front stoop. From there, we enter the building. On the first floor, we see one of the side rooms, the bar lounge, which has been completely obliterated with broken mirrors and a chopped up bar. We then walk into the old dance hall and notice the old wall tablets while trying to avoid the wood floor, which has become severely buckled. The last thing we see on the first floor is the kitchen area. We th