Support One People's Project!

$3,376 of $5,000 goal

Raised by 49 people in 29 months
Daryle Lamont Jenkins  PHILADELPHIA, PA
As we enter our 15th year, One People's Project sees the role we play in reporting on hate activities expanding and keeping us very busy.

Over this past summer, we have taken on clandestine Klan rallies, wives of prominent neo-Nazis running for judgeships, and bands with neo-Nazi connections trying to put on concerts. We have also seen the immigration issue heat up and a small town in Missouri become the flashpoint of unrest because of the killing of yet another African American in the name of law enforcement.

And that was JUST the summer!

We have always been a well-grounded organization because we all have day jobs and our members are a part of the communities they live in. But each and every day we have seen the need to do this work well beyond the parameters we have maintained for this long. Earlier this year we announced our plans to build a research library and archival (, but that has hit a rough patch due to our fiscal sponsor closing down earlier this year, resulting in our inability to receive tax-deductable donations. In addition, we still have to continue our work reporting on the issues and concerns that we face with right-wing groups and individuals. Expanding that will also require resources.

One People's Project has established itself as a go-to source of information on issues pertaining to the right, particularly the racist right, but as we have no corporate sponsors and depend on the support of individual readers who share our goal of building a better society free of the hate politics we have dealt with for generations, we are asking for your help to start structuring our organization to be more viable and efficient. We are looking to raise only $5,000 or more at this time to put us in that position. With that, we will become a full-on non profit organization and we can return to efforts to establish our library. We will also be able to not only send more reporters out into the field but also host and participate in events that will promote the unity we champion. Those who wish to keep their donation private, including your name, comment and/or Facebook photo from others visitor and search engines, simply click the ‘Private’ checkbox during the donation process.

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Update 9
Posted by Daryle Jenkins
1 month ago
I am sure you know by now about the White Supremacist conference that was held in Washington, DC only mere blocks away from the White House. It was organized by a group called the National Policy Institute led by a 30-something Neanderthal named Richard Spencer, a guy who has spent more than enough time rubbing elbows with conservative elites within the Beltway over the past decade.
What has unnerved people more than anything is the image of attendees in the conference giving the Nazi salute as Spencer bellow out a speech declaring America a White nation and cheering the election of Donald Trump with these words:
"Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!"
Today, people are realizing what kind of threat these people pose. Politicians, pundits and media outlets are all trying to learn who they are, what they are about and where do we go from here. And truth be told, I am glad that they are finally coming around to taking this seriously. Because we have been on top of this for well over a decade, and long before they started to adopt cutesy terms to describe themselves like “alt-right”, we were telling people exactly who they were and how to fight back – at a time when they didn’t want anyone to pay attention to them.
White Supremacists like this thrived from a rather antiquated notion among some that if you ignore them they would go away. In truth, ignoring them is what they wanted. That way they would be able to work in stealth without anyone who would otherwise stop them in their tracks from causing them any problems. But when you have an organization like One People’s Project recording their every move, reporting on all the key players and basically shining a light on them when they thrive in darkness, that complicates things. And complicate things we did.
We called such attention to conferences sponsored the White Supremacist publication American Renaissance that venues in Washington, DC and Charlotte, NC shut their doors to them, forcing them to retreat to a Tennessee state park just outside Nashville to hold their events, where they have held them for the past five years.
We exposed the connections that conservative propagandist James O’Keefe and his onetime employer Andrew Breitbart had to the neo-Fascist right, years before Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon became the topic of controversy because of those ties his media outlet had and the positions he routinely taken.
We sounded the alarm against Richard Spencer and the National Policy Institute for years, all the while being told that they were irrelevant and should be ignored. Because of that, we ended up being the go to source of information about who and what makes up what is called the “alt-right”.
Our work is not done. It is very far from being done, especially now. There are new people coming to the forefront, and the ones that have been around for some time have been emboldened. Ironically, that in many ways makes it easier to expose them. They tend to forget that regardless of how much they rise, we are still a society that has rejected it to the point where it is unacceptable in one that considers itself free. And we will fight it until that element is diminished. Significantly.
We need your help. Many have donated to us over these past few months and we are very grateful, but we must ask to continue that support. We are going around the country teaching everyone how to deal with this threat and we are working on our online presence to make sure that the information we provide is easily accessible and updated. We are also doing more outreach with future events and conference workshops in an effort to encourage others to get on board with us. None of that is possible without the much-needed support you provide.
Will you be able to chip in $5 or more to help us continue our work? I can assure you, the return on whatever you give will be immeasurable!
Again, I would like to thank for all the support that everyone has given and we will always remain committed to this fight. We will most certainly keep the pressure on!
Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Executive Director, One People’s Project
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Update 8
Posted by Daryle Jenkins
2 months ago
You see all the people in the streets after Donald Trump won the election? From New York to Oakland, they are marching and protesting the results that they never thought they will see. And rest assured, they will be out there for the next four to eight years, depending on how long it takes to keep what they hold dear from going sideways. You want to talk about how Trump supporters were angry and fed up? They will show you what fed up looks like.
I am writing this on Nov. 10, and 78 years ago today Kristallnacht was happening. That’s when Nazi Germany launched a pogrom against its Jewish citizens, smashing the windows of their stores, homes and synagogues. Many people killed, many more arrested and thrown into concentration camps. Yesterday, the day after the election and the day Kristallnacht started, there were reports of an abandoned storefront in South Philly tagged with a swastika and the words “Sieg Heil 2016” and the name Trump with the swastika used for the T.
The Nazis are feeling their oats now. They think that a Trump presidency will advance their long held goals. David Duke made no bones about it as he celebrated Trump’s election in a tweet saying, "It's time to do the right thing, it's time to TAKE AMERICA BACK!!!"
But if the Nazis think they are going to make moves, they still have us to deal with. And they don’t score too many points in that area. When the Nazis make moves, we will move on them. All of us will handle them whether they are trying to make those moves in boardrooms or on the streets, and they will have the fight of their lives on their hands – that they will most certainly lose.
As for One People’s Project, we will help guide all those fights along. We will let people know who the problem people are and where there is work to be done. That doesn’t stop. Ever. But we need help doing it. If you spare a donation to help us keep our work going, it will be greatly appreciated.
We will get through this, and with ease. It will be ugly, we won’t come through unscathed, but we will come through on the other side, and we just will just simply work to clean up the mess. Donald Trump is not the first fascist entertainer with a weird hairdo that made it to the White House, and just like with Ronald Reagan nothing they do will be sustained. Bet on that.
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Update 7
Posted by Daryle Jenkins
4 months ago
Hey all. It's been a while since I posted here, but as folks might guess there's been a bit of activity over the past few days, let alone weeks. Because of my appearance on both the Rachel Maddow Show and AM Joy with Joy Reid, both on MSNBC, our profile has been elevated significantly, and people have come forward stepping up to help. I cannot be more grateful to everyone over the past few days that have come here to donate or just given us well wishes. The best part about it is how many people have hit us up on Facebook, Twitter by phone, and regular email and made supportive comments, while the hatemongers who routinely run off at the face about us are curiously silent. That's how this is supposed to work!

And we will be using the funds to start working on long ignored projects that we have. Please, keep donating! One People's Project will do you proud and you will most certainly see the results!

Daryle Lamont Jenkins
One People's Project/Idavox

Rachel Maddow appearence from 8/25/2016
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Update 6
Posted by Daryle Jenkins
14 months ago
A lot of things have been going on with us since our last update, and we will get you up to date this afternoon , but right now we wanted to let everyone know to check out today's Daily Beast article on Daryle Lamont Jenkins and One People's Project!
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$3,376 of $5,000 goal

Raised by 49 people in 29 months
Created August 30, 2014
Daryle Lamont Jenkins  
Geoffrey Gilg
9 days ago
Carrie Ross
1 month ago
Scott Downie
1 month ago
Emily Giarrano
1 month ago
Howard Buss
1 month ago
Nicole Wines
1 month ago
Kris Jones
1 month ago
Cam Smith
1 month ago
Staci Berger
1 month ago
Donna Olson
1 month ago
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