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Contributor Archive: Philip Derbyshire

191 Reviews

by , , , , , and / RP 191 (May/Jun 2015) / Reviews

Alejandro Arturo Villega, Latin American Philosophy from Identity to Radical ExteriorityPhilip Derbyshire

Banu Bargu, Starve and Immolate: The Politics of Human WeaponsLauren Wilcox

Giorgio Agamben and Monica Ferrando, The Unspeakable GirlHoward Eiland

Alexei Gan, ConstructivismOwen Hatherley

Jon Ippolito and Richard Rinehart, Re-collection: Art, New Media and Social MemoryPeter Cornwell

Mayanthi L. Fernando, The Republic Unsettled: …

Ariel on the border

by / RP 191 (May/Jun 2015) / Review

Alejandro Arturo Villega, Latin American Philosophy from Identity to Radical Exteriority, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianopolis, 2014. 284 pp., £62.00 hb., £22.99 pb., 978 0 25301 248 7 hb., 978 0 25301 257 9 pb.

Alejandro Villega’s new book is a philosophical interpretation of the philosophy emerging from Latin America since the early nineteenth …

189 Reviews

by , , , , , , and / RP 189 (Jan/Feb 2015) / Reviews

Pier Paolo Pasolini, St Paul: A Screenplay

Howard Caygill

Hanns Eisler in Conversation with Hans Bunge, Brecht, Music and Culture

Todd Cronan

Walter Benjamin, Radio Benjamin

Sam Dolbear

Barbara Cassin, Sophistical Practice: Toward a Consistent Relativism

Paul Earlie

Mark Neocleous, War Power, Police Power

Philip Derbyshire

Leela Gandhi, The Common Cause: Postcolonial Ethics and the Practice of Democracy

Nardina Kaur

Peter …

177 Reviews

Books Reviewed:

Tiqqun, Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl

Bruno Bosteels, Marx and Freud in Latin America: Politics, Psychoanalysis and Religion in Times of Terror

Eden Medina, Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende's Chile

Catherine Malabou, The New Wounded: From Neurosis to Brain Damage

Catherine Malabou, Ontology of the Accident: An Essay on Destructive Plasticity

Frank Ruda, Hegel's Rabble: An Investigation into Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right'

Kari Weil, Thinking Animals: Why Animal Studies Now?

Samantha Hum, Humans and Other Animals: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Human-Animal Interactions

Albert Atkin, The Philosophy of Race

George Yancy, Look, a White! Philosophical Essays on Whiteness

Ash Amin, Land of Strangers

Lisa Siraganian, Modernism's Other Work: The Art Object's Political Life

Alex Loftus, Everyday Environmentalism: Creating an Urban Political Ecology

by , , , , , , , , and / RP 177 (Jan/Feb 2013) / Reviews


by / RP 177 (Jan/Feb 2013) / Review

Bruno Bosteels, Marx and Freud in Latin America: Politics, Psychoanalysis and Religion in Times of Terror, Verso, London and New York, 2012. 326 pp., £19.99 pb., 978 1 84467 755 9.

Bruno Bosteels is probably best known to readers of Radical Philosophy as translator of and commentator on the work of Alain Badiou

169 Reviews

Books Reviewed:

Djurdja Bartlett, FashionEast: The Spectre That Haunted Socialism

Jon Beasley-Murray Posthegemony: Political Theory and Latin America

Richard Immerman, Empire for Liberty: A History of American Imperialism from Benjamin Franklin to Paul Wolfowitz

Jacob Rogozinski, The Ego and the Flesh: An Introduction to Egoanalysis

Paul Virilio, The Futurism of the Instant: Stop-Eject

Dave Eggers, Zeitoun

Turbulence, What Would It Mean to Win?
Team Colours, Uses of a Whirlwind: Movement, Movements, and Contemporary Radical Currents in the United States

The Occupation Cookbook, or, the Model of the Occupation of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb
by , , , , , , and / RP 169 (Sep/Oct 2011) / Reviews

Romanticism of the Multitude

by / RP 169 (Sep/Oct 2011) / Review

Jon Beasley-Murray, Posthegemony: Political Theory and Latin America, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2011. 376 pp., £56.00 hb., £15.50 pb., 978 0 81664 714 9 hb., 978 0 81664 715 6 pb.

Philip Derbyshire

Posthegemony is an ambitious and often pugnacious project, which, as its title indicates, seeks to go beyond …

Andeanizing philosophy

Rodolfo Kusch and indigenous thought
by / RP 163 (Sep/Oct 2010) / Article

The belated English translation of Rodolfo Kusch’s Indigenous and Popular Thinking in América (originally published in Spanish in 1970)* introduces this Argentine author to an English-speaking audience for the first time. What makes his work interesting is that it takes indigenous thinking seriously as philosophy – that is, as a contribution …

Who was Oscar Masotta?

Psychoanalysis in Argentina
by / RP 158 (Nov/Dec 2009) / Article

As Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s sardonic detective Pepe Carvalho ruefully observed, in a dictionary of Argentine clichés, psychoanalysis would have a crucial place, along with ‘tango and the disappeared’.1 ‘One’ knows that along with Paris, Buenos Aires is one of the centres of psychoanalytic practice, and one of the leading training centres …

153 Reviews

by , , , , , and / RP 153 (Jan/Feb 2009) / Reviews

Michel Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978–1979 Mark Kelly

Lin Ma, Heidegger on East–West Dialogue: Anticipating the Event Andrew McGettigan

Samuel Weber, Benjamin’s -abilities Matthew Charles

Pier Vittorio Aureli, The Project of Autonomy: Politics and Architecture within and against Capitalism Douglas Spencer

Mastaneh Shah-Shuja, Zones of Proletarian Development John …

148 Reviews

by , , , and / RP 148 (Mar/Apr 2008) / Reviews

Gerald Raunig, Art and Revolution: Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century Stephen Zepke

Yannis Stavrakakis, The Lacanian Left Philip Derbyshire

Christine Battersby, The Sublime, Terror and Human Difference Kimberly Hutchings

Jacques Bidet, Exploring Marx’s ‘Capital’: Philosophical, Economic and Political Dimensions John Milios

John Rawls, Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy Sean Sayers

139 Reviews

by , , , and / RP 139 (Sep/Oct 2006) / Reviews

Wendy Brown, Edgework: Critical Essays on Knowledge and Politics Alessandra Tanesini

Ian James, The Fragmentary Demand: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy Peter Hallward

Lars Tønder and Lasse Thomassen, eds, Radical Democracy: Politics between Abundance and Lack Darrow Schecter, Beyond Hegemony: Towards a New Philosophy of Political Legitimacy Jon Beasley-Murray

Werner Bonefeld and …

135 Reviews

by , , , , , , and / RP 135 (Jan/Feb 2006) / Reviews

Ellie Ragland and Dragan Milovanovic, eds, Lacan: Topologically Speaking Philip Derbyshire

Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, Briefweschsel, Band 2, 1938–1944 Roger Behrens

Jack Reynolds, Merleau-Ponty and Derrida: Intertwining Embodiment and Alterity Howard Feather

Chris Lawn, Wittgenstein and Gadamer: Towards a Post-Analytic Philosophy of Language Alessandra Tanesini

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works, Volume …

132 Reviews

by , , , , , , and / RP 132 (Jul/Aug 2005) / Reviews

Jean-Jacques Lecercle and Denise Riley, The Force of Language Carol Sanders, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Saussure Ken Hirschkop

Catherine Malabou, The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality, Dialectic Kimberley Hutchings

Jean-Pierre Changeux, The Physiology of Truth: Neuroscience and HumanKnowledge Ray Brassier

Martin Jay, Songs of Experience: Modern American and European Variations on a Universal Theme

128 Reviews

by , , , , , , , and / RP 128 (Nov/Dec 2004) / Reviews

Claudine Frank, ed., The Edge of Surrealism: A Roger Caillois Reader David Macey

Judith Norman and Alexander Welchman, eds, The New Schelling Andrew Bowie

Pheng Cheah, Spectral Nationality: Passages of Freedom from Kant to Postcolonial Literatures of Liberation John Kraniauskas

Ben Watson, Derek Bailey and the Story of Free Improvisation David Cunningham

Judith Butler, Precarious …

126 Reviews

by , , , , , , and / RP 126 (Jul/Aug 2004) / Reviews

Charles Taylor, Modern Social Imaginaries Ted Honderich, Terrorism for Humanity: Inquiries in Political Philosophy Monica Mookherjee

Masao Miyoshi and H.D. Harootunian, eds, Learning Places:The Afterlives of Area Studies Françoise Vergès

Alain Badiou, On Beckett David Cunningham

Henri Lefebvre, Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life Stuart Elden, Understanding Henri Lefebvre: Theory and the Possible Andrew Aitken

123 Reviews

by , , , , , and / RP 123 (Jan/Feb 2004) / Reviews

Eduardo Mendieta, ed., Latin American Philosophy: Currents, Issues, Debates Eugene Gogol, The Concept of Other in Latin American Liberation: Fusing Emancipatory Philosophic Thought and Social Revolt Fidel Castro, On Imperialist Globalization: Two Speeches Jon Beasley-Murray

Stathis Kouvelakis, Philosophy and Revolution: From Kant to Marx Joseph McCarney

Henri Lefebvre, The Urban Revolution David Cunningham

Ranjana Khanna, …

121 Reviews

by , , , , and / RP 121 (Sep/Oct 2003) / Reviews

Jacques Derrida, Without Alibi Philip Derbyshire

Bernard Williams, Truth and Truthfulness: An Essay in Genealogy Alessandra Tanesini

Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Deleuze and Language Alberto Toscano

Dieter Freundlieb, Dieter Henrich and Contemporary Philosophy:The Return to Subjectivity Stewart Martin

Timothy Bewes, Reification, or the Anxiety of Late Capitalism Timothy Hall

Manuel DeLanda, Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy Andrew …

113 Reviews

by , , , , and / RP 113 (May/Jun 2002) / Reviews

Rudi Visker, Truth and Singularity: Taking Foucault into Phenomenology Stella Sandford

Gary Gutting, French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century Jason Barker, Alain Badiou: A Critical Introduction Alberto Toscano

Anselm Jappe, Guy Debord Andrew Hussey, The Game of War: The Life and Death of Guy Debord Esther Leslie

Sanford Kwinter, Architectures of Time: Towards a Theory …

Homosexual politics in the wake of AIDS

by / RP 109 (Sep/Oct 2001) / Article