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Ernst Cassirer

by / RP 012 (Winter 1975) / Extras

Seeds of Freedom

Feyerabend's Fairytales
by / RP 012 (Winter 1975) / Extras

11 Letter Page

by , and / RP 011 (Summer 1975) / Extras

Notes: Radical Linguistics

by / RP 011 (Summer 1975) / Extras

Peter Rabbit and the Grundrisse

by and / RP 011 (Summer 1975) / Extras

10 Letters Page

by , and / RP 010 (Spring 1975) / Extras

Old and New Left

by / RP 010 (Spring 1975) / Extras

Rancière and Althusser

by / RP 010 (Spring 1975) / Extras

Rancière’s critique of Althusser and Ted Benton’s comments (RP 7 and RP 9 respectively) raise fundamental problems about the nature of theoretical debate in addition to fundamental problems at the level of theory itself. I take Benton to be presenting a defence of a more or less orthodox Althusserian position and the following points …

Discussion: Wittgenstein’s Conservatism

by / RP 010 (Spring 1975) / Extras

Liberals, fanatics and moral philosophers

Aspects of R. M. Hare's 'Freedom and Reason'
by / RP 010 (Spring 1975) / Extras

Reductionism and the ‘Uniqueness of Man’

by / RP 010 (Spring 1975) / Extras

Notes: the inheritance of intelligence and ideology

by / RP 009 (Winter 1974) / Extras

Discussion: Rancière and Ideology

by / RP 009 (Winter 1974) / Extras

The article by Jacques Rancière, ‘On the Theoryof Ideology’ (Radical Philosophy 7) is one of the most powerful critiques of Althusser’s work so far to have been produced from the left. Given the wide reception that Althusser’s work is nowreceiving in Britain it is vital that the issues which Ranciere raises are thoroughly …

Putting Morality in its Place

by / RP 008 (Summer 1974) / Extras

Ordinary Language Philosophy and Radical Philosophy

by and / RP 008 (Summer 1974) / Extras

7 Letters Page

by and / RP 007 (Spring 1974) / Extras

Discussion: Leninism versus proletarian self-emancipation; Laing’s social philosophy; The Trivialily of Althusser

by , and / RP 007 (Spring 1974) / Extras

The Huntingdon File

by / RP 007 (Spring 1974) / Extras

On Cohen’s Response to ‘Reason and Violence’

by / RP 006 (Winter 1973) / Extras

A Note on R. S. Peters

by / RP 005 (Summer 1973) / Extras