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Extras Archive

The task of the translator

by / RP 082 (Mar/Apr 1997) / Extras

Architecture or art? (Response to Leslie); War between philosophy and art (Response to Bernstein); Frank significance (Response to Orozco)

by , , and / RP 080 (Nov/Dec 1996) / Extras

Response to Gadamer Interview

by / RP 072 (Jul/Aug 1995) / Extras

Response to Sayers

by / RP 065 (Autumn 1993) / Extras

Reply to Suchting on Bhaskar

by / RP 063 (Spring 1993) / Extras

Reason Without Emotion

by / RP 061 (Summer 1992) / Extras

Letters: Response to Archard; Response to Elliott

by , and / RP 058 (Summer 1991) / Extras

Response to Soper; Response to Plant

by , and / RP 057 (Spring 1991) / Extras

A’ Level Philosophy; The Church Is In Danger

by , , , , , , and / RP 054 (Spring 1990) / Extras

Sex/Gender Distinction: A Reply to Plumwood

by and / RP 053 (Autumn 1989) / Extras

50 Letters

by and / RP 050 (Autumn 1988) / Extras

Philosophy in Hackney

by / RP 050 (Autumn 1988) / Extras

Response to Birchall; Response to Sayers’ The Need to Work, with Reply by Sayers

by , and / RP 047 (Autumn 1987) / Extras

Response to Archard’s Review of Sartre’s Freud Scenario

by / RP 046 (Summer 1987) / Extras

Teaching ‘A’ Level Philosophy; Ecology: The Subversive Science; American Philosophy

by , and / RP 042 (Winter/Spring 1986) / Extras

Letters on Strawbridge and Althusser

by and / RP 041 (Autumn 1985) / Extras

A Note on ‘Orthodox Linguistics’; Language and Linguistics: Reply to Bob Borsely and Deborah Cameron; Reply to Arthur

by , , and / RP 040 (Summer 1985) / Extras

Letter on Julius Tomlin

by / RP 039 (Spring 1985) / Extras

The Sceptical Feminist’; A Lacanian Psychoanalyst’s Comment on John Bird

by and / RP 034 (Summer 1983) / Extras

Heidegger Against Nazism

by / RP 033 (Spring 1983) / Extras