

Why Melbourne needs the North East Link road

Perhaps I'll be retired and long given up driving before it ever happens – and those events are decades away – so this is a call for our political leaders to build a new road that Melbourne desperately needs before I need a walking stick.

Melbourne needs the North East Link, a proposed road to connect the Metropolitan Ring Road in the north with the Eastern Freeway or EastLink in the east.

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Coalition flags North East Link project

Funding for the North East Link project to connect Greensborough with the EastLink would be an "absolute guarantee", says opposition leader Matthew Guy. As reported in April 2016. Courtesy ABC News.

And it needs it more than some other major transport projects that have been suggested over the years, like a railway line to Doncaster. Although in a perfect world the Doncaster railway line would be built too. In fact, it should have already been built, in an earlier era when infrastructure was cheaper, governments were more willing to spend money on railways and before we became so reliant on cars.

But I suspect that today the North East Link would benefit more people, more often, than a Doncaster rail line.

The intersection of Rosanna Road and Burgundy Street, Heidelberg.
The intersection of Rosanna Road and Burgundy Street, Heidelberg. Photo: Justin McManus

It was such a dull federal election campaign that you may not have heard it, but both federal Labor and the federal Coalition each pledged $5 million towards feasibility studies on the proposed road. It was surely no coincidence, as Labor's Jenny Macklin announced the Labor funding on the same day that Kevin Andrews did for the Coalition, in late June.

Melbourne needs the North East Link because it would improve people's lives, cut commute times, improve freight movements and ease congestion on clogged suburban roads.


It needs it because of the city's population growth, rapid traffic growth, clogged nature of other major arteries like the Monash Freeway, and the serious threats of accidents in Rosanna Road and other roads in the inner-north east as thousands of cars and trucks head north to the Metropolitan Ring Road on roads that don't really cope with B-doubles and other huge trucks.

Rosanna Road is not a wide road and has many traffic lights, runs right past the southern end of Heidelberg's main shopping strip, has a 60-kilometre speed limit and yet it carries B-double trucks, which can weigh more than 60 tonnes – right next to footpaths that children walk on.

So let's not wait for a horrifying crash in which pedestrians are badly hurt, or worse, before urging politicians to act.

Rosanna Road is one of the main north-south routes for trucks travelling from the Eastern Freeway to the Metropolitan Ring Road – and it's inadequate for such a purpose.

Melbourne needs this link because of the location of the wholesale fruit and vegetable market, in Epping, which means trucks travelling to it from the south-eastern suburbs and Gippsland have to travel along the Monash Freeway, CityLink, Westgate Freeway, Bolte Bridge (part of CityLink), CityLink, Tullamarine Freeway, Western Ring Road and Hume Freeway just to get to it – if they want to avoid traffic lights, speed-limit changes, repeated gear changes and regular stopping.

It's an indirect route that increases traffic in and around inner-Melbourne, puts more large trucks in the same lane as smaller cars and keeps the CityLink cash registers ringing with healthy toll revenue as some truck drivers feel the alternative is not feasible. It's a path to the north that many trucks use, and yet it's one that actually takes them around the western edge of Melbourne's CBD.

Investing in public transport is great, but transport operators cannot ship bulk loads of fruit and vegetables from the wholesale market to shops throughout Victoria on metropolitan trains.

Melbourne also needs it in the wake of the questionable move by the Andrews government to axe the East West Link. The proposed road project cost the state more than $1.1 billion according to an Auditor-General's report, including big compensation costs, even though not a single metre of bitumen was laid. The axed project's cost "will be partially offset by future proceeds" earned from the sale of properties acquired for the project, the report added.

Nevertheless, the state needs to build major infrastructure projects, not baulk at them and blow valuable taxpayer dollars in the process.

The city also needs much better links to Melbourne Airport that benefit Melbourne residents, tourist operators and visitors.

Think of it this way: about an hour and a half east of the CBD lie some of the state's best tourism drawcards, such as the Healesville Sanctuary and Yarra Valley wineries.

But when a bus driver transporting international and domestic tourists departs Melbourne Airport en route to the Yarra Valley, which route do they choose?

They could travel down the Tullamarine Freeway, then CityLink and then snake their way along Elliott Avenue, Macarthur Road – including the single-lane section each way near the Melbourne Zoo – Cemetery Road West, Cemetery Road East past the Melbourne General Cemetery, down Princes Street and Alexandra Parade, before reaching the Eastern Freeway.

Alternatively, they could take the Tullamarine Freeway, CityLink, the Monash Freeway towards the south-east but in the wrong direction, until they reach the interchange with EastLink where they could turn left, head north up EastLink until Canterbury Road in Ringwood, where they could turn right and head east. There is no direct route available.

While the North East Link would deliver enormous benefits to residents of some northern suburbs getting inundated with huge traffic volumes, it would make such a difference to the road system that it would benefit people throughout the city and state.

Although it dumped East West Link, at least the Andrews government has shown a willingness to back other major projects, such as Melbourne Metro rail and Western Distributor road projects.

It now needs to make the North East Link one of its next major projects.

Darren Gray is a staff writer.