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Posts tagged ‘politics’

A differing shade of green

by / RP 179 (May/Jun 2013) / Review

Adrian Parr, The Wrath of Capital: Neoliberalism and Climate Change Politics, Columbia University Press, New York, 2013. 224 pp., £20.50 hb., 978 0 23115 828 2.

This book is a welcome addition to the spate of recent books on the ecological and resource calamities currently facing the planet. Unlike so many others – one …

The poetry and prose of the Russian elections

by / RP 173 (May/Jun 2012) / Commentary

Between 10 December 2011, the day of the first mass protest against fraud in the recently held Russian parliamentary elections, and 4 March 2012, the day of the presidential vote, Moscow was a transformed place. The suffocating atmosphere of Putin’s rule was disturbed as if by a sudden breath of fresh air. People …


WikiLeaks and the Assange papers
by / RP 166 (Mar/Apr 2011) / Commentary

Years ago, Julian Assange considered solutions for an unusual problem, the kind of thing cryptographers discuss: how can you make sure a message only becomes readable at a certain time, not before, such that no human frailty or mechanical error interferes with the schedule? He came up with three answers, which display his knack for …

Theatre and the public

Badiou, Rancière, Virno
by / RP 157 (Sep/Oct 2009) / Article

Gramsci and the political

From the state as ‘metaphysical event’ to hegemony as ‘philosophical fact’
by / RP 153 (Jan/Feb 2009) / Article

Exile, war and democracy

An exemplary sequence
by / RP 152 (Nov/Dec 2008) / Article

The question we want to pose is this: how do we open up a field of democratic politics as we emerge from terror and war?

In my exposition I will start where the previous speaker, Feinemann,1 left off as he endorsed the categories that Peron had taken from Clausewitz to move from the discussion of …

Counterterrorism legislation and the US state form

Authoritarian statism, phase 3
by / RP 151 (Sep/Oct 2008) / Article

Whatever happened to martial law?

Detainees and the logic of emergency
by / RP 143 (May/Jun 2007) / Article

Began teaching the detainee lessons such as stay,come, and bark to elevate his social status up tothat of a dog. Detainee became very agitated.– Guantánamo guard diary entry, 20 December 2002

What is a detainee? The term has been given a new lease of life as a result of the authoritarianism that has followed the …

The politics of equal aesthetic rights

Dossier: Spheres of action - Art and politics
by / RP 137 (May/Jun 2006) / Article, Dossier, Spheres of action - Art and politics

Art and politics are connected in one fundamental respect: both are realms in which a struggle for recognition is being waged. As defined by Alexandre Kojève in his commentary on Hegel, this struggle for recognition surpasses the usual struggle for the distribution of material goods, which in modernity is generally regulated by market forces. What …

The exemplary exception

Philosophical and political decisions in Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer
by / RP 119 (May/Jun 2003) / Article

The cosmopolitan paradox: Response to Robbins

With Reply to Chandler
by and / RP 118 (Mar/Apr 2003) / Article

What is living and what is dead in Swedish social democracy?

by / RP 117 (Jan/Feb 2003) / Article

The end of politics

Culture, nation and other fundamentalisms
by / RP 112 (Mar/Apr 2002) / Article

Art, politics and provincialism

by / RP 106 (Mar/Apr 2001) / Commentary

The constitution of society

Pinochet, postdictatorship and the multitude
by / RP 105 (Jan/Feb 2001) / Article

Dictators and democrats in Latin America

But can the poor tell the difference?
by / RP 104 (Nov/Dec 2000) / Commentary

Levinas’s political judgement

The Esprit articles 1934–1983
by / RP 104 (Nov/Dec 2000) / Article

Radicalism and philosophy

by / RP 103 (Sep/Oct 2000) / Article

Third Way or Réalisme de Gauche?

The new social democracy in France
by / RP 101 (May/Jun 2000) / Commentary

Self help

Clinton, Blair and the politics of personal responsibility
by / RP 101 (May/Jun 2000) / Article

What, then, should the new relationship between society and individual consist of? First, it involves a new concept of citizenship, in which rights and responsibilities go together…. As is so clear the more you examine the rise in crime and social disorder in Britain, the problem has been that the Left has tended to …