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Romance Audiobooks Audiobook enthusiasts who love romance. Therefore, the group is dedicated to the discussion of r…more

1,216 members, last active a minute ago

Addicted to YA “One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the…more

21,702 members, last active 2 minutes ago

Cozy Mysteries For those who love a good cozy mystery while curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee/tea/coc…more

7,672 members, last active 2 minutes ago

Support for Indie Authors I began this group in January 2015 to support fellow indie authors by featuring them on my websi…more

6,480 members, last active 2 minutes ago

This group is for discussions involving self-published authors who are attempting to self-promot…more

25 members, last active 2 minutes ago

GreatestBookClub For members of DMV Book Club.

6 members, last active 8 hours ago

"That's What S/he Read!" Just a group of college friends who want to read and discuss books together again. Note: Erin pi…more

4 members, last active 7 hours ago
Shepherdstown, WV

Read-along book group for blog Roadside Reader's podcast.

4 members, last active 9 hours ago

Greeley Ladies Book Club This book club was created to give ladies in Greeley an opportunity to share their interests and…more

2 members, last active 12 hours ago
Greeley, CO

This group is for the staff at North Side High School in Fort Worth, TX. The idea of this group…more

2 members, last active 11 hours ago
Fort Worth, TX

Friends who share about books and life

9 members, last active 9 hours ago

Featured Groups

YA LGBT Books For anyone who enjoys LGBTQ books written for young adults. We're a friendly, supportive group t…more

7,180 members, last active 17 minutes ago

It All Sounds Greek To Me For all Goodreads members who are interested in greek literature or in greek language. For all t…more

1,246 members, last active 32 minutes ago

Drop Everything And Read “Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you security and friendship and didn't ask for a…more

865 members, last active 24 minutes ago

The Challenge Factory Feed your Reading Challenge Addiction Here!!! We offer a wide range of challenges across many di…more

1,267 members, last active a minute ago

The Challenge Factory Feed your Reading Challenge Addiction Here!!! We offer a wide range of challenges across many di…more

1,267 members, last active a moment ago

What's The Name of That Book??? Can't remember the title of a book you read? Come search our archives and shelves. If you don’t…more

21,767 members, last active a moment ago

Books, Movies, TV and Life People who enjoy the same books often have similar tastes in other types of entertainment, from…more

23 members, last active a moment ago

Perustopia Book Club Hello everybody! Regan and I are teaming up and decided to make a book club where we can all rea…more

13,303 members, last active a moment ago

ARC & Review Readers Do you love to read and review books? Are you looking for early reviewers/reviews?! Post your av…more

696 members, last active a minute ago

Goodreads Author Groups

Colleen Houck Book Club This is the reading club hosted by Colleen Houck, the author of the NYT bestselling series TIGER…more

1,795 members, last active an hour ago

Love & Social Change We offer love, compassion & kindness to create a better world. We read books by & about people w…more

2,886 members, last active 7 hours ago

Star Wars Reads Panel It's back! Join us on Saturday, October 5, 2013 for a special day-long discussion of Star Wars.…more

958 members, last active 23 hours ago

A discussion of women in literary science fiction.

816 members, last active a day ago

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