- published: 14 Jan 2012
- views: 13785
Agbogbloshie is a former wetland and suburb of Accra, Ghana known as a destination for locally generated used electronics from the City of Accra. It has been alleged to be at the center of a legal and illegal exportation network for the environmental dumping of electronic waste (e-waste) from industrialized nations. Basel Action Network, a small NGO based in Seattle, has referred to as a "digital dumping ground", where they allege millions of tons of e-waste are processed each year in Agbogbloshie. However, repeated international studies have failed to confirm the allegations, which has been labelled an "e-waste hoax" by international reuse advocate WR3A. The most exhaustive study of the trade in used electronics, funded by UNEP and Basel Convention (Ghanaian E-Waste Assessment and Nigerian E-Waste Assessment) revealed that of 261 sea containers of electronics assessed at African ports, 91% of the material was reused.
According to statistics from the World Bank, in large cities like Accra and Lagos the majority of households have owned television and computers for decades. The UN Report "Where are WEEE in Africa" 2012 disclosed that the majority of used electronics found in African dumps had not in fact been recently imported as scrap, but was generated by these African cities. The suburb of Accra covers approximately four acres and is situated on the banks of the Korle Lagoon, northwest of Accra's Central Business District. Roughly 40,000 Ghanaians inhabit the area, most of whom are migrants from rural areas. Due to its harsh living conditions and rampant crime, the area is nicknamed "Sodom and Gomorrah".
Thomas Naadi Bitlegma investigates the grave effects that technological waste (e-waste) has on the environment in Ghana and the impact it has on the lives of those who are drawn to work with such hazardous material.
Hunderttausende von Tonnen kaputter Computer und Fernseher werden Jahr für Jahr aus Europa in Länder der Dritten Welt verschoben. Der Elektroschrott landet auf großen Müllhalden, wie in Accra, der Hauptstadt von Ghana. Dort verdienen sich Kinder mit dem Ausschlachten von Technik ein Zubrot. Die Umwelt wird dabei extrem belastet und die Menschen vergiftet.
En Agbogbloshie, un barrio suburbano de la capital de Ghana se ubica el mayor vertedero de desechos electrónicos de África Occidental. Se trata de una de las áreas más contaminadas por metales tóxicos del continente africano. Para muchos ghaneses es fuente de subsistencia; pero lo que les da de comer, los acaba matando. ¡Suscríbete a RT en español! http://www.youtube.com/user/ActualidadRT?sub_confirmation=1 RT en Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActualidadRT RT en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ActualidadRT RT en Google+: https://plus.google.com/+RTenEspanol/posts RT en Vkontakte: http://vk.com/actualidadrt Vea nuestra señal en vivo: http://actualidad.rt.com/en_vivo RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
http://www.greenpeace.org/international/news/poisoning-the-poor-electroni Ghana is the latest place where we have discovered high tech toxic trash causing horrendous pollution. Our analysis of samples taken from two electronic waste (e-waste) scrap yards in Ghana has revealed severe contamination with hazardous chemicals. Digg it: http://digg.com/world_news/Poisoning_the_poor_n_Electronic_Waste_in_Ghana
Agbogbloshie es un barrio de la ciudad Accra, Ghana, el cual se ha convertido en un vertedero para chatarra electrónica procedente de Europa y Norteamérica, considerado el mayor del mundo. Dicho vertedero se encuentra atravesado por el río Densu. La barriada abarca unas 1,6 hectáreas y se encuentra a orillas de la laguna Korle, al noroeste del distrito de finanzas de Accra. En la zona habitan unas 40,000 personas, la mayoría originalmente provienen de zonas rurales. A causa de sus duras condiciones de vida y gran nivel de criminalidad, la zona es apodada "Sodoma y Gomorra". Se cree que este puede ser el lugar más contaminado del continente africano, principalmente por metales tales como plomo, berilio, cadmio o mercurio, ya que en ciertos países tercermundistas no existen normativas que ...
Am Rande von Ghanas Hauptstadt Accra liegt der Slum Agbogbloshie. In den vergangenen 15 Jahren ist hier tonnenweise Elektroschrott aus Europa und USA gelandet und hat in einer ursprünglich fruchtbaren Landschaft ein riesiges Umweltproblem geschaffen. kontinente-Redakteurin Eva-Maria Werner war gemeinsam mit dem Kameramann Fritz Stark vor Ort. Redaktion: Eva-Maria Werner Kamera/Schnitt: Friedrich Stark Sprecherin: Urte Podszuweit
The Agbogbloshie Recyclers Market located in central Accra, capital of Ghana, is infamous for breaking down and recycling mechanical parts, engines, household appliances, and electronic wastes. Hunter College of City University of New York, The Blacksmith Institute, GreenAd, and other NGOs together with several Ghanian Ministry's (health, EPA) are devising interventions to improve the health and safety of workers and the community. March 2010
E-waste, the term given to discarded electronic appliances, is often shipped by developed nations to poorer countries such as Ghana. RTD visits the country's most infamous dumping ground, Agbogbloshie. Locals call it “Sodom and Gomorrah” after the infamous Biblical sin cities. Its air and soil are polluted with toxic chemicals, while extreme poverty, child labour and criminal gangs are also rife. Learn more https://rtd.rt.com/films/toxicity/ RTD WEBSITE: https://RTD.rt.com/ RTD ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RT_DOC RTD ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary RTD ON DAILYMOTION http://www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc RTD ON INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/rt_documentary/ RTD LIVE http://rtd.rt.com/on-air/
More stories at: http://storyhopper.com Discuss this video: https://davehakkens.nl/community/forums/topic/a-free-trip/ A video by Dave Hakkens http://davehakkens.nl
One man's cross-Atlantic journey reveals the truth about electronic recycling. To donate or sell electronics go here: http://gizmogul.com/DONATE Directed by: Alex Gorosh - www.AlexGorosh.com Produced by: Stephen Schneider Written by: Alex Gorosh + Stephen Schneider Original Score by: Vibe Mountain - http://tinyurl.com/mke799p Additional Music by: Gramatik - http://www.gramatik.net Audio Mix: William McGuigan Special Thanks: Kwame Owusu, Isaac 'Kochoko' Mensah, Ben Williams, Marisa Rico, Max Joseph, Kevin McElvaney, Pretty Lights Music A portion of every transaction will benefit the children of Agbogbloshie. Sources: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2014/feb/27/agbogbloshie-worlds-largest-e-waste-dump-in-pictures http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/14/ghan...
In order to make ends meet, some children migrate to the capital to indulge in the scrap business in spite of the danger it poses to their health. GBC visited Agbogbloshi to find out the situation there.
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Luego de un paso exitoso por el Rugby en su país, en el verano de 2011, Richard siendo Maestro de Inglés en Colegios oficiales de la India, decidió seguir llevando su experiencia de vida por el mundo, dos años después, recorrió China, enseñándole a miles de niños orientales la importancia de este idioma. Richard Koranteng, hace dos años vive en Colombia, al principio trabajaba como maestro de inglés en los Colegios Públicos de Bogotá con la Secretaria de Educación. Hoy, es uno de los 600 nativos del programa Colombia Bilingüe del Gobierno de presidente Juan Manuel Santos, que busca que millones de niños, niñas y jóvenes aprendan una lengua tan importante como el inglés, que abre las puertas al mundo y que antes era exclusivo solo para colegios privados de nuestro país.
El viernes 29 de agosto, el asambleísta estatal por el sexto distrito de New York, Philip Ramos realizó una manifestación junto con la organización Comunidades por el Cambio, además de residentes y líderes de la comunidad, en el que expresan su oposición colectiva al vertedero de basuras en Brentwood, proveniente de los Hamptons. Ellos expresaron su indignación porque el Town de Islip ha permitido el emplazamiento de una estación de transferencia de basura en un barrio residencial como lo es Brentwood. www.longislandlatinotv.com
Lewis University students recently completed their annual Lewis University Ministry Alternative Trip Experiences (LUMINATE) Spring Break service trips. This year, 35 students participated in five different service projects, in locations from Milwaukee to Missouri. LUMINATE provides students weekend or week-long service experiences during Fall Break, Spring Break and May. http://www.lewisu.edu