- published: 18 Jun 2016
- views: 1578
Gigi Leung Wing-kei (born 25 March 1976) is a Hong Kong Cantopop singer and actress.
Given the name Leung Bik-zi (梁碧姿) at birth, at the age of seven her mother changed her name to 'Wing-kei' for superstitious reasons; as a child, Leung suffered from frequent asthma attacks and it was believed a change of name would bring better health. At 176 cm, Leung earned the nickname of 'Tall Girl'. She has a twin brother named Keith Leung (Leung Wing-chun, 梁詠俊).
Gigi Leung attended Maryknoll Convent School. Later, she went to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where she gained a diploma from the School of Design. It was during her study at university that she accepted a modelling assignment from the watch company City Chain and caught the attention of film director Lee Chi-Ngai who cast her in her very first movie, Doctor Mack (1995). The success of the movie brought her a further role in Full Throttle (1995), shot while she was finishing her diploma. For her supporting role in the film, Leung received a nomination for Best Newcomer at the 1995 Hong Kong Film Awards.
金曲串燒..點少得梁詠琪 Gigi 0:00 愛自己/ 1:40 某年仲夏/ 3:07 一天一天/ 4:39 I'll be loving you / 5:52 死心塌地/ 6:32 短髮/ 7:09 洗臉/ 7:53 口香糖/ 8:37 膽小鬼/ 9:28 新鮮/ 10:10 許願/ 11:27 新居/ 12:08 我鍾意/ 13:36 遠在天邊/ 14:31 迫不得已/ 15:02 身不由己/ 15:39 好時辰/ 16:15 限期/ 17:21 煙霧瀰漫/ 18:43 花火/ 20:35 灰姑娘/ 21:46 嫌棄/ 23:02 他喜歡的是你/ 24:31 kiss me / 25:21 出走地平線/ 26:02 G for Girl/ 27:31 家有小熊/ 28:04 Funny face/ 28:27 春逝/ 29:24 繼續愛/ 30:26 你救哪一個/ 30:57 花瓶雞湯/ 31:57 傷心尋回犬/ 32:58 高妹/ 34:01 兩個人的幸運/ 35:00 迴旋木馬的終端/ 35:56 同班同學/ 36:41 無所不在/ 37:18 四月生日/ 38:06 再上車/ 39:40 狠心愛我/ 40:46 像我/ 41:46 娛樂大家/ 42:18 北極光/ 42:51成長的短髮/ 44:00 today
紅棉路上 監製: Eric Kwok 編:張子堅 曲:Eric Kwok 詞:林若寧 唱:梁詠琪 等待 等待 幾次 尋尋找找挑選 一位 一位 人潮兜兜轉轉 天高 海闊 渴望找到落腳點按你的意願 感動 感慨 難逃多番失戀 只怕 只怕 連人生都虧損 幾經 波折 盡頭始終會看到如願那天 誰人與你見證花開幾轉 誰人與你到老所有結局難預算 誰人與你到死終生取暖 喜怒 苦樂 共存 等待 等待 等到 紅棉開出花瓣 一歲 一歲 年華高飛不返 一生 一世 你像高攀最遠的那個山 忍耐 忍耐 幾次 情形偏偏相反 只要 只要 虔誠一絲不減 不卑 不亢 未來即將會碰到和善臂彎 誰人與你見證花開幾轉 誰人與你到老所有結局難預算 誰人與你到死終生取暖 喜怒 苦樂 共存 期待 花開 取暖 無人終生空等 始終 有日 紅棉花的花粉 沾滿世上路人 肩膊挨得很近 Chorus: Gigi Leung Guitar:張子堅 Bass:張子堅 Midi programming:張子堅 Recorded @ Avon Studio by Ah Ming Mixed @ Noiz by Simon Li OP : Snowman Production Ltd. : Parkgold Creative Mind Limited SP : Warner / Chappell Music, H.K. Ltd.
→下載及收聽《B面第一首 (國)》 : Apple Music & iTunes: https://goo.gl/E10lbM Google Music: https://goo.gl/cal6M6 JOOX: http://goo.gl/EJCKtp KKBOX: https://goo.gl/ntJ7m3 MusicOne: http://goo.gl/rGiA1l 監製: 于逸堯@人山人海 編曲: 于逸堯 / Soni@Gdjyb 作曲: 梁詠琪 填詞: 吳青峰 主唱: 梁詠琪 風帶來了雨後的黎明 我靜靜懷想昨日潮汐 時間像是從暗門中溜走 嬰兒啼聲從記憶變成延續 人生的收音機 傳來你我的曲折 多少歌 唱著唱著 就成熟了 一段回憶一段旋律 交織成 逝去時光的海洋 我還在帆上 輕聲問 浪花是一種存在 還是一種虛幻 多少人 走著走著 就走散了 音樂漸漸無聲 卡帶還固執旋轉 翻過一面再唱 還有更多難預料的精彩 雲過來了 影子來了 影過去了 我又亮了 我的腳步寫下我的心 第一根白髮變得華麗 斷殘為何能夠看作寧靜? 有些問號就是生命的魅力 人生的收音機 傳來你我的曲折 多少歌 唱著唱著 就成熟了 一段回憶一段旋律 交織成 逝去時光的海洋 我還在帆上 輕聲問 浪花是一種存在 還是一種虛幻 多少人 走著走著 就走散了 音樂漸漸無聲 卡帶還固執旋轉 翻過一面再唱 還有更多難預料的精彩 主打幾首 我都唱過 人生不會 總是轟動 現在是我 B面第一首 傳唱不多 卻最像我 人生嚐了一半 現在還半熟 半雨晴的天空 有彩虹 OP: 林暐哲音樂社有限公司 SP: Universal Ms Publ Ltd Taiwan
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn 6月11日,梁咏琪产后现身上海,全身明显发福,胸围暴增,小肚腩也是十分的明显,身着黑色小礼服变“臃肿辣妈”。产后身材变胖很正常,但作为明星来说,这样就敢登台相当有勇气。但光有“咏琪”不管用,学学其他辣妈的产后塑身个人技才是正道。 SMG 上海电视台官方频道 看看新闻网是上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)上海广播电视台旗下的网络新闻媒体,¬是中国专业的视频新闻网站,提供最新最热的-视频新闻在线播放,24小时视频直播及海¬量视频新闻搜索。 我们的YouTube频道汇集SMG(上海东方传媒集团有限公司)旗下电视频道的内容¬:包括东方卫视的:中国达人秀、不朽之名曲、顶级厨师、 中国梦之声等等。同时,我们的一线记者也会采集娱乐、民生等更多好玩的视频分享给大家¬。所有最新最热门的华语视频,尽在看看新闻网官方频道! SMG Shanghai TV Official Kankanews is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a professional news website, which provides the latest news videos 24/7. Our SMG YouTube channel includes shows from Dragon TV like: China's Got Talent, Immortal Songs, Master Chef and Chinese Idol, etc. You may find the latest and most popular Chinese entertainmen...
GiGi Leung - You Shi Hou (梁咏琪 - 有时候) nice song, here's the 1st & only MV available in youtube,(from tudou.com) Enjoy
北京G夜係2010.12.24平安夜舉行, 果日觀眾有成過萬人, 希望gigi可以快d係香港開show!
北京G夜係2010.12.24平安夜舉行, 果日觀眾有成過萬人, 希望gigi可以快d係香港開show!
北京G夜係2010.12.24平安夜舉行, 果日觀眾有成過萬人, 希望gigi可以快d係香港開show!
Reposted from Appledaily.
北京G夜係2010.12.24平安夜舉行, 果日觀眾有成過萬人, 希望gigi可以快d係香港開show!
梁詠琪(Gigi Leung)北京G夜演唱會
Gigi Leung live in concert 2007 in the Asia World-Expo of Hong Kong.
梁詠琪獲上海電影節邀請,為2012“第十五届上海國際電影節”-女性微電影《幸運曲奇》。Gigi除了執導外,還親自落力演出。 故事講述餅店的老板娘Gigi,每天在店裡都看到來餅店的顧客們背後都有他們的故事、讓她體會不同的人情世態,也啟發Gigi探討人生不同的層面。而Gigi每天也會做不同的幸運曲奇送给客人,给他们鼓勵與祝福。
Gigi 經典金曲: 0:00 密雲 3:15 他喜歡的是你 7:10 遠在天邊 11:15 一天一天 15:35 我鍾意 18:30 花火 21:45 愛自己
2016-08-03 1圈圈嘉賓: 梁詠琪 梁詠琪揭開人生新一頁,推新歌《B面第一首》。
Vietsub First Love Unlimited 1997 (Daniel Chan Trần Hiểu Đông 陈晓东 , Gigi Leung Leung Vịnh Kỳ 梁咏琪) Bộ phim được phóng tác theo thể loại truyện tranh hành động Shojo Manga của Nhật. Phim kể về mối tình lãng mạn tuổi teen giữa hai bạn trẻ ở hai giai cấp khác nhau trong xã hội. Hán (Trần Hiểu Đông)- một cậu bé sống vô tư vô lo, từ nhỏ lớn lên trong khu lao động nghèo, tình cờ gặp gỡ và yêu A Tap (Lương Vịnh Kỳ)- cô tiểu thư xinh đẹp nhà giàu, đang học tại một trường trung học nổi tiếng của Hồng Kông, có ngoại hình và gương mặt rất giống Hán. Một lần A Tap đi tàu điện thì tình cờ nhìn thoáng qua Hán, tim cô đã loạn nhịp với anh. Lần thứ hai gặp lại nhưng cũng là lần đầu tiên chính thức chạm mặt là khi Hán cùng bạn mình đến làm công việc chỉnh micro cho văn nghệ của trường Tap, họ trúng tiếng sé...
梁詠琪 - 短髮 01. 短髮 00:00 02. 我要一種感覺 04:41 03. 懂得愛自己 09:14 04. 難言 12:50 05. 口香糖 17:14 06. 大風吹 20:54 07. 曙光 25:22 08. 夜未眠 29:40 09. 暗戀也很快樂 33:59 10. 我只在乎你 38:21
港台电影《爱得起》梁咏琪陈柏霖邵兵高清《最佳電影》 港台电影《爱得起》梁咏琪陈柏霖邵兵高清《最佳電影》 韩国电影《情人节》中字高清《最佳電影》 韩国电影《情人节》中字高清《最佳電影》 港台电影《变脸迷情》吴彦祖林雪黎姿高清《最佳電影》 港台电影《变脸迷情》吴彦祖林雪黎姿高清《最佳電影》
The Married Life - Gigi Leung interview during the cover shooting for 《Keypad Magazine》 www.keypad.com.hk Episode 07 第7集
Interview with Gigi Leung in the Mission Hills Star Trophy.
Hong Kong actress Gigi Leung on the red carpet at the Asian Film Awards
梁詠琪 GiGi Leung Sina 《越光宝盒》 新浪訪問 Just Another Pandora's Box
Matthew McConaughey and Gigi Leung(梁詠琪)being interviewed in the Mission Hills Star Trophy Unicef Charity Event.
http://kempton.wordpress.com/2010/11/18/michael-lau-happy-crazy-xmas-time-square-2010/ http://kempton.wordpress.com/2010/11/16/gigi-leung-michael-lau-crazy-xmas-time-square-2010/ Michael Lau - Happy Crazy X'mas interview - 2010 Time Square HK
Yoon Eun Hye at Louis Vuitton 101 in Taipei. Other actresses in the video are Maggie Cheung and Gigi Leung
Gigi Hadid and Karlie Kloss play mothers-of-two in controversial Versace campaign video.Gigi Hadid and Karlie Kloss star in controversial Versace campaign gigi hadid, gigi gorgeous, gigi adamashvili, gigi d'agostino, gigi hadid jimmy fallon, gigi hadid lip sync battle, gigi hadid interview, gigi hadid and zayn malik, gigi adamashvili x factor, gigi hadid victoria's secret, gigi andai, gigi and zayn, gigi adamashvili x factor ukraine, gigi adamashvili another love, gigi akhirnya, gigi adamashvili stay with me, gigi adamashvili wicked game, gigi agostino l'amour toujours, a gigi wa, a campagnola gigione, a zitella gigione, a dona gigi, gigi band, gigi becali, gigi buffon, gigi bila, gigi band full album, gigi bmw, gigi berlubang, gigi berulat, gigi becali 2016, gigi bla bla bla, b gg, b gra...
女明星求子不易 为怀孕各有心酸(梁咏琪Gigi Leung、范玮琪Christine Fan、大S、小S、刘嘉玲Carina Lau、黎姿Gigi Lai、张庭) -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Most popular dat...
→下載及收聽《BeSIDE Me》 : Apple Music & iTunes: https://goo.gl/txo8Nf Google Music: https://goo.gl/ryTZFj JOOX: https://goo.gl/aGp3jo KKBOX: https://goo.gl/xOcL8E MusicOne: https://goo.gl/68g45a
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa
Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa
Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa
Tere Ishq Ne Chali Keeta Zehar Peeya Na Peeta
Tere Ishq Ne Chali Keeta Zehar Peeya Na Peeta
Vichhora Saandhi Da Ve Mukhra Chaandi Da
Vichhora Saandhi Da Ve Mukhra Chaandi Da
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa
Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa
Raawa Raste Akhiyan Layia Rokhay Jaanan Keeta
Raawa Raste Akhiyan Layia Rokhay Jaanan Keeta
Mein Naa Tera Lendi Naa Tere Dil Rehndi Naa
Mein Naa Tera Lendi Naa Tere Dil Rehndi Naa
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa
Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa, Joghi Banke Aa
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Ishq Na Puchey Zaat Na Vekhe Thakht Naa Veke Taaj
Soneyaa Ranjhana.. Joghi Banke Aa