Bent over with exertion,
Steven Adams finally crested the top of the mountain path.
Overcome with fatigue after the climb, he fell forward onto his hands and knees, heaving and coughing. His shoes had long ago succumbed to the treacherous rocks of the mountain, and his feet were torn and bleeding. His groin and head ached from previously-sustained injuries. His hair alternately dangled limply in front of his face or was whipped behind him by the cruel mountain winds. The cool fog which surrounded the mountaintop did little to soothe the pain which had overtaken his body.
It took all of his energy to raise his head and lift his eyes towards the citadel before him. From this close view, it seemed more indomitable than ever before, its tiered stone walls extending hundreds of feet into the air. The ancient masonry of the fortress was set into the stone outcrops of the mountain as if it was a part of the mountain itself. Directing his gaze forward, Steven saw that the main gate was flanked by two watchtowers; by now, his presence had certainly been made known to the ultimate power that resided inside. He was expected. Grimacing, Steven struggled to his feet and shambled towards the great wooden gate some three-hundred yards ahead.
It took a long time to reach the gate; at times, it even seemed to recede away from him as he walked. But with his goal so near at hand, Steven forced himself forward as fast as he was able, and finally, he was there underneath the great stone arch. He stood straight up. "I request audience with
Commissioner Adam Silver," he said proudly, refusing to be bowed by the pains which hindered him.
For a while, there was no indication that his words had been heard, even though the watchtowers were doubtlessly manned. Then, there was a rumbling of unseen mechanisms, and the door swung open, revealing a smaller inner courtyard. He stepped through the open gate, taking its opening as a tacit approval of his request.
If there was any human activity in the citadel, it was not evident. Steven suspected that Commissioner
Silver's underlings were housed either in deep underground chambers or in windowless rooms high within the stone walls. From the courtyard, there were many tunnels and pathways branching this way and that, but Steven approached the door in front of him, tiny when compared to the mighty gate he had just passed through. It opened easily.
Behind the door was a set of stairs, extending straight forward for a while before turning to the left. He grimly started up these stairs; knowing the the Commissioner's hubris was such that he would consent to reside only in the highest part of the fortress. The way forward was lit only by the occasional wall-mounted torch, which provided flickering, uneven light; frequently, he stumbled on a broken or too-tall step, causing him to grit his teeth in pain. The stairs changed direction unpredictably, and he quickly became disoriented. Every time he came to a side passageway, he bypassed it, vowing to continue upwards as long as the structure allowed it.
How long he climbed, he did not know.
Hours, at least. Then, he had stepped over the final step, and another door was in front of him, inscribed with arcane writings in an unknown language. He roughly pushed it open, and, seeing the palatial chamber beyond, he knew he was in the right place.
"Steven. How nice of you to visit," Commissioner Silver said in a surprisingly deep voice. His throne had been placed on a sort of rotating platform, and it was presently turned away from the chamber's entrance, so Steven could not directly see the man he was addressing.
"You must suspend
Draymond Green," he said, still panting from the arduous journey and not bothering with feeble introductions. "His antics have continued for too long! Do you not see the plain truth in front of you?"
"Draymond will not be suspended," Commissioner Silver answered plainly. "Your journey here was a wasted effort."
Steven stared forward in disbelief. "You are blind."
"Am I?" the Commissioner answered, spinning his throne around, revealing not the tall white figure of Adam Silver, but instead, the taller black figure of Draymond Green himself. "Am I, Steven?"
..." Steven gasped, feeling his knees weaken in shock. "It can't be..."
Draymond rose from his seat and walked across the ornate carpet towards his guest. "It was me all along, Steven!" he proclaimed. Then, before the hobbled Steven could react, Draymond swiftly kicked Steven in the crotch. Steven immediately clutched his damaged testicles and crumpled to the floor, unable to prevent his mouth from uttering piteous moans.
Guards, take this man away," Draymond said, turning away as two armored men rushed from the side and roughly grabbed Steven's prone body. "
Maybe now he has finally learned his lesson."
- published: 26 May 2016
- views: 31010