FULL EPISODE Lesson 10 Deformation of the Crust - Understanding the Earth
Deformation of the crust - Geological
Interpretation - How rocks behave under stress, to better understand earthquakes. (60minutes)
Host; Dr.
David Pearson.
What is stress?
•What is directed stress and elastic deformation
•What is confining stress and plastic behaviour
Plastic behaviour of folds (anticline/syncline)
Description of folds ie limbs
Normal faults
Reverse fault
Thrust fault
Horst (Graben --
Yellowknife example)
•Illustrated images of folds
•Illustrated images of faults
Strike and dip
Part 3 Deformation of the crust 10-Part3
• and Dip continued
•Obtaining strike and dip on strata
Northern Ontario and Arctic
•Dr Ridler from
Geological Survey of Canada; describing folds
Segment on diamond drilling and extracted core from the barrel
Interpreting rock layering from core
Rock fracture/fault
San Andreas Fault --
Transform Fault (slide horizontal)
•San Andreas Fault description and identification
Part 4 Deformation of the crust 10-Part4
•San Andreas Fault description and identification continued
Dr John Crowell
University of California describing fault San Andreas Fault -
•Dr John Crowell University of California describing fault zone -- fossil screed
Rock reaching its plastic limit of
San Andreas fault
•Laboratory of rock reaching its elastic and plastic phase
•Heating / breaking of foreshocks of rocks prior to an earthquake
Movement and displacement of a fault can be identified by collecting rock samples at various location on a fault and matching them at various locations away.
•Observing rock during the elastic deformation
Japanese scientists use; water in a tube monitors elasticity of rock
•Japanese use foreshocks for the prediction in quakes
Japan Sept 6 1966 -- actual footage of an earthquake
Underground nuclear explosion footage/images
•Releasing earthquakes --
Denver area,
US Army pumping, contaminated waste
150 million gallons down a 3 mile deep
hole experiments.
Part 6 Deformation of the crust 10-Part6
Keywords; geology,crust,earthquakes,sudbury,glacial rebound
•Two processes of deformation; loading of Ice and pushing of plates
Hudson Bay --
Glacial rebound (Hudson Bay will eventually disappear and the rise of the surrounding land)
Canadian rockies examples of thrust plane and showing extreme compression
Different examples of behavior of rocks in compression and tension
Tension cracks