Letters to the Editor, July 15

First posted:

Friday letters


Re “Pride belongs to everyone, not just elites” (Supriya Dwivedi, July 8): Dwivedi’s ludicrous arguments as to why BLM Toronto is righteous in all their simplistic ideological civil disobedience is based on the progressive’s mandatory Diversity 101 courses in all Ontario colleges preaching White privilege, that racialized minorities need safe spaces and that Whites don’t even know their racism consciously. Inherent White prejudice. Police brutality, what, by carding? The Pride parade is simply an annual celebration of solidarity between a now legitimized natural group of human beings who love in different ways to the heterosexual majority and so they should as is their human right. The rainbow flag doesn’t include black? The Pride parade is not the G20, the UN, or the Supreme Court. Let BLM sow their racial dissension, exclusion, demonization of modern Whites and past historical victimhood in the proper lanes, not a bloody parade.



(We don’t agree with the way Black Lives Matter makes its points, but the points themselves, for example that racism and police misconduct exist, are hardly controversial)


I am SO ANGRY at the way Britain has been portrayed as the villain. Nobody gives a darn about Britain and its people. The way I see it, it has been used as a convenience by everyone and his uncle. Britain has over 65 million people living on a small island and is expected to take in more refugees! It pays big bucks to the EU but has no control over its destiny. It’s at times like these that you find out who your friends are — and I don’t see any!


(Well, you can certainly find them in the Sun)


Being a police officer today is a dangerous job that is getting more dangerous all the time. It seems there are increasing numbers of shootings and stabbings on a scale never witnessed before in the GTA. Isn’t it time for all of us to stand up for the men and women of some of the finest police forces anywhere? The voices of the silent majority, of law-abiding people, need to outshout and shut down those who try to put down our police services and put handcuffs on them so they cannot effectively do their jobs. It is also about time our politicians at all levels started to show a little bit of intestinal fortitude and stopped pandering to every self-absorbed activist group that comes along. The vast majority of the men and women of our police services are honourable professionals and I for one am very proud of each and every one of them.



(Our police forces do a good job. But there are problems and they have to be addressed)


Re Lorrie Goldstein’s column of July 14: Not only is Trump “the only honest climate denier,” he’s also the only honest leader who recognizes that radical Islam is the biggest threat to world peace and is threatening to block Muslim immigration for a while. It’s just common sense, since violence and tears follow Muslim terrorists everywhere they go on planet earth. The entire establishment, even his own party and big business, are terrified of having someone in the White House who doesn’t take bribes. Interesting times and very entertaining.



(Yes. Wonder how it will all end?)

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