African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)
Held on April 20, 2016,
African Growth and Opportunity Act (
AGOA) was co-hosted by IdEA and the
U.S. Department of State. With its ten-year renewal in
2015, AGOA retains its status as the cornerstone of the U.S. economic relationship with sub-Saharan
Africa and our most generous trade preference program since its establishment in
2000. We must now focus on maximizing AGOA utilization over the next ten years as we prepare for a post-AGOA future. As we do this, we should enhance our engagement with African regional economic communities and continue to support Africa’s own economic integration. This webinar provides
African diaspora with greater awareness of the
Obama Administration’s support for AGOA, as well as a preview of the annual
AGOA Forum. We will host the AGOA
Trade Ministers in the