- published: 26 May 2016
- views: 240082
A name server is a computer hardware or software server that implements a network service for providing responses to queries against a directory service. It translates an often humanly-meaningful, text-based identifier to a system-internal, often numeric identification or addressing component. This service is performed by the server in response to a service protocol request.
An example of a name server is the server component of the Domain Name System (DNS), one of the two principal name spaces of the Internet. The most important function of DNS servers is the translation (resolution) of human-memorable domain names and hostnames into the corresponding numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, the second principal name space of the Internet which is used to identify and locate computer systems and resources on the Internet.
The Internet maintains two principal namespaces: the domain name hierarchy and the IP address system. The Domain Name System maintains the domain namespace and provides translation services between these two namespaces. Internet name servers implement the Domain Name System. The top hierarchy of the Domain Name System is served by the root name servers maintained by delegation by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Below the root, Internet resources are organized into a hierarchy of domains, administered by the respective registrars and domain name holders. A DNS name server is a server that stores the DNS records, such as address (A, AAAA) records, name server (NS) records, and mail exchanger (MX) records for a domain name (see also List of DNS record types) and responds with answers to queries against its database.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical decentralized naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities. Most prominently, it translates more readily memorized domain names to the numerical IP addresses needed for the purpose of locating and identifying computer services and devices with the underlying network protocols. By providing a worldwide, distributed directory service, the Domain Name System is an essential component of the functionality of the Internet.
The Domain Name System deligates the responsibility of assigning domain names and mapping those names to Internet resources by designating authoritative name servers for each domain. Network administrators may delegate authority over sub-domains of their allocated name space to other name servers. This mechanism provides distributed and fault tolerant service and was designed to avoid a single large central database.
A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name. Domain names can also be thought of as a location where certain information or activities can be found.
Domain names are used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and addressing purposes. In general, a domain name represents an Internet Protocol (IP) resource, such as a personal computer used to access the Internet, a server computer hosting a web site, or the web site itself or any other service communicated via the Internet. In 2014, the number of active domains reached 271 million.
Domain names are organized in subordinate levels (subdomains) of the DNS root domain, which is nameless. The first-level set of domain names are the top-level domains (TLDs), including the generic top-level domains (gTLDs), such as the prominent domains com, info, net, edu, and org, and the country code top-level domains (ccTLDs). Below these top-level domains in the DNS hierarchy are the second-level and third-level domain names that are typically open for reservation by end-users who wish to connect local area networks to the Internet, create other publicly accessible Internet resources or run web sites. The registration of these domain names is usually administered by domain name registrars who sell their services to the public.
Windows Server 2012, codenamed "Windows Server 8", is the sixth release of Windows Server. It is the server version of Windows 8 and succeeds Windows Server 2008 R2. Two pre-release versions, a developer preview and a beta version, were released during development. The software was generally available to customers starting on September 4, 2012.
Unlike its predecessor, Windows Server 2012 has no support for Itanium-based computers, and has four editions. Various features were added or improved over Windows Server 2008 R2 (with many placing an emphasis on cloud computing), such as an updated version of Hyper-V, an IP address management role, a new version of Windows Task Manager, and ReFS, a new file system. Windows Server 2012 received generally good reviews in spite of having included the same controversial Metro-based user interface seen in Windows 8.
The successor to Windows Server 2012, called Windows Server 2012 R2, was released along with Windows 8.1 in October 2013. A service pack, formally designated Windows Server 2012 R2 Update, was released in April 2014.
Windows Server is a brand name for a group of server operating systems released by Microsoft. It includes all Windows operating systems branded "Windows Server", but not any other Microsoft product. The first Windows server edition to be released under that brand was Windows Server 2003. However, the first server edition of Windows was Windows NT 3.1 Advanced Server, followed by Windows NT 3.5 Server, Windows NT 4.0 Server, and Windows 2000 Server; the latter was the first server edition to include Active Directory, DNS Server, DHCP Server, Group Policy, as well as many other popular features used today.
This brand includes the following operating systems:
Microsoft has also produced Windows Server Essentials (formerly Windows Small Business Server) and Windows Essential Business Server (discontinued), software bundles which includes a Windows Server operating system and some other Microsoft Servers products.
How a DNS Server (Domain Name System) works.
Introduction to DNS (Domain Name Services)
DNS as Fast As Possible
DNS Server Isn't Responding Fix! All Versions Of Windows!
DNS Explained
Introduction to Using DNS Server on Windows Server 2012
How to removal iCloud activation with DNS SERVER success!!!!
Best DNS Server (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
What is DNS
DNS - Domain Name System - हिंदी में डीएनएस - Video 1
How the DNS works
Top 5 Free Public DNS Servers You Must Try 2017
How to increase the internet speed with DNS server - 150Mbps to 1000Mbps [Internet Booster]
What is DNS ? | Domain Name System | Understanding Working of DNS Server in Hindi
How To Fix DNS Server Problem | works 100%
SOLVED: DNS Server Isn't Responding (For All Version of Windows)
How to Remover iCloud ! unlock iCloud activation lock by DNS server 2017
Make your Own DNS Server in Python - Part 1 - Warm Up
How to Install the DNS Service on Server 2012 (Step by Step)
70-411 Lesson 6: Configuring and Troubleshooting DNS Server 2012 R2
dns server
DNS SERVER Subdomain
2.DNS Server
This is an animated DNS tutorial showing what a DNS server is and how it works. It explains the different levels of DNS, such as the resolver, root server, domain server, and authoritative name server. REGISTER A DOMAIN NAME OR BUILD A WEBSITE and SAVE 30% ►►http://Trygodaddy.com/powercert 50% off System Mechanic ►►http://Getiolo.com/powercert
Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: March 13, 2013 Length of Class: 19:17 Tracks Servers Networking Prerequisites Introduction to Networking Purpose of Class This class teaches students the basic concepts for network DNS (Domain Name Services). Class Notes DNS is the Server Service that Maps Hostnames/ Domain Names to IP Addresses DNS and DHCP are different services that are generally hosted on the same server, but can be hosted on separate servers Dynamic DNS allows DHCP to automatically add Name and IP Address mapping to DNS tables. Most techs will work with DNS built into Small Business/ Home Routers or ISP Modems. Other variations of DNS are provided by Windows Servers or BIND which is used on Unix and Linux servers. A DNS implementation may ...
Without the DNS, your browser wouldn't even know which website you're trying to visit! Learn all about how it works. Freshbooks message: Head over to http://freshbooks.com/techquickie and don’t forget to enter Tech Quickie in the “How Did You Hear About Us” section when signing up for your free trial. Follow: http://twitter.com/linustech Join the community: http://linustechtips.com License for image used in this video: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/legalcode
I hope this short and simple tutorial solves the problem for all of you! If your webpage is having problems/not working, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnJMxHSsg2E
Learn the ins and outs of how the Domain Name System (known as DNS by the cool kids), takes a name like dnsmadeeasy.com and translates it into an IP address to find content on the web. Try DNS Made Easy free for 30 days with absolutely no obligation to buy, or credit card info required: http://www.dnsmadeeasy.com/r/22
Info Level: Intermediate Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: March 20, 2013 Length of Class: 18:48 Tracks Windows Server 2012 Prerequisites Building Your Own Network for a Computer Lab Introduction to Windows Server 2012 Installing Windows Server 2012 Navigation in Windows Server 2012 Introduction to Active Directory Directory Services Structure in Windows Server 2012 Introduction to Active Directory Infrastructure in Windows Server 2012 Basic DHCP Setup on Windows Server 2012 Introduction to DNS (Domain Name Services) Purpose of Class This class gives an overview of the basic usage of DNS Server on a Windows 2012 Server. Class Notes Logs Show Events that may be important if your DNS Server is having issues Clear Cache -- Clears the local DNS cache of the server and may need to...
How to Fully Bypass iCloud Activation Lock - Full explanation & Everything you need to know NEW 9.3.2 Full Activation Bypass Method Explaination & New Exploit - https://youtu.be/AdWZIDFf06c FULL BYPASS TUTORIAL - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPsIIIgx351WnTTjsvA4MJg... Yes, everything covered in the video is also relevant for iOS 10.x Comments have now been disabled to prevent spam bots posting fake links. Enjoy! This video covers everything you need to know about iCloud activation bypasses. Part 1: DNS server bypass Part 2: Setup.app crashes on the latest iOS 9.2.1 - 9.3 Part 3: Explanation on the 3 methods for full removal of iCloud activation Part 4: Scammers on Twitter, YouTube... A lot of technical stuff is covered here so if you are knew to iOS, take a look at the l...
Updated DNS Website: http://www.actonline.ws/opendns-vs-google-dns/ https://kevindekoninck.com/google-dns-vs-opendns/ Subscribe to my 2nd Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWYslvHQQmAGGqlxkQCUPEA Link to my Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8R4ELDOsfj08hCyItGdV_zPtZBF0dGuK Check out my New Website - http://cperez695.wix.com/gamepro Can We Hit 10 LIKES! Intro Maker: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_lzD1wd5TzCkDyCQF5l9Ww ===Social Media=== Have a Facebook? http://www.facebook.com/TechHD1 Have a Twitter? https://twitter.com/Tech_HD1 Have a YouTube? SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=xsoccer4evax Have a Instagram? https://instagram.com/tech_hd1/ Have a Twitch? http://www.twitch.tv/xsoccer4evax ===Sponsorship=== Kontrol Freek: ...
This course goes through DNS or Domain Name System. This video provides an introduction to DNS, however the videos in this course are dynamic in nature. As DNS changes, videos are added or removed as required to make sure that you always have the most up to date information. For all the DNS videos see the following link. http://itfreetraining.com/dns Download the PDF handout http://ITFreeTraining.com/handouts/dns/what-is-dns.pdf What Is DNS DNS is a system that primarily maps a name to an IP Address. Although it can be used to do the reverse, it is primarily given a name and asked what the IP Address is for that name. This is the same principle that is used for a phone book. Given a name, a person is able to look up the phone number for that person using the phone book. Hosts File Bef...
DNS Tutorial हिंदी में डीएनएस (डोमेन नाम प्रणाली) by Jagvinder explains What is DNS Server in Hindi. DNS Server Tutorial explains basic concepts of DNS Domain name system in hindi.
Short animated video explaining how the Domain Name System, or DNS, works.
Top 5 Free Public DNS Servers DNS server is a kind of telephone directory for the Internet that interprets hostname of the computer into IP address. DNS servers of ISP cannot handle traffic during major times which results in the slow speed of the Internet or sometimes server down trouble. This problem is modified in the Free Public DNS Servers that can handle any amount of traffic at any time. There are multiple servers, if one breaks down, other is ready to operate for you. The list of Top 5 Free Public DNS Servers are given below. 1. Google Public DNS server. http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ 2. Open DNS. http://opendns.com/ 3. Norton DNS server. https://dns.norton.com/dnsweb/dnsForHome.do 4. Comodo secure DNS. http://www.comodo.com/secure-dns/ 5. DNS Advantage. http://dnsa...
Best trick to increase your internet with DNS hack. Increase internet speed from 150 Mbps to 1000 Mbps. Use your internet even when internet in not coming. Change your Alternate and Preferred DNS server. No software required. Just simple coding and your internet speed will increase more than 10 times. Read the article here: http://crazytechtricks.com/boost-internet-speed-google-open-dns-increase/ ****FOLLOW ME**** http://crazytechtricks.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crazytechtricks Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Crazytechtricks Twitter: https://twitter.com/CrazyTechTricks Subscribe via Email: https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=CrazyTechTricks -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "How to Post Blocked links on Facebook - Share Blocked URL on Facebook [100% Working]...
Hey Guys, This video will explain you working of DNS (Domain Name System). How DNS help us to resolve Domain Name into Logical IP Address to connect the websites & web pages. DNS help us while connecting any website using its name in Hindi. Earn Money Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ky8ECgpCfk Queries Solved: 1) What is DNS ? 2) How DNS Services works ? 3) Domain Name System, Domain Name Service & Domain Name Server 4) Working of Domain Name System 5) Uses of DNS in India 6) What is Public DNS & Google DNS 7) How to set DNS server in Computer Networks 8) & working & uses 9) ISP: AIRTEL, IDEA, RELIANCE JIO, VODAFONE DNS Servers Details 10) How DND server works on Root Level Domain (RLD) & Top Level Domain (TLD) 11) How IP Address works & logical addressing works ...
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How to fix DNS Server not responding error (windows), DNS Server Isn't Responding, How to: Fix the "DNS isn't responding error...", How to solve"The DNS Server is not Responding" problem?, How to fix "The DNS server isn't responding" problem Windows Network Diagnostics (Troubleshooting), Blog: http://www.solveinweb.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/solveinweb Twitter: https://twitter.com/SolveInWeb
How to Fully Bypass iCloud Activation Lock - Full explanation & Everything you need to know NEW 9.3.2 Full Activation Bypass Method Explaination & New Exploit - https://youtu.be/AdWZIDFf06c FULL BYPASS TUTORIAL - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPsIIIgx351WnTTjsvA4MJg... Yes, everything covered in the video is also relevant for iOS 10.x Comments have now been disabled to prevent spam bots posting fake links. Enjoy! This video covers everything you need to know about iCloud activation bypasses. Part 1: DNS server bypass Part 2: Setup.app crashes on the latest iOS 9.2.1 - 9.3 Part 3: Explanation on the 3 methods for full removal of iCloud activation Part 4: Scammers on Twitter, YouTube... A lot of technical stuff is covered here so if you are knew to iOS, take a look at the l...
In this series we'll be learning how to make our own DNS Server from scratch without any 3rd party libraries! We'll be learning the fundamentals of DNS. We'll even be manipulating individual bit's when our sever responds to queries. Our DNS server will also have it's own zone files, in which it will store the records for each domain name. We'll be using JSON in our zone files. Stick around! This is going to be a good series! Don't forget to subscribe for more!
This video tutorial covers how to install the DNS role on Windows Server 2012. Topics include adding the DNS server role, creating a forward and reverse lookup zone, creating host (A) and reverse lookup records (PTR), and using NSLOOKUP. For more guides and tutorials, please visit: http://www.itgeared.com
This course is designed to prepare the student for the Administering Windows Server 2012 (70-411). Students will like a look at how to administer, deploy, configure, & monitor network servers as well as various advanced files. Learn the main objectives by learning these key concepts we cover: Lesson 1 Deploying and Maintaining Server Images Lesson 2 Implementing Patch Management Lesson 3 Monitoring Windows Server 2012 Lesson 4 Configuring File and Disk Encryption Lesson 5 Configuring File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) Lesson 6 Configuring Distributed File System (DFS) Lesson 7 Configuring Advanced Auditing Lesson 8 Configuring and Troubleshooting DNS Configure DNS zones Configure primary and secondary zones, configure stub zones, configure conditional forwards, configure zone and condit...
This course is designed to prepare the student for the Administering Windows Server 2012 (70-411). Students will like a look at how to administer, deploy, configure, & monitor network servers as well as various advanced files. Learn the main objectives by learning these key concepts we cover: Lesson 1 Deploying and Maintaining Server Images Lesson 2 Implementing Patch Management Lesson 3 Monitoring Windows Server 2012 Lesson 4 Configuring File and Disk Encryption Lesson 5 Configuring File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) Lesson 6 Configuring Distributed File System (DFS) Lesson 7 Configuring Advanced Auditing Lesson 8 Configuring and Troubleshooting DNS Configure DNS zones Configure primary and secondary zones, configure stub zones, configure conditional forwards, configure zone and condit...
The Domain Name System or DNS is an essential service that allows your computer to find other computers and services on the network. Active directory relies on DNS and can't not run without it. It is important to understand how DNS work to support any active directory environment.
Learn DNS Server Concepts & Configuration on RHEL7 for RHCE Exam. Trainer - Ravinder Singh Sahota Institute - Seven Layer Technologies www.7ltech.in
Time Jumps: 0:00 - Intro 0:30 - Overview 1:20 - What is DNS 1:50 - Why would I want to run my own DNS server? 7:40 - Installing CentOS 13:40 - Enbling/Configuring NIC on CentOS 18:00 - Installing/Configuring BIND DNS Server Software 25:10 - Configuring Firewall Rules 30:11 - A note on making your DNS server publicly accessible.
This video tutorials explains how to set uo a primary DNS Server in a Production or a Lab Environment on Redhat Linux 6 . Forward and Reverse zone configurations are explained and can be implemented easily.
NEW CONTENT ON: http://www.FailedNormal.com Info Level: Intermediate Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: November 1, 2010 Length of Class: 45 Minutes Tracks Hacking Computer Security /Integrity Prerequisites Knowledge of TCP/IP and Domain Name Resolution Purpose of Class This class teaches students how use DNS to redirect computer or network users to alternate websites or servers for security or malicious purposes. Topics Covered How DNS Works Editing the HOSTS file Alternate Public DNS Planning a DNS Hack Reasons to Hack DNS Class Notes Introduction DNS resolves Domain Names to IP Addresses Warning: Use at your own risk DNS HOSTS file is the local file that resolves Domain Names Windows Location = C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc Example = www.elith...
This Linux administration video tutorial, is ideal for those who want to learn how to configure a DNS server in Linux. The following topics have been covered in this tutorial: 1. What is DNS? 2. How Does DNS Server Work? 3. Configuring A DNS Server In 10 Steps. Check our complete Linux admin playlist here: https://goo.gl/ZUTGVb #Linux #LinuxTurorial #LinuxTraining #LinuxInterviewQuestions Subscribe to our channel to get video updates. Hit the subscribe button above. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - How it Works? 1. This is a 7 Week Instructor led Online Course, 25 hours of assignment and 10 hours of project work 2. We have a 24x7 One-on-One LIVE Technical Support to help you with any problems you might face or any clarifications you may require during the course. 3. At the end of the tra...
Today's Topic: We discuss how to configure DNS for your website and web services. Today's Review: We demo BoomPhones Pocket Pocket Speaker: http://www.BoomPhones.com Email Questions to: FAQ@GeekBrainDump.com ********************* Tech Questions??? ******************** Spiceworks Community of IT professionals is the place to get your tech questions answered: http://goo.gl/75thj7 *************** Please Visit our Sponsors!!! *************** Any Protect online Backup - Online Backup Solution for up to 20 PC's- http://goo.gl/hsZAbO Plixer - FREE Net Flow - Network Analysis Tool - http://goo.gl/tSBPjC TotalSem - A+, Net+, Security+ Books and Test Prep - http://goo.gl/GqeP3W Altaro - Free HyperV Backup Software - http://goo.gl/K8SzFN Nerds We Can Fix That - Start Your Own Computer Servi...
Instale y Configure Servidor DNS con bind9 en Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Cache, Zonas, IPv4, IPv6 y Esclavo)
70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 This course centers on the installation and configuration of Windows Server 2012. There are upgraded features from older releases, like PowerShell which is quickly becoming a favorite over the command line tool. This is a course for those who have prior networking experience as well as those looking to take a step up from Server 2003, and 2008. After taking this course you will have ability to implement and configure Windows Server 2012 core services, such as Active Directory and the networking services. In this course you will learn: - Install and configure servers - Configure server roles and features - Configure Hyper-V - Deploy and configure core network services - Install and administer Active Directory - Create and...
Cisco Packet Tracer DNS+DHCP+HTTP Server & DHCP Service in Router Project Download (3 files) -DHCP Service -DHCP Server -Just the topology Donate via PayPal - Secure https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=FBWZUE4CQU62Y Download the project : http://adf.ly/1Qhmr3 Hope this video Help you :)
**** Watch on 480P or 720P for better visualization **** This video shows how to install and configure DNS and Web Server on Debian 8 using Bind 9 & Apache 2 Servers. This is BASIC configurations! You can do a lot more with these servers!
Ubuntu Server 17.04 installation and basic configuration Static IP DNS SERVER ------------------------TAGS-------------------------------------- ubuntu 17.04 static ip ubuntu change ip address command line static ip ubuntu server ubuntu 17.04 restart network ubuntu /etc/network/interfaces ubuntu 17.04 interface name configurer ip fixe ubuntu ubuntu 17 static ip
In this video you will see how to install Active Directory, DNS Server and DHCP Server installation and configuration in Windows Server 2012. And also you will find how to do the client configuration for all ADS, DNS and DHCP Servers. http://tech-answer.blogspot.in/
DNS - Active Directory Integrated DNS Servers
http://www.tut4you.net Tutorial: Server2012 r2 - Teil 1 Hier zeige ich wie man DNS und Domain Controller /AD) in Windows Server 2012 r2 installiert
DNS Server Configuration or name server configuration on rhel 7. Also known as BIND DNS. In this live demo, I have configured a dns server on rhel7. I have also demonstrated how to setup firewalls and selinux. This is a step by step demo on name server, bind configuration. dns server rhel 7 To Learn or Teach Linux visit www.theskillpedia.com, A Marketplace for Learners and Trainers. To know about me visit my profile at www.rnsangwan.com. I deliver online training on Business Analysis, Linux, Unix, MySQL, Sybase, SQL Server, Perl, Python, R Data Analysis, Scala etc,