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Will Hutton Principal, Hertford College, Oxford

This Is What It'll Take To Keep The UK From Going Over The Cliff

Stefan Wermuth / Reuters
The question is how far Theresa May will feel she has to go in controlling immigration and completely exiting all EU structures to assuage their appetite for torching anything European whatever its merits. If she does, the policies could trigger at best a deep economic recession and at worst a second financial crash and depression. I have never been so fearful for the British economy in my career as an economic commentator.

Why Your Relationship Is Not Working In Perfect eHarmony

Universal Pictures
Dating and relationships are so hot right now. You only have to turn on your TV, radio or computer to see our constant fascination with finding love. So why then, if we have more ways to find love, are our relationships failing?

Renee Slansky Relationship and dating expert, blogger, writer and TV presenter

The South China Sea Ruling Won't Stop Beijing's Belligerence

As expected, the panel ruled in favor of the Philippines and determined that China has no legal basis to claim rights to the majority of the South China Sea. But there is no mechanism to enforce the ruling. And China quickly rejected the decision, with some in the Chinese establishment hinting at possible retaliation.

Jennifer M. Harris Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations; Co-author, War By Other Means: Geoeconomics and Statecraft

You're Entitled To Your Opinion, Unless It's Not Based On Fact

The more we gather to discuss evidence and facts, the more we will be able to reduce the ill-founded fear and hysteria of groups such as One Nation. Evidence should always prevail and when this lens is applied to the One Nation policy manifesto, it just doesn’t pass muster.

Lisa Annese CEO, Diversity Council Australia

For The Record, I Am Not Pregnant. What I Am Is Fed Up

Mark Blinch / Reuters
I have grown tired of being part of this narrative. Yes, I may become a mother some day, and since I’m laying it all out there, if I ever do, I will be the first to let you know. But I’m not in pursuit of motherhood because I feel incomplete in some way, as our celebrity news culture would lead us all to believe.

Jennifer Aniston Actor, producer, director

Phone Services For The Deaf Need Better Reception

But imagine what life would be like if you couldn’t just pick up a phone and talk to a friend, loved one or colleague. You couldn’t phone for a haircut appointment, change a restaurant booking, or call a help desk.

Kyle Miers CEO, Deaf Australia

I Have A Beef With Burgers

Getty Images
Every time I turn a corner, scroll through my newsfeed or open my eyes, I seem to be inundated with this week's brand spanking new, triple-stacked, “you-want-some-burger-with-your-bacon?”, 20-dollar pile of heart-attack inducing deliciousness. And I am absolutely sick of it.

Rhys Murphy Likes leather jackets, rock 'n' roll, VB and Sydney Swans. Not necessarily in that order

I Was A Highly Paid IT Consultant. I Was Also An Ice Addict

Thomas Barwick/Getty Creative
I see a lot in the media these days saying who an ice addict is. For me, and for most of the ice addicts I know, it just doesn't ring true. Everyone has similarities, but not everyone's story is the same.

Jarrod Recovering ice addict. Soon-to-be alcohol and drug counsellor

Theresa May Is The Right Choice

Peter Nicholls / Reuters
Britain could be set for some turbulent times and it needs a cool head in charge. She may not be perfect, but of all the possibilities available Theresa May is without question the best option.

Jack Jenkins Political Writer

Dear Pauline Hanson, Please Come Visit Me In Bankstown

Edwina Pickles via Fairfax
Hey Pauline, want to hang out? I would love to take you on a tour of my home town and its surrounds. I would love to hear how and why you have formed your views, and I would love to give you some feedback on the experiences that have formed mine.

Marissa Parsons Mum to three, wife to one, owner of cats, extrovert

Endometriosis Is My New Worst Enema

Getty Images
I am crouched on the bedroom floor. I am laughing. My cat is sitting on the end of the bed looking bewildered. My husband is also laughing. He is also facilitating an enema into my rear end. This wasn’t in the marriage handbook...

Celia Drummond Non-traditional librarian. Traditionally nice person. Blogger

'Train Driver Mary' Is Living Proof That Good People Still Exist

After (the unsurprisingly lovely) Mary and I tee up a time to meet, she calls back to say she can't make it because a passenger has died on the train and she's being held up talking to police. She's actually super apologetic that I have to wait for her, Train Angel, to bring my wallet back to me, Pregnant Idiot, because someone has died.

Emily Blatchford Contributor, HuffPost Australia

Pauline Hanson Is A Symbol Of Australian Democracy

The most offensive thing about Pauline Hanson isn’t her unabashed xenophobia, her incorrigible disregard for cultural sensitivities, or her affront to the sensibilities of Western liberal political thought. No, truly the most offensive thing about Pauline Hanson has been the reaction her election has evoked from the Australian public.

Alexander Galitsky Student of Political, Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney

If We Want To Reduce Crime, We Need To Break The Rules

Getty Images
Our message to governments is that addressing an overcrowded prison system at a time of falling crime rates should trigger a real change to our justice policies and current high spending prison approach.

Gino Vumbaca President of Harm Reduction Australia, director of Just Reinvest NSW

Why The Dogs Turned Men Into Monsters

Bongarts/Getty Images
The gambling that goes along with greyhound racing and racing in general is what has driven it to become a corrupt and abusive sport.

Steve Georgakis Senior Lecturer of Pedagogy and Sports Studies at the University of Sydney

How Do You Tell Your Child That One Day She'll Be Hated?

Getty Images/PhotoAlto
The sad thing about humanity is that there will always be people who look for the negative. They feed off hate, intolerance, rejection of anything different from them. And because my loving, clever, outrageously funny little girl happens to be a brown-skinned Muslim of Middle Eastern descent, she will eventually become a victim of this loathing.

Katie Ahmed Mum, wife and lover of coffee who longs for the day we can all get along


