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latest news

Disappointment for Left in re-run elections

12/07/2016: Mass mobilisation and struggle necessary for real change


Rise in support for Grexit; fall in support for SYRIZA

11/07/2016: Highest levels recorded against Eurozone and EU membership following Brexit


China’s economy
‘Dead panda bounce’

10/07/2016: Has China’s economy turned a corner?


Third anniversary of coming to power of military regime

09/07/2016: Rebuilding Workers’ and youth struggles


Chilcot's damning findings on Iraq war

08/07/2016: More piles of evidence against the blood-soaked war for oil


Close election result - A crisis for the establishment

08/07/2016: To fight anti-working class measures, we must build a socialist alternative


Presidential elections re-run

08/07/2016: Court order to re-run elections sends shockwaves through establishment


After Brexit, are we heading towards ‘Nexit’?

07/07/2016: Right populist Geert Wilders promises: “Our turn is next”


1936 - Spain’s revolutionary promise

06/07/2016: Working class and peasants rose up against capitalist exploitation, poverty and fascism


Stand firm and organise against the Blairite coup

06/07/2016: No compromise possible in Labour’s civil war


#KeepCorbyn solidarity from Irish parliament

06/07/2016: Socialist MPs - Ruth Coppinger and Paul Murphy - speak in support of Jeremy Corbyn against Blairite coup in Irish parliament

  Britain, Video

Terrorist attack at İstanbul Atatürk Airport kills dozens

01/07/2016: No to war and terror! Yes to workers’ unity and solidarity!


Gold Miners Lashed, jailed workers on hunger strike

01/07/2016: Iranian workers need solidarity


Beyond Bernie

01/07/2016: Still not with her


Defend Jeremy Corbyn

30/06/2016: Fight the Blairite coup

  Britain, Video

Blairite coup against Jeremy Corbyn

29/06/2016: Defend anti-austerity struggle


Teachers continue strike despite extreme repression

28/06/2016: Working people in Mexico need fighting unions, an independent left party, and socialism


Referendum revolt

27/06/2016: Capitalist establishment shattered


After Brexit, SNP government threaten second Indy referendum

27/06/2016: Leave vote higher than average in many working class areas


After the referendum

24/06/2016: Tories Out! General election now! Fight for a 24 hour general strike

  Britain, Europe

Budget 2016-17

24/06/2016: The digits change but reality remains a nightmare for most


EU referendum

23/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead


Student protests win important victory

23/06/2016: Education ministry retreats over increased tuition fees


Prime Minister Renzi’s party routed

22/06/2016: Five Star mayors elected in Rome and Turin


The left wing case for leaving the EU

22/06/2016: Article by Paul Murphy, Irish MP and former MEP and CWI member

  Ireland Republic

Hong Kong
New protests as kidnapped bookseller speaks out

22/06/2016: Gangster methods of China’s regime exposed

  Hong Kong

This weak government can be beaten

21/06/2016: “The reality is that a small clique of hard-left, Trotskyite politicians, who are quite upfront about seeking to overthrow the current system, are now arguably setting the political agenda.” (Shane Coleman, Irish Independent 17 May 2016)

  Ireland Republic

Women health workers protest in Sindh

21/06/2016: Lady Health Workers organisation protests at non-payment of wages

  Pakistan, Women

EU referendum

19/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead


Stand together against bigotry, war and terrorism

17/06/2016: Orlando – massive wave of solidarity with LGBTQ community


Conflict in the South China Sea

16/06/2016: Territorial disputes resemble pieces on a ‘geopolitical chessboard’ as the US and China struggle for hegemony in Asia

  Asia, China

Middle East
ISIS under pressure on several fronts

15/06/2016: Working classes, through bitterest of experiences, will take to road of mass struggle again

  Iraq, Middle East, Syria

Massive protest demonstration in Paris

15/06/2016: Workers march as Senate debates hated labour law reform


Over 100,000 sign petition for independent Sanders challenge

13/06/2016: Surge in support for petition initiated by socialist councillor Kshama Sawant

  US, Video

Car industry

Car industry: Closure of Opel factory in Bochum – why no uproar?

29/09/2013, Defend all plants and jobs – save factories through nationalisation – for a 30-hour week at Opel/Vauxhall without loss in pay
Stephan Kimmerle, CWI

Car industry: End of car production in Bochum by 2016 announced by GM/Opel

19/12/2012, Factory closures in Europe’s auto industry spreading. Defend Bochum, Genk, Aulnay-sous-Bois, Southampton and Dagenham – for a united struggle to protect all jobs and factories
Stephan Kimmerle, CWI

Belgium: Genk Ford workers blockade plant

07/11/2012, 11 November - Mass demonstration called in support of Ford workers
Eric Byl, LSP/PSL (CWI Belgium), Brussels

Europe’s car industry: Another crisis in the making

27/09/2012, For a European-wide and international strategy of the trade unions to defend factories, jobs and working conditions
Stephan Kimmerle, CWI

US: 75th anniversary of 1936 auto sit down strikes

21/08/2011, When workers shut down GM
By John Gallup, Seattle, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in the US)

Italy: Metal-workers fight for all workers!

27/01/2011, One day strike in engineering industry this Friday
Marco Veruggio, ControCorrente

Italy: Metalworkers resist FIAT blackmail

23/07/2010, Struggle at Pomigliano brings out need for workers’ party
Events at the FIAT Pomigliano factory in recent weeks in Italy have shown that even in the most difficult circumstances workers are prepared to struggle if given a lead. Marco Veruggio of ControCorrente describes what has been happening and explains the significance of these developments.

Solidarity needed: Daimler workers in Berlin threatened with expulsion from IG Metall union

11/05/2010, The Berlin area leadership of the German metal workers’ union has begun the procedure to expel left wing, combative members. Please write messages of protest!

Germany: Solidarity needed - IG Metall union threatens combative left activists with explusion

17/02/2010, Messages of protest needed!
CWI reporters

Car industry: GM pulls out from Opel/Vauxhall sale

06/11/2009, Workers threatened with blackmail again
Stephan Kimmerle

Car industry: Magna’s takeover of Opel/Vauxhall

23/09/2009, New international jobs massacre in the car industry
Cedric Gerome, CWI

Belgium: A future for Opel Antwerp is possible

20/08/2009, Stop the threatened jobs massacre - for nationalisation under workers’ control and management !
Jan Vlegels, Linkse Socialistische Partij / Parti Socialiste de Lutte (the CWI in Belgium)

Russia: Car industry in meltdown

18/08/2009, Trade unions demand nationalization with workers’ control, and an alternative plan of production
Rob Jones, CWI, Moscow

US: GM Goes Bankrupt — Defend Jobs!

05/06/2009, Retool GM to Produce Mass Transit Vehicles!
Brett Hoven, UAW Local 879 (personal capacity), Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in the US)

Britain: Decisive action needed against victimisations

08/05/2009, Defend Rob Williams!
Editorial, the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

Britain: Rob Williams, union Convenor at Linamar plant, Swansea, sacked by brutal bosses

07/05/2009, Step up the struggle - Messages of protest needed urgently!
Socialist Party (England and Wales CWI) Statement

Further articles on 'Car industry':





Featured in: Car industry


Video: #KeepCorbyn solidarity from Irish parliament, 06/07/2016

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