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latest news

Terrorist attack at İstanbul Atatürk Airport kills dozens

01/07/2016: No to war and terror! Yes to workers’ unity and solidarity!


Jailed goldminers protest with hunger strike

01/07/2016: Workers subjected to public lashings


Beyond Bernie

01/07/2016: Still not with her


Defend Jeremy Corbyn

30/06/2016: Fight the Blairite coup

  Britain, Video

Blairite coup against Jeremy Corbyn

29/06/2016: Defend anti-austerity struggle


Teachers continue strike despite extreme repression

28/06/2016: Working people in Mexico need fighting unions, an independent left party, and socialism


Referendum revolt

27/06/2016: Capitalist establishment shattered


After Brexit, SNP government threaten second Indy referendum

27/06/2016: Leave vote higher than average in many working class areas


After the referendum

24/06/2016: Tories Out! General election now! Fight for a 24 hour general strike

  Britain, Europe

Budget 2016-17

24/06/2016: The digits change but reality remains a nightmare for most


EU referendum

23/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead


Student protests win important victory

23/06/2016: Education ministry retreats over increased tuition fees


Prime Minister Renzi’s party routed

22/06/2016: Five Star mayors elected in Rome and Turin


The left wing case for leaving the EU

22/06/2016: Article by Paul Murphy, Irish MP and former MEP and CWI member

  Ireland Republic

Hong Kong
New protests as kidnapped bookseller speaks out

22/06/2016: Gangster methods of China’s regime exposed

  Hong Kong

This weak government can be beaten

21/06/2016: “The reality is that a small clique of hard-left, Trotskyite politicians, who are quite upfront about seeking to overthrow the current system, are now arguably setting the political agenda.” (Shane Coleman, Irish Independent 17 May 2016)

  Ireland Republic

Women health workers protest in Sindh

21/06/2016: Lady Health Workers organisation protests at non-payment of wages

  Pakistan, Women

EU referendum

19/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead


Stand together against bigotry, war and terrorism

17/06/2016: Orlando – massive wave of solidarity with LGBTQ community


Conflict in the South China Sea

16/06/2016: Territorial disputes resemble pieces on a ‘geopolitical chessboard’ as the US and China struggle for hegemony in Asia

  Asia, China

Middle East
ISIS under pressure on several fronts

15/06/2016: Working classes, through bitterest of experiences, will take to road of mass struggle again

  Iraq, Middle East, Syria

Massive protest demonstration in Paris

15/06/2016: Workers march as Senate debates hated labour law reform


Over 100,000 sign petition for independent Sanders challenge

13/06/2016: Surge in support for petition initiated by socialist councillor Kshama Sawant

  US, Video

Orlando massacre

13/06/2016: Stand with our LGBTQ Sisters and Brothers! Fight back against Scapegoating & Islamophobia!


New trade union action plan

13/06/2016: “The cup is full !”


Egypt’s workers in revolt

12/06/2016: Review of "The Egyptians: a radical story"


EU green myths

11/06/2016: The truth about the EU and the environment


Left parties turning against bosses’ Europe

10/06/2016: Progress in Portugal and Spain, confusion in Britain

  Europe, Portugal, Spain

China’s ’Cultural Revolution’ 1966-67

10/06/2016: 50 years ago the ’Cultural Revolution’ began in China.

  China, History

Youth and the EU referendum

09/06/2016: Fight for our future, starting with a Leave vote to smash the Tories


Muhammad Ali
A fighter who inspired millions

09/06/2016: Establishment forced to incorporate his legend into re-writing of history


The working-class case against the EU

08/06/2016: Review of ‘And The Weak Must Suffer What They Must?’ by Yanis Varoufakis


1989 mass movement and June 4 massacre

08/06/2016: Video by CWI comrades in China and Hong Kong

  China, History

Victory for Athens bus cleaners

07/06/2016: Strike action wins major concessions from contractors and bus administration


Northern Ireland
Biggest union votes to support exit from the EU

06/06/2016: Union and Labour leaders should join NIPSA and other combative unions in opposing bosses’ club

  Ireland North


Teachers continue strike despite extreme repression, 28/06/2016
website of the committee for a workers' international, CWI

Working people in Mexico need fighting unions, an independent left party, and socialism

Adam Ziemkowski, Socialist Alternative, USA

Tens of thousands of teachers in Mexico have been on strike since 16 May, led by the National Education Workers Coordinating Committee (CNTE), in opposition to an education reform law that would open the door to mass firings of teachers, weaken public sector unions, and pave the way for the privatization of public education.

The neoliberal government of Enrique Peña Nieto government took a hardline approach towards the teachers’ strike from the start, refusing to negotiate with the CNTE, firing more than 4,000 teachers for missing work to participate in the strikes, and arresting key CNTE leaders on trumped up charges. The repression took a violent turn on 19 June when, as Telesur reports, “authorities deployed tens of thousands of riot police.” At least 10 people were killed in the hours that followed, most of whom were from the Oaxacan town of Nochixtlan.

In the wake of this tragedy, the CNTE has vowed to continued its opposition to the education reforms, receiving considerable community support. In Mexico City, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and the National Revolutionary Movement (Morena) party held an enormous rally with as many as 250,000 people by some estimates in support of the teachers. There has also been a tremendous amount of international support. Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant expressed solidarity with the striking CNTE teachers, on behalf of Socialist Alternative and the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), in a letter and video.

The Peña Nieto government, for its part, has refused to back down and Education Minister, Aurelio Nuño, reiterated plans to implement the neoliberal education reforms.

Teachers forefront of struggle against neoliberal agenda of Peña Nieto and Mexican ruling class

The CNTE is opposed to the education reform law for a number of reasons. Most prominently, it would allow the neoliberal government to administer standardised tests and use them to evaluate teachers, opening them up to arbitrary attacks. It would also reduce unions’ control over the hiring of teachers and limit the number of unionised workers that the state can employ. Overall, the law would be a step towards privatising public education in Mexico.

But this struggle is about more than the education reforms. Teachers and public sector unions have been at the forefront of the opposition to the neoliberal agenda of the Mexican ruling class, and the Peña Nieto government hopes to weaken that opposition. René González Pizarro, a Oaxacan teacher and member of Local 22 of the CNTE, summed this up in a recent interview, “It’s about yet another neoliberal government attack on trade unions that demonstrate any type of opposition.” (

The government’s inability to achieve this goal, in spite of how severely it has repressed the CNTE and teachers, reveals the fundamental weakness of the Mexican ruling class. Capitalism has been an utter failure for ordinary people in Mexico. Not only can it not guarantee jobs with decent wages and living standards to most people; it can’t even ensure basic safety.

Nearly 50% of the Mexican population lives in poverty, including 40 million children, while super-wealthy individuals like Carlos Slim, whose personal wealth is more than $75 Billion, accumulate tremendous fortunes. From 2007 - 2014, more than 164,000 people were murdered, and 100 mayors and 1,000 elected municipal officials were assassinated in the last decade, largely because of the drug wars, and the corruption and instability that creates.

Capitalism in Mexico, however, will not fall on its own. More working people will need to follow the lead of the CNTE teachers and wage an organized struggle against the education reform law as well as other attempts by the government to impose its neoliberal agenda. Workers also urgently need a political force capable of providing an alternative vision to the bankrupt system of capitalism. The development of an independent left force like Morena is encouraging, and could provide an important space for ordinary people to build the working class struggle, while also grappling with the best ways to fight against capitalism to build a socialist world where people come before profit.



Video: Defend Jeremy Corbyn, 30/06/2016

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Turkey: Terrorist attack at İstanbul Atatürk Airport kills dozens
01/07/2016, Ahmet Küçük, Sosyalist Alternatif (CWI Turkey):
No to war and terror! Yes to workers’ unity and solidarity!

Iran: Jailed goldminers protest with hunger strike
01/07/2016, Report from Campaign in Support of Iranian Workers :
Workers subjected to public lashings

Video: Defend Jeremy Corbyn
30/06/2016, Video with Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Fight the Blairite coup

Britain: Blairite coup against Jeremy Corbyn
29/06/2016, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) general secretary:
Defend anti-austerity struggle

Mexico: Teachers continue strike despite extreme repression
28/06/2016, Adam Ziemkowski, Socialist Alternative, USA:
Working people in Mexico need fighting unions, an independent left party, and socialism

Scotland: After Brexit, SNP government threaten second Indy referendum
27/06/2016, Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI) :
Leave vote higher than average in many working class areas

Britain: After the referendum
24/06/2016, Hannah Sell, Socialist Party deputy general secretary:
Tories Out! General election now! Fight for a 24 hour general strike

Pakistan: Budget 2016-17
24/06/2016, Muhammad Khan Ahmedani Socialist Movement Sindh, Pakistan:
The digits change but reality remains a nightmare for most

Britain: EU referendum
23/06/2016, Editorial from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead

Taiwan: Student protests win important victory
23/06/2016, CWI Taiwan:
Education ministry retreats over increased tuition fees

Italy: Prime Minister Renzi’s party routed
22/06/2016, Chris Thomas, ControCorrente (CWI Italy):
Five Star mayors elected in Rome and Turin

Ireland: The left wing case for leaving the EU
22/06/2016, Originally published on
Article by Paul Murphy, Irish MP and former MEP and CWI member

Hong Kong: New protests as kidnapped bookseller speaks out
22/06/2016, Dikang, Socialist Action (CWI in Hong Kong):
Gangster methods of China’s regime exposed

Ireland: This weak government can be beaten
21/06/2016, By Paul Murphy, Anti-Austerity Alliance MP and Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) member:
“The reality is that a small clique of hard-left, Trotskyite politicians, who are quite upfront about seeking to overthrow the current system, are now arguably setting the political agenda.” (Shane Coleman, Irish Independent 17 May 2016)

Pakistan: Women health workers protest in Sindh
21/06/2016, Sughran Khaskheli:
Lady Health Workers organisation protests at non-payment of wages

Britain: EU referendum
19/06/2016, Editorial of the Socialist, issue 906:
Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead

US: Stand together against bigotry, war and terrorism
17/06/2016, Tom Crean, Socialist Alternative:
Orlando – massive wave of solidarity with LGBTQ community

France : Massive protest demonstration in Paris
15/06/2016, Naomi Byron in France for The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England and Wales):
Workers march as Senate debates hated labour law reform

US: Over 100,000 sign petition for independent Sanders challenge
Surge in support for petition initiated by socialist councillor Kshama Sawant

US: Orlando massacre
13/06/2016, Immediate reaction from Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative councillor, Seattle:
Stand with our LGBTQ Sisters and Brothers! Fight back against Scapegoating & Islamophobia!

Belgium: New trade union action plan
13/06/2016, Nicolas Croes, PSL-LSP (CWI in Belgium):
“The cup is full !”

Egypt’s workers in revolt
12/06/2016, Christine Thomas:
Review of "The Egyptians: a radical story"

Environment: EU green myths
11/06/2016, Claire Laker Mansfield, originally published in Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
The truth about the EU and the environment

History: China’s ’Cultural Revolution’ 1966-67
10/06/2016, Edited version of article written by Socialist Party general secretary Peter Taaffe for Militant (predecessor of the Socialist) in February 1967.:
50 years ago the ’Cultural Revolution’ began in China.

Britain: Youth and the EU referendum
09/06/2016, Editorial from the Socialist (weekly paper of the Socialist Party – CWI England & Wales):
Fight for our future, starting with a Leave vote to smash the Tories

China: 1989 mass movement and June 4 massacre
08/06/2016, Socialist Action (CWI) reporters in Hong Kong:
Video by CWI comrades in China and Hong Kong

CWI Comment and Analysis


US: Beyond Bernie
01/07/2016, Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative (CWI in the USA):
Still not with her

Britain: Referendum revolt
27/06/2016, Peter Taaffe, from Socialism Today (issue No.200, July-August 2016):
Capitalist establishment shattered

Asia: Conflict in the South China Sea
16/06/2016, This is an abridged version of an article by Vincent Kolo, originally published on
Territorial disputes resemble pieces on a ‘geopolitical chessboard’ as the US and China struggle for hegemony in Asia

Middle East: ISIS under pressure on several fronts
15/06/2016, Niall Mulholland, CWI:
Working classes, through bitterest of experiences, will take to road of mass struggle again

EU: Left parties turning against bosses’ Europe
10/06/2016, Danny Byrne, CWI:
Progress in Portugal and Spain, confusion in Britain

Muhammad Ali: A fighter who inspired millions
09/06/2016, Hugo Pierre, Socialism Today (originally published in 2003):
Establishment forced to incorporate his legend into re-writing of history

Review: The working-class case against the EU
08/06/2016, Hannah Sell, article from Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
Review of ‘And The Weak Must Suffer What They Must?’ by Yanis Varoufakis

France: Fight against Valls/Hollande government intensifies
31/05/2016, Clare Doyle, CWI:
Gauche Revolutionnaire statement underlines vital need for political alternative

Austria: Only 31,026 votes prevent far right’s Hofer becoming president
24/05/2016, Sonja Grusch, SLP (the Austrian section of the CWI):
‘Breathing space’ offers chance to build a fighting, democratic left alternative

Britain: EU referendum exposes gaping political fault-lines
24/05/2016, Peter Taaffe, from Socialism Today (monthly magazine of the Socialist Party England & Wales):
New road can open up for labour movement if working class relies on its own forces

Brazil: Fall of President Dilma Rousseff unleashes offensive against working class
19/05/2016, André Ferrari, LSR (‘Freedom, Socialism and Revolution’ - CWI Brazil):
The impeachment process and historic crisis of the PT (Workers’ Party)

Ireland: ‘Jobstown trials’ to go ahead
18/05/2016, Kieran Mahon, Anti-Austerity Alliance / Socialist Party Councillor, Dublin:
Government loses battle on water charges but wages war on Left

Saudi Arabia: Gathering storms over the House of Saud
13/05/2016, Serge Jordan, CWI:
Collapse of oil prices expose fragile foundations of oil Gulf monarchies

France: New stage in battle over labour law
12/05/2016, Clare Doyle, CWI:
Hollande’s decision to over-rule parliament provokes another round of struggle

Ireland: 100th anniversary of the execution of James Connolly
12/05/2016, Three articles on Connolly’s life and ideas :
Revolutionary socialist, militant workers' leader and internationalist

Belgium: Trade unions announce new plan of action
11/05/2016, LSP/PSL (CWI in Belgium) Reporters:
Call for two national demonstrations, building towards general strikes

Britain: 90th anniversary of epochal general strike
05/05/2016, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) general secretary:
When workers tasted power

Israel/Palestine: The Marxist left, the national conflict and the
Palestinian struggle

29/04/2016, Socialist Struggle Movement (CWI Israel-Palestine):
The necessity of a class approach and a socialist alternative

France: One-day strike set for 28 April
26/04/2016, Alex Rouillard, Gauche Revolutionnaire (CWI in France):
A final stage before indefinite action against Hollande’s government?

US: The un-Democratic Primary
22/04/2016, Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative Seattle, originally published on
Why we need new party of the 99%

Capitalism: a failing system
18/04/2016, Peter Taaffe, from May edition of Socialism Today, magazine of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales):
A new book, The Rise and Fall of American Growth, analyses the downward course of the US economy – and the limits of the whole capitalist system

Review: ’Militant’ by Michael Crick
14/04/2016, Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) general secretary:
Lessons of Militant vital for anti-austerity struggles today

US election turmoil
01/04/2016, By Tony Saunois (CWI Secretary) who recently visited the US for meetings of Socialist Alternative:
Bernie Sanders campaign - an opportunity to build a new party of the 99%

Britain: A new moment
28/03/2016, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales), published in April 2016 issue of Socialism Today:
Extracts from a statement discussed at the Socialist Party’s recent congress

Ireland: 100th anniversary of Easter 1916 Rising
26/03/2016, Cillian Gillespie, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland):
A revolt against imperial power and war