Socialist Party

 |  Mobile  |  9 July 2016 | 

The Socialist Party says:

Stand firm and organise against the Blairite coup

6 July 4,000 in Liverpool, 1,000 in Manchester, 800 in Leeds, thousands in London ... People have taken to the streets to support Jeremy Corbyn and express anger towards the MPs who are trying to force him to resign More...

Socialist Party video

Peter Taaffe speaking on the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn

Defend Jeremy Corbyn - Defend the anti-austerity struggle! Socialist Party's Peter Taaffe

8 July 2016

Chilcot Iraq war report: More piles of evidence against the blood-soaked war for oil

The 2.6 million-word Chilcot report in essence acknowledges that the devastating war on Iraq and occupation was a completely unjustifiable act of military aggression, by making it clear that it was not necessary More...

6 July 2016

Join the Socialist Party to fight for socialist change

Everywhere you look there is proof that our world is afflicted by enormous inequality - on our side there is austerity, poverty and war and on the other side for the super-rich 1% there is enormous wealth. More...

28 June 2016

Defend anti-austerity struggle

The civil war within Labour - which has existed since Jeremy Corbyn was elected as Labour leader - has now broken out into the open. The 'mass' resignations of the shadow cabinet indicate a determined push by the right-wing Parliamentary Labour Party to remove Corbyn. More...

More news and analysis...

7/7/16 Meetings

July-August meetings on the EU referendum & aftermath  A list of some of the Socialist Party and TUSC meetings in July and August. All welcome! More...

6/7/16 RMT

Conference takes fighting position on urgent political questions  The 2016 AGM of the RMT took place against a backdrop of heightened conflict in both the industrial and political arenas More...

6/7/16 Dorset

Bus drivers' strikes continue for fair pay  Weymouth and Bridport bus drivers are going into their fourth week of strikes More...

5/7/16 NUT

Teachers' strike: Angry and defiant  Teachers are striking today against continued attacks on teachers and education as a whole. More...

4/7/16 Liverpool

Supporting Jeremy Corbyn, Liverpool, 2.7.16, photo Simon Worthington

Demo says: Keep Corbyn, sack the Blairites  A mood of mass support for Jeremy Corbyn's embattled leadership is developing on Merseyside More...

1/7/16 Stoke-on-Trent

Meeting discusses how to get rid of the 'blue or red' Tories  Socialist Party, Greens, Labour members and union reps met in Stoke More...

1/7/16 Demonstration

Letter to organisers of 16th July demo  The People's Assembly and Stand Up to Racism have organised a demo on 16th July More...

More reports and campaigns...

The Socialist newspaper, weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party:

The Socialist newspaper, 6 July 2016, issue 909

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The Socialist newspaper, 29 June 2016, issue 908

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The Socialist newspaper, 22 June 2016, issue 907

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The Socialist newspaper, 15 June 2016, issue 906

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The Socialist newspaper, 8 June 2016, issue 905

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The Socialist newspaper, 1 June 2016, issue 904

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Socialist Party comments and reviews

The Socialist newspaper, 25 May 2016, issue 903

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The Socialist newspaper, 18 May 2016, issue 902

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The Socialist newspaper, 11 May 2016, issue 901

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Elections 2016

The Socialist newspaper, 4 May 2016, issue 900

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The Socialist newspaper, 27 April 2016, issue 899

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The Socialist newspaper, 20 April 2016, issue 898

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The Socialist newspaper, 13 April 2016, issue 897

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The Socialist newspaper, 6 April 2016, issue 896

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The Socialist newspaper, 30 March 2016, issue 895

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The Socialist newspaper, 23 March 2016, issue 894

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The Socialist newspaper, 16 March 2016, issue 893

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The Socialist newspaper, 9 March 2016, issue 892

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Junior doctors

Housing crisis

Socialist readers' comments and reviews

Click here for more issues of The Socialist newspaper

Socialist Party

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Socialist Party and CWI

Committee for a Workers' InternationalThe Socialist Party is part of the Committee for a Workers‘ International (CWI) which fights for socialism world wide.

Socialism Today

Socialism Today 200 - Jul/Aug 2016

Socialism Today is the monthly magazine of the Socialist Party
Click here to subscribe

- In this month's issue:

Referendum revolt

200 editions of Socialism Today

US elections: radicalised & polarised

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN)

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN)

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC)

Youth and student

Youth Fight for Jobs

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- See also:

Youth Fight For Jobs website

Socialist Students website

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Marxist guides

Karl Marx Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

Communism, grotesque caricature: see Soviet Union. See also What About Russia?


Dialectical materialism

Genuine communism: see Marxism, What is it?

Historical materialism

How would a socialist economy work?

Lenin Lenin: On Marxism

Marxism: What is it?

Militant tendency

Philosophy, Marxism

Russian Revolution

The State and Revolution

Socialism: What is it?

Socialist Countries?

Socialist Party manifesto

Soviet Union

State, The

Terrorism: Marxism Opposes Terrorism

Trotsky Trotsky: On the Russian Revolution

What about Russia?

What is Marxism?

What is Socialism?

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July 2016

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March 2016

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