History: 1936 - Spain’s revolutionary promise

06/07/2016: Working class and peasants rose up against capitalist exploitation, poverty and fascism


latest articles

Turkey: Attempted coup failed

16/07/2016: No to military rule, no to Erdogan’s rule! For a workers’ alternative!


France: In the face of terror in Nice we will not be intimidated !

16/07/2016: No to hatred, suspicion and racism : don’t let us be divided !


China: Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) verdict on South China Sea a major diplomatic blow to China

15/07/2016: Only winner from tribunal’s ruling is arms industry


US: Bernie Abandons 'the Revolution’

14/07/2016: Time to back Green candidate Jill Stein


Malaysia: Scandal-ridden prime minister launches crackdown on dissent

13/07/2016: Opposition weak and divided


Spain: Disappointment for Left in re-run elections

12/07/2016: Mass mobilisation and struggle necessary for real change


Greece: Rise in support for Grexit; fall in support for SYRIZA

11/07/2016: Highest levels recorded against Eurozone and EU membership following Brexit


China’s economy: ‘Dead panda bounce’

10/07/2016: Has China’s economy turned a corner?


Egypt: Third anniversary of coming to power of military regime

09/07/2016: Rebuilding Workers’ and youth struggles


Britain: Chilcot's damning findings on Iraq war

08/07/2016: More piles of evidence against the blood-soaked war for oil


Australia: Close election result - A crisis for the establishment

08/07/2016: To fight anti-working class measures, we must build a socialist alternative


Austria: Presidential elections re-run

08/07/2016: Court order to re-run elections sends shockwaves through establishment


Netherlands: After Brexit, are we heading towards ‘Nexit’?

07/07/2016: Right populist Geert Wilders promises: “Our turn is next”


Britain: Stand firm and organise against the Blairite coup

06/07/2016: No compromise possible in Labour’s civil war


 Video: #KeepCorbyn solidarity from Irish parliament

06/07/2016: Socialist MPs - Ruth Coppinger and Paul Murphy - speak in support of Jeremy Corbyn against Blairite coup in Irish parliament

  Britain, Video

Nigeria:  Oyo State workers' indefinite strike

04/07/2016: "No Pay, No Work!"


Turkey: Terrorist attack at İstanbul Atatürk Airport kills dozens

01/07/2016: No to war and terror! Yes to workers’ unity and solidarity!


Iran: Gold Miners Lashed, jailed workers on hunger strike

01/07/2016: Iranian workers need solidarity


US: Beyond Bernie

01/07/2016: Still not with her


 Video: Defend Jeremy Corbyn

30/06/2016: Fight the Blairite coup

  Britain, Video

Britain: Blairite coup against Jeremy Corbyn

29/06/2016: Defend anti-austerity struggle


Mexico: Teachers continue strike despite extreme repression

28/06/2016: Working people in Mexico need fighting unions, an independent left party, and socialism


Britain: Referendum revolt

27/06/2016: Capitalist establishment shattered


Scotland: After Brexit, SNP government threaten second Indy referendum

27/06/2016: Leave vote higher than average in many working class areas


Britain: After the referendum

24/06/2016: Tories Out! General election now! Fight for a 24 hour general strike

  Britain, Europe

Pakistan: Budget 2016-17

24/06/2016: The digits change but reality remains a nightmare for most


Britain: EU referendum

23/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead


Taiwan: Student protests win important victory

23/06/2016: Education ministry retreats over increased tuition fees


Italy: Prime Minister Renzi’s party routed

22/06/2016: Five Star mayors elected in Rome and Turin


Ireland: The left wing case for leaving the EU

22/06/2016: Article by Paul Murphy, Irish MP and former MEP and CWI member

  Ireland Republic

Hong Kong: New protests as kidnapped bookseller speaks out

22/06/2016: Gangster methods of China’s regime exposed

  Hong Kong

Ireland: This weak government can be beaten

21/06/2016: “The reality is that a small clique of hard-left, Trotskyite politicians, who are quite upfront about seeking to overthrow the current system, are now arguably setting the political agenda.” (Shane Coleman, Irish Independent 17 May 2016)

  Ireland Republic

 Pakistan: Women health workers protest in Sindh

21/06/2016: Lady Health Workers organisation protests at non-payment of wages

  Pakistan, Women

Britain: EU referendum

19/06/2016: Whatever the result, political turmoil is ahead


US: Stand together against bigotry, war and terrorism

17/06/2016: Orlando – massive wave of solidarity with LGBTQ community


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