Get Involved

Bring the Yes Men to your school! 
Contact EvilTwin Booking Agency, or, email liz at eviltwinbooking dot org.

Join the Action Switchboard!  

For nearly two decades, the Yes Men have collaborated with NGOs to launch actions that result in enormous media leverage for social and environmental justice campaigns. The Yes Lab was founded in 2010 to train activist groups to carry out actions like the rebranding an oil company’s ad campaign, embarrassing Canada, or helping a coal company’s impact on public health. Trainings can take the form of a brief, funny, and inspirational presentation to a day-long brainstorming session to a multi-week creation process that results in a highly coordinated media action. 

If you're ready to commit staff time and energy, including one coordinator who can make it happen, and one higher-level person who can make decisions you can stick with, then please email us with a description of your organization and what you have in mind. 
All of our in-person trainings are commissioned by organizations or educational institutions, but we occasionally run workshops that are open to the public. We’ll announce those on our blog, but the best way to stay abreast of our activities is by signing up for our mailing list. 
In NYC? We have an ongoing research presence, the Critical Tactics Lab, at NYU’s Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics. Join us at any of our public events throughout the school year.