- published: 21 Apr 2015
- views: 917
Interview with PhD Candidate Anna Cannon
Why I Chose The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences: A PhD Candidate’s Story
Barbie PhD candidate: Ashton Clarke says she's not taken seriously because her looks - TomoNews
TU Delft Graduate School: PhD candidate Noeska Smit
5 Mistakes PhD Candidates Make!
Amanda Shanor ’09, PhD candidate
PhD candidate Mafalda Casais
Parshati Patel, PhD candidate, Astronomy, Western University
IPrime Impact: Ph.D. candidate Ankit Mahajan
Edgar Nanne, Ph.D. candidate - Chemical Engineering
Anna Cannon, PhD candidate, has devoted a large part of her research to appetite control. With obesity figures on the increase, the role of breastfeeding in helping to abate this trend should not be ignored. While formula-fed infants often empty the bottle, breastfed infants only drink to their appetite due to control hormones such as leptin. Research into leptin and other appetite regulating hormones is still in its infancy. Hopefully this dimension of research will help reduce the 42m children under the age of 5 who are already obese. (WHO, 2015).
PhD candidate Thomas Gardner chose to attend the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai because he was interested in studying translational research and the molecular mechanisms of disease. Thomas’ research is focused on how to stop the CMV virus (herpes virus) from infecting infants when still in their mother’s womb. Hear how the collaborative environment within the Microbiology Department and his mentor are helping his research.
KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE — Ashton Clarke is a 22-year-old student at the University of Tennessee where she is currently a clinical psychology research assistant. She hopes to one day obtain a doctoral degree. She also speaks four languages and is an exhibited artist, all according to News Dog Media. Ms. Clarke also happens to love the fake Barbie look. Ashton say her appreciation for the "fake" look means that she is often underestimated by her peers. When Ashton was 16, she gave herself a dramatic makeover and made herself look like a Barbie. And she's maintained it. To get the look just right, she dyes her hair blonde, applies fake tanning spray, gets lip fillers and wears contouring makeup, fake eyelashes, hair extensions and colored contacts. Ashton, a Knoxville native, says she feels...
Tips from PhD candidate Noeska Smit (Medical Visualization, Faculty EWI). For more information visit: http://www.graduateschool.tudelft.nl/
Professor James Arvanitakis talks to us about 5 common mistakes that PhD candidates make during their study. 1. PhDs waste too much time in their first year of study. 2. PhDs forget about important administration matters. 3. PhDs don't start planning for their future careers. 4. PhDs cancel meetings with their supervisors. 5. PhDs don't take good notes during their time with supervisors. Do you agree with these points? What mistakes do you think research students make? Let us know in the comments below! Professor James Arvanitakis is the Dean of the Graduate Research School. For more information about studying a research degree at Western Sydney University, visit our website: http://www.westernsydney.edu.au/graduate_research_school/grs/higher_degree_research_students/find_a_supervisor
In the run up to PhD-day 2016 PhD candidates of IDE tell about their research and what it's like to do a PhD at IDE. IDE PhD-day 2016 - www.io.tudelft.nl/phd-day
University of Minnesota chemical engineering and materials science Ph.D. candidate Ankit Mahajan talks about the impact the University's Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial Materials and Engineering (IPrime) has had on his research connections with industry.
Nanne is a competitive rower who, with the help of understanding professors, has found a balance between his training and competition schedule and his studies. He is a PhD candidate working with Chemical Engineering Professor Edward Leonard, and has been researching fluid dynamics to make kidney dialysis machines more efficient and economical. The PhD program in Chemical Engineering is relatively small, allowing Nanne to get a highly-personalized education. The program also provides opportunities for interdisciplinary research with the Columbia University Medical Center.
Alexandros Kyriakidis (PhD candidate of the Politics Dpt. at the University of Sheffield, UK - https://alexandroskyriakidis.wordpress.com/) presentation (partial) titled: "EU Democratic Deficit & Eurozone Crisis, " during the Doctoral Colloquium “The European Union in a Crossroads: Challenges and Perspectives,” at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki - Greece (http://afroditi.uom.gr/jmc/?page_id=1851) 8th May 2015 The Colloquium was co-organized by the Jean Monnet Chairs at the Dpt. of International and European Studies of the University of Macedonia (credited with shooting/editing of the video - http://afroditi.uom.gr/jmc/?page_id=8), and at the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (http://law-constitution.web.auth.gr/jeanmonnet/en/pan-european_forum/).
OISE PhD Candidate Emmanuel Tabi tells us why he chose OISE.
OISE PhD Candidate Allison Ritchie tells us why she chose OISE.
OISE PhD Candidate Justine Bruyère tells us why she chose OISE.
Ever fancied yourself as a PhD student? We caught up with the Archaeology department’s Emily Johnson to find out what makes an average day in the life for her as a PhD candidate here at Exeter. Find out more about postgraduate study at the University of Exeter: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/postgraduate/research-degrees/phdsandresearchdegrees/
Ever fancied yourself as a PhD student? We caught up with the Mathematics department’s Simon Clark to find out what makes an average day in the life for him as a PhD candidate here at Exeter. Find out more about postgraduate study at the University of Exeter: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/postgraduate/research-degrees/phdsandresearchdegrees/ Follow Simon’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SimonOxfPhys/featured
Hear what Sulaye, a graudate student in clinical psychology, has to say about his experience being involved in qualitative research. (Posted with permission.)
The British Library's Digital Research Team is co-hosting this event with EThOS the national database of UK doctoral theses. Almost all theses are produced as text-based documents but universities are gradually allowing new forms of thesis to be submitted for the research degree, which might include research outputs such as websites, software, film, creative performance and databases. It would seem that while students often wish to include mutlimedia research outputs with their thesis, the technical, cultural and logistical challenges of doing so are rife. This Digital Conversation event explores the issues faced by PhD researchers producing innovative work but struggling to get that work into the thesis format. Speakers will share their experiences working in cutting edge research prac...
Sandra Fatorić came to Australia to conduct field research on Climate Change, as part of her PhD, and Cassandra Vatovec caught up with her and asked Sandra a number of questions relating to this important global topic. Subscribe NOW to the Slovenia Australia channel: http://tinyurl.com/pj776ac
Leonid Pekelis, PhD candidate Statistics, Stanford University
Son (my man child) of April Gabriellé, Author of The Myth of the Broken Home series., PhD(c) talks STEM to SDSU Summer Bridge students about preparing for and persevering through graduate school. He is a PhD candidate in Bio-Medical Sciences researching how mitochondrial function leads to the onset of sarcopenia, the loss of skeletal muscle with age. Her new book, "Avoiding the Cracks of the Achievement Gap: Single Mom's Journey to an Equal Education" is scheduled to launch Summer 2016. Ask me A Question by using hashtag on YouTube or Twitter #AskAprilG @Nobrokenhome ▼ Follow me https://twitter.com/NoBrokenHome https://www.instagram.com/themythofthebrokenhome/ http://www.facebook.com/SingleParentCounselor https://www.linkedin.com/in/aprilgabrielle Coming Soon! Single Parent Counselor...
Dartmouth's Jones Seminar on Science, Technology, and Society. Ph.D. candidates Michael Mastanduno speaks on "MR-Guided Near Infrared Optical Spectroscopy for Structural and Functional In-Vivo Imaging of Breast Cancer" and Paolo Giacometti speaks on "Head Probe for Combined Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Electroencephalography." Friday, November 4, 2011
Informal "lunch seminar" given at UNIS (Longyearbyen) on 10 December 2010 after my PhD viva.
The experienced headhunters Benedikte Stiff and Petter Fafalios will contribute by simulating parts of an interview with a newly graduated PhD as well as giving you some tips on how to boost the impact of your LinkedIn-profile. http://www.ub.uio.no/kurs-arrangement/arrangementer/ureal/science-debate/2016/160610phdday.html
Nesta palestra o Prof Aylmer apresenta uma perspectiva provocante sobre o papel do gestor no atual contexto. Em momentos como o que vivemos, o líder é essencial para a mobilização em torno de uma causa. Veja tambem as entrevistas em outros videos mais curtos.