Latest Business News

Tabcorp is predicting a lot of the money currently being bet on the dogs will migrate to "other wagering product".

Baird's budget not going to the dogs

The NSW Premier is betting his greyhound racing ban won't put a sizable dent in the billions his government collects from the gambling industry.

The S&P 500 closed Friday at 2,129.90, up 1.3 per cent for the holiday-shortened stretch.

S&P; 500 at record's door

That US stocks were able to erase their Brexit trauma was impressive enough. That they did it on a day bonds yields were flirting with all-time lows was unprecedented.

Facebook disclosed the IRS was examining its taxes for 2008 through 2013.

IRS takes Facebook to court

Federal tax officials have sought a court order demanding internal corporate records related to one of Facebook's offshore tax strategies.

Telstra will axe 140 jobs in Melbourne and close a Perth call centre.

Telstra cuts hundreds of jobs

Telstra has sacked hundreds of customer service and management staff from its call centres around the country and will offshore more work to the Philippines.

H&M's empire spans more than 4000 stores across 62 countries.

H&M; inks tax deal

Fast-fashion retailer is one of a growing number of multinationals locking in their Australian tax.

Jacqui McGill at BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam copper mine. The company is headed to Finland in September for the next ...

BHP heading for the Finnish line

BHP Billiton is headed to Finland for the next crucial stage of its heap leach testing to allow a potential doubling of production from the massive Olympic Dam copper mine.

Coca-Cola is battling to remain relevant as health consciousness increasingly drives decisions about food and drink.

How to combat healthy living

Increasing health consciousness is driving decisions about what we drink and the profit to be made from it.

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