This Photographer Captures Entire Worlds Inside Water Droplets


12/07/2016 6:15 AM AEST | Updated July 12, 2016 06:17

Rainy travel days never looked so good.

Photographer Dusan Stojancevic has a unique technique for photographing the world. Rather than aiming his camera at the subject, Stojancevic turns his lens toward its reflection in teensy water droplets.

The product is a gorgeous array of globules containing scenic destinations like Sagrada Familia, the Brooklyn Bridge, Belgrade’s National Assembly, and many more. Stojancevic calls these droplets “microcosmos.”

Dusan Stojancevic/Creative Light

”I was enthusiastic about macro photography, and I wanted to do something on my own,” Stojancevic said. “This was the result.”

Stojancevic doesn’t alter or edit his pictures, preferring to let the raw image stand on its own. “All of the photos are just the way the camera sees it,” Stojancevic said. “I just tune some things and clean if I find dirtiness.”

To be fair, Stojancevic can’t wait for a rainy day to come along to get the perfect shot. “Droplets are planned, I cannot wait for the rain to come!” Stojancevic explained. “I put them usually without any pattern. I want it to be as chaotic and natural as it can.”

Explore the world through Stojancevic’s breathtaking water droplet photos below.

Brooklyn Bridge, NYC

Dusan Stojancevic/Creative Light

Grand Central Station, NYC

Dusan Stojancevic/Creative Light

 Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

Dusan Stojancevic/Creative Light

 Ada Bridge, Belgrade, Serbia

Dusan Stojancevic/Creative Light

Eastern Gate, Belgrade, Serbia

Dusan Stojancevic/Creative Light

Empire State Building, NYC

Dusan Stojancevic/Creative Light
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