- published: 21 Feb 2017
- views: 2717
Šiauliai ([ʃɛʊ̯ˈlʲɛɪ̯ˑ]) is the fourth largest city in Lithuania, with a population of 133,900. From 1994 to 2010 it was the capital of Šiauliai County. Unofficially, the city is the capital of Northern Lithuania.
Šiauliai is referred to by a various names in different languages: Samogitian Šiaulē, Latvian Saule (historic) and Šauļi (modern), German (outdated) Schaulen, Polish Szawle, Russian Шавли (Shavli — historic) and Шяуля́й (Shyaulyai — modern), Yiddish שאַװל (Shavel).
The city was first mentioned in written sources as Soule in Livonian Order chronicles describing the Battle of Saule. Thus the city's founding date is now considered to be September 22, 1236, the same date when the battle took place, not far from Šiauliai. At first it developed as a defense post against the raids by the Teutonic and Livonian Orders. After the battle of Grunwald in 1410, the raids stopped and Šiauliai started to develop as an agricultural settlement. In 1445, a wooden church was built. It was replaced in 1625 with the brick church which can be seen in the city center today.
Šiauliai - mano miestas
Šiauliai - Čia mūsų namai
Šiauliai (1929-1930)
Šiauliai tricking 2012 (Maliko garbei) 1 DALIS
Romantika rajone - Siauliai (Unofficial video)
Maxas - Siauliai.
Šiauliai 1991
Bushido S.W.A.T. Šiauliai. 2016-10-22 Pilnas Įrašas
Šiauliai. Čia Mūsų Namai Vokalas: Rolandas Janušas, Pranas Trijonis, Edmundas Čivinskas, Lainius - Laimontas Dinius, Dove - Dovilė Pipiraitė, Saulė, Samas - Saulius Urbonavičius, berniukų ir jaunuolių choras „Dagilėlis" Muzika: Rolandas Janušas Žodžiai: Marius Budraitis (LT), Gerda Diniutė (EN) Aranžuotė: Paulius Jasiūnas Produced: Lainius - Laimontas Dinius Filmą kūrė: Šiaulių regiono televizija „Splius", Sigita Gylienė, Kęstutis Gylys. Projekto idėja: Šiaulių miesto mero Genadijaus Mikšio. 2008 m.
The team SPLIUS was amazed and inspired by Pharrell Williams song "Happy". The main message of the video - Šiauliai, the capital of North Lithuania, is a nice and cozy city where happy people are living. We are happy from Šiauliai!!! This video was created by SPLIUS Camera - Vaidotas Kazlauskas and Gvidas Bindokas Concept -- Aušra Vaitkevičienė Assistance - Greta Šilinskaitė THANKS FOR ALL: Dancing School "EXTREME" • Monika Senulytė • Kristina Daniličevaitė • Odeta Bagdonavičiūtė • Gabija Ulčinaitė • Kamilė Pakalnytė • Olga Gerasimova • Kamilė Šemeklytė • Brigita Šiaulytė HAPPY PEOPLE: • Karolinai Arbačiauskaitei • Ilmenai Povilaitytei • Ryčiui Lemežiui • Edgaraui Mikšėnaui • Benui Jankauskui • Stasiui Šliožai • Karolinai Daučionaitei • Agnei Zorkutei • Kiprui Čėsnai • Chagitai R...
Old documentary footage about Šiauliai, Lithuania. Filmed by Jonas Kazimieras Milius in 1929 and 1930. Sound track: 1. Antanas Dvarionas "Tu, tik tu" ("You and only You" English waltz - comp. Leonardas Lechavičius, Danielius Pomerancas Orchestra) 2. "Meilės svajos po baliaus ("Liebestraum nach dem Ball" waltz - comp. Alphons Czibulka). Dokumentinio filmo kadrai apie Šiaulių miestą ir priemiestį. Filmuota Jono Kazimiero Miliaus 1929 ir 1930 metais. Garso takelis: 1. Antanas Dvarionas "Tu, tik tu" (kompozitorius Leonardas Lechavičius, Danieliaus Pomeranco orkestras) 2. "Meilės svajos po baliaus" (kompozitorius Alfonsas Čibulka). Originalų saugotojas - Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas.
Šiaulių trickeriai on fire, viskas dėl Maliko! Enjoy... ANTRA DALIS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvVXe6UzZ5s Filminau su Nikon D7000 + Nikkor 10.5mm fisheye Editas su FCP Daina: Swedish House Mafia - Save The World (Knife Party Remix) FB PAGE: http://www.fb.com/gvidokas Kiti Lietovos video kūrėjai: http://www.fb.com/ltvideo
Prenumeruokite mūsų kanalą ir gaukite karščiausias naujienas pirmieji! - - - DRAUGAUKIME https://www.facebook.com/DELFI.Lietuva SEKITE DELFI https://twitter.com/DELFILietuva SEKITE DELFI INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/delfilietuva/ - - -
Weekend trip to Siauliai city in Lithuania. This city is called as sun city and have a beautiful nature, one of the most popular places in Lithuania- Hill of Crosses and much more. Savaitgalio išvyka į Šiaulius. Pamatėm šį nuostabų miestą iš kitos pusės, kadangi aplankėm ne tik populiariausias vietas, bet ir pasigrožėjome nuostabia gamta.
Querid@s amig@s, os dejamos un vídeo sobre la ciudad de mi futura esposa, Siauliai (Lituania). Hemos traducido la letra para que podáis entenderla también los que no hablamos lituano, esperamos que os guste. ¡A mí, simplemente, me encantó!.
My videos on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/agnette Map: http://goo.gl/maps/6p0jh Camera: GoPro HD Hero 1080p Soft: Final Cut Express H.264, HD720, 30 fps, 13.7 Mbps, 30 kf 3144-dv2201 Kelias Ceļš Tee Droga Road Außerortsstraße Route Carretera Estrada Weg Väg Vei Veg Vej Tie Strada Дорога Δρόμος Път Silnice Drum Шлях 道路 길 सड़क გზა طريق כביש
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Everyone says you're amazing
Say you don't know how to do it now, so you run
It's not that you're bleeding
But you're through with it now, so you run, so you run
I know that you need it, you can't live alone
So you run, so you run
Everyone says you're amazing now that you're clean
But only you know the real ones are 'cause you've seen
There's only one question I want to ask is it here and
When you hear everyone say you're amazing
Does anyone ask you?
Do you cry in your sleep and do you feel okay
When you run?
Thinking it's Doomsday you got to let it go
So you run, so you run
Pretend you don't see it, that we can live a lie
When you run, so you run
Everyone says you're amazing now that you're clean
Only you know the real ones are 'cause you've seen
There's only one question I want to ask is it here and
When, when you hear everyone say you're amazing
Does anyone ask you?
'Cause I know that you're real
Amazing, amazing, amazing
Everyone says you're amazing now that you're clean
Only you know the real ones are because you have seen
There's only one question I want to ask is it here and
When you hear, everyone says you're amazing
Everyone says you're amazing
(I want you to always feel you're amazing)
Everyone says you're amazing
(I want you to always feel you're amazing)
I want you to always feel you're amazing