- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 4119
Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson (/ˈtaɪsən/; born June 30, 1966) is an American former professional boxer. He held the undisputed world heavyweight championship and holds the record as the youngest boxer to win the WBC, WBA and IBF heavyweight titles at 20 years, 4 months, and 22 days old. Tyson won his first 19 professional bouts by knockout, 12 of them in the first round. He won the WBC title in 1986 after defeating Trevor Berbick by a TKO in the second round. In 1987, Tyson added the WBA and IBF titles after defeating James Smith and Tony Tucker. This made him the first heavyweight boxer to simultaneously hold the WBA, WBC and IBF titles, and the only heavyweight to successively unify them.
In 1988, Tyson became the lineal champion when he knocked out Michael Spinks in 91 seconds. Tyson successfully defended the world heavyweight championship nine times, including victories over Larry Holmes and Frank Bruno. In 1990, he lost his titles to underdog James "Buster" Douglas, by knockout in round 10. Attempting to regain the titles, he defeated Donovan Ruddock twice in 1991, but pulled out of a fight with undisputed heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield due to injury. In 1992, Tyson was convicted of raping Desiree Washington and sentenced to six years in prison but was released after serving three years. After his release, he engaged in a series of comeback fights. In 1996, he won the WBC and WBA titles after defeating Frank Bruno and Bruce Seldon by knockout. With his defeat of Bruno, Tyson joined Floyd Patterson, Muhammad Ali, Tim Witherspoon, Evander Holyfield, and George Foreman as the only men in boxing history to that point to have regained a heavyweight championship after having lost it. After being stripped of the WBC title, Tyson lost his WBA crown to Evander Holyfield in November 1996 by an eleventh-round TKO. Their 1997 rematch ended when Tyson was disqualified for biting part of Holyfield's ear off.
Tyson is both a surname and a masculine given name. Notable Meanings of the name "Tyson" include: Son of a German, Son of Tye Fiery, Son of Dye. English meanings include:High-spirited, firebranded.
Extra or Xtra may refer to:
Mike is an abbreviation or shorthand for Michael.
The name Mike may refer to:
Adult Swim (stylized as [adult swim] or [as]) is an American cable network that shares channel space with Cartoon Network, both of which are owned by Turner Broadcasting System, a division of Time Warner, Inc., every night from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Eastern and Pacific Time in the United States. The network is programmed by Williams Street Studios, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, which also developed two prior television programming blocks seen on Cartoon Network: Toonami (which later became a block on Adult Swim in 2012) and Miguzi. The name comes from a phrase used by public swimming pools to label designated times when children are restricted from using the facilities in favor of adults: "Adult Swim".
Debuting as a programming block on Cartoon Network in 2001, Adult Swim was established as alternative programming during the late night hours when Cartoon Network's primary target audience, children and teenagers between the ages of 7–15, would normally be sleeping. Much of Adult Swim's general content is known for its risqué, unorthodox and often bizarre presentation, while many of the series features are developed in stark contrast with traditional American television programs. The network was granted its own Nielsen ratings report due to differing target demographics, and broadcasts in countries such as Australia and New Zealand. The block features stylistically varied animated and live-action shows including original programming, syndicated series mainly consisting of Fox animated programming, short films, OVAs, and Japanese anime, generally with minimal or no editing for content.
熱線追蹤 2013-06-26 pt.3/5 龍袍 旗袍
2013-06-26 Water world show
Extra en castilla y León (Mañana 26/06/2012)
ONdrama Live Stream | البث المباشر لقناة اون دراما
[DDR2013] Monkey Business (Single Challenge) Lv.16
Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace
APM? Extra - Capítol 363 - 26/06/2016 - TV3
Extra pontyok telepítése 2013 november 06
TFF-AIK 1-2 (2011-06-26) EXTRA - matchbilder
Simpsons Couch Gag | Rick and Morty | Adult Swim
Extra - Diz Aí... Religião Budista I [Ao Cubo - 26/06/2014]
*[2013-06-24] MAN vs BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY (PC)
APM? Extra CAPÍTOL 401 - 11/06/2017
O Eixo Do Mal - 30 Dezembro 2017 SICN
W.B. Mason Post Game Extra - Wednesday 06/26/13
W.B. Mason Post Game Extra - 06/26/15 - Syndergaard hurls gem in Met win
2013/06/26 第一次月狼地獄級,Ksu齊聚歡樂打地獄 XDD
Hangout with CERN: The Dark Side of the Universe (S03E10)
Extra - Diz Aí... Religião Budista II [Ao Cubo - 26/06/2014]
新聞浮光掠影 熱線追根究柢 立即訂閱「臺灣電視公司」頻道(http://www.youtube.com/ttv),隨時掌握台視頻道最新、最熱、最夯的節目影音。 台視網站 - http://www.ttv.com.tw/ 台視頻道 - http://www.youtube.com/ttv 新聞頻道 - http://www.youtube.com/ttvnewsview FB粉絲團 - https://www.facebook.com/ttvweb 熱線追蹤節目官網 - http://www.ttv.com.tw/drama09/hotline/
Mike Tyson Boxing Documentary 2015 . With Brutal Knockouts And Highlights Of His Career In HD IRON Mike Tyson Boxing Documentary 2015 HD. #MikeTyson , #Boxing #Documentary #2015. 2013-08-23 Mike Tyson Interview ESPN FNF A&E; Biography (1994) A&E; Biography (2006) Champs (2015) CNN Unguarded with Rachel Nichols ESPN 30 for 30 - One Night In Vegas ESPN Ringside - Tyson - Champion & Ten Rounds With Mike Tyson ESPN SportsCentury - Mike Tyson Fox Sports. Being: Mike Tyson HBO Countdown Tyson vs Spinks HBO Legendary Nights - The Tale of Lewis - Tyson HBO Legendary Nights - The Tale Of Tyson - Douglas HBO Real Sports HuffPost Live I Beat Mike Tyson Mike Tyson interview (2013-09-12 Fox Sports) Mike Tyson Uncaged Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth Realer Sports In Depth The View Watch Me Now 1981-06-27 M...
ONdrama Live Stream | البث المباشر لقناة اون دراما تابعونا على .. https://www.facebook.com/ONdramaEg https://www.facebook.com/OnEntertainment.eg https://www.facebook.com/ONLiveEgypt https://twitter.com/ONENT https://www.instagram.com/on.ent الموقع الرسمي للقناة .. https://www.ontveg.com
Extra dimensions of space—the idea that we are immersed in hyperspace—may be key to explaining the fundamental nature of the universe. Relativity introduced time as the fourth dimension, and Einstein’s subsequent work envisioned more dimensions still--but ultimately hit a dead end. Modern research has advanced the subject in ways he couldn’t have imagined. John Hockenberry joins Brian Greene, Lawrence Krauss, and other leading thinkers on a visual tour through wondrous spatial realms that may lie beyond the ones we experience. The World Science Festival gathers great minds in science and the arts to produce live and digital content that allows a broad general audience to engage with scientific discoveries. Our mission is to cultivate a general public informed by science, inspired by its w...
No et perdis ni un frame de l'APM? Tens tots els capítols sencers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTeKo2CEGLr98BGs412GWmt3DuJdwBXT8 I tots els APM? Extra sencers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTeKo2CEGLr9Cle5PecjSza6oZq_vTy9d I subscriu-te al Canal APM?: https://goo.gl/rWTSSZ També ens pots seguir a les nostres Xarxes: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apmtv3 Twitter: https://twitter.com/apmtv3 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apmtv3/
Kedves Horgásztársak! Az ún. plusz befizetésekből, azaz etetőhajó használat és éjszakai horgászati lehetőség megváltására kifizetett összegekből most eljött az ideje a nagy pontyok telepítésének. 6 kg-on felüli példányokat hozunk 2013. november 6-án, szerdán.
Musik: AIK Trubaduren - "Varje andetag"
Two great worlds collide . . . violently. Do not miss the Rick and Morty Season Premiere, July 26th! Watch Full Episodes: http://asw.im/7mze5G SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/AdultSwimSubscribe About Rick and Morty: Rick and Morty is Adult Swim's most scientifically accurate animated comedy. Created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, it catalogues the bizarre misadventures of a bored scientific genius/drunkard and his socially awkward grandson, Morty. Their exploits tend to have unintended consequences for Morty's dysfunctional family, especially his unfailingly mediocre father, Jerry. Watch Rick and Morty battle everything from interdimensional customs agents to Cronenberg monsters now, only at http://AdultSwim.com. Watch More Rick and Morty: http://bit.ly/RickandMorty About Adult Swim: Adul...
Confira na íntegra a entrevista que a budista Suzana Pertinhez concedeu para o repórter Gui Müller.
NOTE: This cast is incomplete, some segments are missing, they could not be found on the twitch servers Title: *[2013-06-24] MAN vs BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY (PC) Game: River City Ransom Description: MvG #673 - Complete Cast Date: 2013-06-24T15:59:47Z Twitch Link: http://www.twitch.tv/manvsgame/b/421240183
APM? Extra CAPÍTOL 401 - 11/06/2017 Les preguntes d’animals més divertides, a l’”APM? Extra” En el programa d’aquest diumenge descobrirem la ignorància que hi ha sobre el regne animal en els concursos de la tele. A priori sembla un tema senzill, però no us imagineu les barbaritats que es poden arribar a dir. A més, farem un recull amb els millors “infiltrats”, o sigui totes aquelles persones que sense adonar-se’n, o potser expressament, apareixen per darrere del periodista en una connexió i es converteixen en protagonistes. L’hem anomenat “Els altres”. També parodiarem dues sèries de moda, “American Horror Story” i “Walking Dead”. Tot això i moltes coses més, en un programa de 30 minuts, amb el més divertit de l’actualitat televisiva i l’estil incomparable d’“Alguna pregunta més?”
O Eixo Do Mal - 30 Dezembro 2017 SICN INSCREVA-SE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCthtQunQ5l3juQhTnBTz09g
Shaun Marcum shut down the White Sox on just four hits over eight innings to win his first game as a Met.
Gary Cohen, Ron Darling and Keith Hernandez break down Noah Syndergaard's best performance as a Met in a 2-1 victory over the Reds.
距今現在約兩年前的影片, 神魔年齡約半年, 第一次開啟月狼地獄級, 當時公會多麼熱絡, 打一場地獄級,十幾個人圍在一起, 歡笑不斷,邊吃邊玩樂開懷 XDDD 敬 我們的青春與我們的神魔
Dark matter is a mysterious type of matter that no one can see but that makes up 27% of the content of the Universe. What is it? How do we know it's there? What are experiments at CERN doing to find out about it? In this week's hangout physicists from LHC, AMS and CAST experiments at CERN talk about what they're doing to explore the "dark side" of the Universe. Our host, ATLAS physicist Steven Goldfarb is joined by theorist Marco Cirelli and ATLAS physicist Xavier Portell Bueso, while elsewhere in CERN Julia Hoffman and Bilge Demirkoz from the AMS experiment are joined by student intern Laura Hourican. Cenk Yildiz joins from the CAST experiment and CMS physicist Sarah Malik connects from Fermilab, while Seth Zenz monitors social media, and Kate Kahle and Kelly Izlar handle production. ...
Confira na íntegra a entrevista que o jovem budista Vitor Watanabe concedeu para o repórter Gui Müller.
Air Date and Time: 22 December 2017, 9:00pm GMT (Except Wales) and 11:25pm GMT (Wales) *Looking back at the show in 2017, it's really been quite a year! Anyways, captions will come with the extra version to tell you which episode the clip was from! Season 55's air dates will be announced with the extra version so stay tuned and Merry Christmas!*
Mike Tyson Boxing Documentary 2015 . With Brutal Knockouts And Highlights Of His Career In HD IRON Mike Tyson Boxing Documentary 2015 HD. #MikeTyson , #Boxing #Documentary #2015. 2013-08-23 Mike Tyson Interview ESPN FNF A&E; Biography (1994) A&E; Biography (2006) Champs (2015) CNN Unguarded with Rachel Nichols ESPN 30 for 30 - One Night In Vegas ESPN Ringside - Tyson - Champion & Ten Rounds With Mike Tyson ESPN SportsCentury - Mike Tyson Fox Sports. Being: Mike Tyson HBO Countdown Tyson vs Spinks HBO Legendary Nights - The Tale of Lewis - Tyson HBO Legendary Nights - The Tale Of Tyson - Douglas HBO Real Sports HuffPost Live I Beat Mike Tyson Mike Tyson interview (2013-09-12 Fox Sports) Mike Tyson Uncaged Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth Realer Sports In Depth The View Watch Me Now 1981-06-27 M...
Some of the West Koast Krew put their butts on the couch to raise money for da kids! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out our website: http://www.giantbomb.com/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/giantbombdotcom Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/giantbomb
there is many horror movies but This is my opinion plz enjoy the most Top best Horror Movies of all time Missed your favorite movie? PLEASE COMMENT IT DOWN Comment YOUR TOP BEST HORROR MOVIES thanks for watching and DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE ! Top 26 Scariest Horror Movies Top 26 Scariest Horror Movies Top best Horror Movies of all time 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 Top best Horror Movies of all time
APM? Extra CAPÍTOL 401 - 11/06/2017 Les preguntes d’animals més divertides, a l’”APM? Extra” En el programa d’aquest diumenge descobrirem la ignorància que hi ha sobre el regne animal en els concursos de la tele. A priori sembla un tema senzill, però no us imagineu les barbaritats que es poden arribar a dir. A més, farem un recull amb els millors “infiltrats”, o sigui totes aquelles persones que sense adonar-se’n, o potser expressament, apareixen per darrere del periodista en una connexió i es converteixen en protagonistes. L’hem anomenat “Els altres”. També parodiarem dues sèries de moda, “American Horror Story” i “Walking Dead”. Tot això i moltes coses més, en un programa de 30 minuts, amb el més divertit de l’actualitat televisiva i l’estil incomparable d’“Alguna pregunta més?”
Subscribe to the ENGLISH IS FUN channel ► http://bit.ly/2qiUj5H Check out some of the Best ENGLISH IS FUN? Episodes ► http://bit.ly/2mMiKT0 Follow ENGLISH IS FUN! Facebook: ► Twitter: ► https://twitter.com/EnglishIsFun999 Instagram: ► https://www.instagram.com/englishisfun999/ Google+: ► http://bit.ly/2qiGLak
Extra dimensions of space—the idea that we are immersed in hyperspace—may be key to explaining the fundamental nature of the universe. Relativity introduced time as the fourth dimension, and Einstein’s subsequent work envisioned more dimensions still--but ultimately hit a dead end. Modern research has advanced the subject in ways he couldn’t have imagined. John Hockenberry joins Brian Greene, Lawrence Krauss, and other leading thinkers on a visual tour through wondrous spatial realms that may lie beyond the ones we experience. The World Science Festival gathers great minds in science and the arts to produce live and digital content that allows a broad general audience to engage with scientific discoveries. Our mission is to cultivate a general public informed by science, inspired by its w...
No et perdis ni un frame de l'APM? Tens tots els capítols sencers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTeKo2CEGLr98BGs412GWmt3DuJdwBXT8 I tots els APM? Extra sencers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTeKo2CEGLr9Cle5PecjSza6oZq_vTy9d I subscriu-te al Canal APM?: https://goo.gl/rWTSSZ També ens pots seguir a les nostres Xarxes: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apmtv3 Twitter: https://twitter.com/apmtv3 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apmtv3/
♫ Support Trap Nation ♫ Offical Channel: http://bit.ly/1qeSlZx Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2aumZ1w ♦http://soundcloud.com/alltrapnation ♦http://twitter.com/alltrapnation ♦http://facebook.com/alltrapnation ♦http://instagram.com/thetrapnation ♦https://vine.co/u/934469325727879168 ♦https://play.spotify.com/user/alltrapnation?play=true&utm;_source=open.spotify.com&utm;_medium=open ♦http://alltrapnation.com ♦Musical.ly: trapnation ♦Snapchat: yt.thenation Tracklist: 0:00 Wizard - Sixth Birthday (Dont Flop) 2:48 Clips X Ahoy & Hype Turner - Reload 5:30 Surce - Just Some Herb 10:03 Lookas - Loko 13:54 Lexxmatiq - Zala 17:30 Aazar - Jigglin 21:38 Take_Five & Curfew - Kalahari 24:26 TheFatRat - No No No 27:25 PAZ - Diplo Tears 31:01 Veorra - Color 34:18 Valesco - All I Need 37:32 James Meyers - Damage 4...
The complete Oblivion 2013 Deluxe Edition Soundtrack, composed by Anthony Gonzalez of M83 and Joseph Trapanese. Tracklist: 01 - Jack's Dream 00:00 02 - Waking Up 01:25 03 - Supercell 05:36 04 - Tech 49 09:49 05 - The Library 15:45 06 - Horatius 19:07 07 - StarWaves 21:31 08 - Hydrorig 25:09 09 - Crater Lake 27:29 10 - Unindentified Object 28:52 11 - Odyssey Rescue 31:21 12 - Return From Delta 35:29 13 - Retrieval 37:46 14 - Earth 2077 44:29 15 - Revelations 46:44 16 - Drone Attack 48:20 17 - Return to Empire State 51:43 18 - Losing Control 58:19 19 - Canyon Battle 01:02:09 20 - Radiation Zone 01:08:07 21 - You Can't Save Her 01:12:13 22 - Welcome Back 01:17:07 23 - Raven Rock 01:18:44 24 - Knife Fight In a Phone Booth 01:23:17 25 - I'm Sending You Away 01:27:57 ...
NOTE: This cast is incomplete, some segments are missing, they could not be found on the twitch servers Title: *[2013-06-24] MAN vs BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY (PC) Game: River City Ransom Description: MvG #673 - Complete Cast Date: 2013-06-24T15:59:47Z Twitch Link: http://www.twitch.tv/manvsgame/b/421240183
► CLICK HERE to Learn How To Sing Tips To Improve Your Singing Voice ► http://MusicTalentNow.com/Learn-To-Sing ◄ ♥ Please Follow Me On Twitter ♥ http://bit.ly/Twitter_MusicTalentNow ♥ Love You ♥ Check out part I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKU0zLmtXXs Top 10 America’s Got Talent 2016 Auditions List of performances: 1. The Passing Zone | 00:00 2. Good Girl | 03:15 3. Sos & Victoria | 05:43 4. Linkin Bridge | 07:29 5. Viktor Kee | 09:39 6. Kadie Lynn | 11:24 7. Malevo | 12:56 8. Calysta Bevier | 14:44 9. The Clairvoyants | 16:31 10. Brian Justin Crum | 20:06
Costel Stand up night @ Comedy Central Extra Find me on: https://fb.me/costelbojog http://99club.ro (C) & (P) Constantin Bojog 2016 All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.
The "Jabardasth" Katharnak Comedy Show is a popular Telugu TV comedy show, rated "excellent" among Telugu, broadcast on ETV channel, in Telugu States, India. The show was first telecast on ETV on 7 February 2014, featuring popular Telugu film industry actor and producer Nagendra Babu and Telugu film actress and politician Roja. ☛ For latest updates on ETV Channels - http://www.etv.co.in ☛ Subscribe for more latest Episodes - http://bit.ly/12A56lY ☛ Like us on - http://www.fb.com/etvteluguindia ☛ Follow us on - https://twitter.com/etvteluguindia
TV3 presenta una nova edició de l'"APM? Extra". L'ambició del president del Futbol Club Barcelona no s'atura amb el fitxatge de Neymar i ara Rosell vol incorporar una nova estrella per reforçar l'equip la temporada vinent. Se sabrà qui és en el programa. A més, es veurà Carlos Sobera passar-ho malament. Dues concursants d'"Atrapa un millón" posaran en un compromís el presentador. També es mostrarà tot el que s'ha dit a les tertúlies sobre la imputació de Messi per frau fiscal. Es descobrirà el significat de tres paraules noves, gràcies al "Diccionari del segle XXI": "espòiler", "troià" i "fail". I hi haurà una nova edició del "Sa matao Paco!" i les millors caigudes. Tot això i molt més, en un programa de 45 minuts, amb els moments més divertits de la setmana, i el ritme habitual de l'"Al...