
Sam Frost reveals dark depression leading to her #broken tweet

Former Bachelorette Sam Frost has broken her silence on her radio program about the extent of the trolling she has faced and what it has cost her personally and professionally.

Frost revealed on air the depression behind her #broken tweet to Rove McManus on their 2Day FM breakfast show earlier today, saying: "I don't want to be here anymore and I said I don't want to wake up every day anymore, and it wasn't until I said that out loud ... and then I realised that it's not fair for me to want to give up." .

Sam Frost speaking about her depression to Rove McManus.
Sam Frost speaking about her depression to Rove McManus. Photo: 2Day FM

With a following of more than 35,000 on Twitter, 48,000 on Facebook and 463,000 on Instagram, Frost said she "copped a really hard time" since starting her job with McManus in November.

2DayFM's breakfast show Rove McManus and Sam Frost.
2DayFM's breakfast show Rove McManus and Sam Frost. 

The radio show has struggled in the ratings, coming last in the hugely competitive market of FM breakfast radio.

This was following on from two years of being "emotionally and mentally exhausted" after first appearing on The Bachelor, where she was publicly dumped by Bachelor Blake Garvey only to later find love with Sasha Mielczarek on The Bachelorette.


"Everyone was so critical, the media were critical, and trolls were horrendous. I was getting so heavily trolled, and there were other elements to it that I don't even want to mention," she told McManus, with her voice clearly full of emotion. 

"For about three or four months I'd go to work, I'd come home, and I wouldn't even want to leave the house. I was in an awful place, a really, really dark place. I shut my friends out, I shut my family out.

'You win:' After a spate of harassment in August 2012, Charlotte Dawson tweeted the above before taking a cocktail of ...
'You win:' After a spate of harassment in August 2012, Charlotte Dawson tweeted the above before taking a cocktail of prescription drugs and alcohol. Photo: Charlotte Dawson/Twitter

"I'd come to work, go home, and stay in that dark horrible place. My relationship was struggling, because I shut Sash out."

Fighting back the tears with determination to strike back at the bullies, Frost found support from her partner, friends and family to re-establish her self worth and work commitments.

Sam Frost with boyfriend Sasha Mielczarek.
Sam Frost with boyfriend Sasha Mielczarek. Photo: Getty Images

"I'd been working forward and speaking to a professional – because I think that's important to do. I went to Bali, I felt like I was all good, and then I saw the heavy comments," Frost said.

"People were trolling, and making up fake accounts to talk to my loved ones, and making up lies about me. It just all fell heavily on me again.

"I've worked so hard to get away from that dark place, but these trolls are relentless and they're pushing even harder. I don't know why people think they can do that to someone.

"I'm a good person and I've done nothing but great things for people, I don't deserve this."

McManus leant his support to Frost, saying: "You [Frost] have come under a lot of incredibly unnecessary scrutiny for who you are and what you do and I don't think you get enough praise for how well you are doing it.

"And here we were thinking this would be a beneficial break for you, we're one week into it and I see this tweet from you that even for someone who does know you and because I know how stressful it has been, even I had concerns similar to Charlotte Dawson's tweet and that story ended up tragically."

Since posting her original tweet, Frost has been met with supportive words and encouragement from social followers. 

Frost spoke out on National Day of Action Against Bullying this year in an open letter to the bullies, warning "just because you're invisible behind a computer, doesn't mean those words don't have an impact." .


If you or someone you know is being cyber-bullied, don't be afraid to reach out and seek help. Lifeline: 13 11 14; Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800; eheadspace.org.au: 1800 650 890.