- published: 09 May 2009
- views: 59951
Roy Cheung Yiu-Yeung (Chinese: 張耀揚; pinyin: Zhāng Yàoyáng; born 20 July 1964 in Hong Kong) is a Hong Kong-based actor, best known on-screen for his roles as Triad gangsters in a number of films.
As a child, Cheung idolized kung-fu legend Bruce Lee but never seriously considered a career in acting.
Starting out as a model, Cheung turned to acting when director Yeung Fan cast him in his 1986 film Lost Romance and the first of his many roles portraying a villain followed in the acclaimed director Ringo Lam's 1987 City on Fire.
In 1996, Cheung appeared in the 3rd, 4th and 6th installments of the Young and Dangerous series. Roles that heralded the beginning of a long working relationship with director/cinematographer Andrew Lau.
Recently, Cheung has appeared in a number of Andrew Lau's films, most notably in the second installment of the internationally acclaimed Infernal Affairs trilogy, and in the 1998 The Storm Riders, in which Cheung broke free of his standard villainous self altogether and portrayed a Shaolin monk.
Master Chef, is a food brand under Tee Yih Jia Food Manufacturing Pte Ltd, the world leading manufacturer of spring roll pastry, located in Singapore. It was created as a brand for its crepe pastry, distinct from its Asian/oriental range of frozen food products under the “Spring Home” and “Happy Belly” brands.
The “Master Chef” brand is used by Tee Yih Jia to market the following frozen ready-to-eat convenience food:
Spring Home products are accredited with the following certifications:
New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count increments by one. Many cultures celebrate the event in some manner. The New Year of the Gregorian calendar, today mostly in use, falls on 1 January (New Year's Day), as was the case both in the old Roman calendar (at least after about 713 BCE) and in the Julian calendar that succeeded it. The order of months was January to December in the Old Roman calendar during the reign of King Numa Pompilius in about 700 BCE, according to Plutarch and Macrobius, and has been in continuous use since that time. Many countries, such as the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, the UK, and the United States, mark 1 January as a national holiday.
During the Middle Ages in western Europe, while the Julian calendar was still in use, authorities moved New Year's Day variously, depending upon locale, to one of several other days, among them: 1 March, 25 March, Easter, 1 September, and 25 December. These New Year's Day changes generally reverted to using January 1 before or during the various local adoptions of the Gregorian calendar, beginning in 1582. The change from March 25 – Lady Day, one of the four quarter days – to January 1 took place in Scotland in 1600, before the ascension of James VI of Scotland to the throne of England in 1603 and well before the formation of the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707. In England and Wales (and in all British dominions, including Britain's American colonies), 1751 began on March 25 and lasted 282 days, and 1752 began on January 1. For more information about the changeover from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar and the effect on the dating of historical events etc., see Old Style and New Style dates.
A television channel is a physical or virtual channel over which a television station or television network is distributed. For example, in North America, "channel 2" refers to the broadcast or cable band of 54 to 60 MHz, with carrier frequencies of 55.25 MHz for NTSC analog video (VSB) and 59.75 MHz for analog audio (FM), or 55.31 MHz for digital ATSC (8VSB). Channels may be shared by many different television stations or cable-distributed channels depending on the location and service provider.
Depending on the multinational bandplan for a given region, analog television channels are typically 6, 7, or 8 MHz in bandwidth, and therefore television channel frequencies vary as well. Channel numbering is also different. Digital television channels are the same for legacy reasons, however through multiplexing, each physical radio frequency (RF) channel can carry several digital subchannels. On satellites, each transponder normally carries one channel, however small, independent channels can be used on each transponder, with some loss of bandwidth due to the need for guard bands between unrelated transmissions. ISDB, used in Japan and Brazil, has a similar segmented mode.
張耀揚 - 新人皮燈籠 (Roy Cheung - Ghost Lantern)
张耀扬Roy Cheung涉毒被抓现场视频曝光!
黄金配角张耀扬Roy Cheung吸毒被抓 受情伤后性向成疑 曾出演80多部影片 大部分为反派
Unbeatables (2000) Fan Siu-Wong & Roy Cheung killcount
張耀揚 古惑仔4之烏鴉 Roy Cheung Young & Dangerous
King of Robbery (1996) Simon Yam & Roy Cheung killcount
張耀揚 - 野獸刑警 (Roy Cheung - Beast Cops)
Roy Cheung Young and Dangerous 4
Once Upon a Time in Triad Society 2
Shanghai Heroic Story (Ocean Shores) - Lau Kar Wing Vs Roy Cheung
Actors: Henry Fong (actor), Roy Cheung (actor), Norman Chu (actor), Maggie Cheung (actress), Michael Wong (actor), Fung Woo (actor), Veronica Yip (actress), Fai-hung Chan (actor), Leung Chun 'Samson' Chiu (writer), Leung Chun 'Samson' Chiu (director), Wai Yiu (actress), Ting Chau (writer), Wai-Ping Fok (producer), Carl Cheung (miscellaneous crew),
Genres: Action, Comedy, Romance,很好看的一部舊港產片. 劉偉強導演. 梁家輝, 邱淑貞, 張耀揚, 黃光亮主演.
7月15日消息,据台湾媒体报道,港星张耀扬在北京酒店内涉毒被警方查获,行李还被搜出1.15克的大麻,接受尿液检验对大麻呈阳性反应,即时行政拘留20日,被迫在狱中度过51岁生日。有律师称若他返回香港,警察有权追究并受罚。张耀扬2008年因拍戏过度劳累,引发椎间盘脱开、腰部"劳损",5年没接戏的时间都用来休养,许久没在萤光幕前现身,最近却在北京某饭店被抓到持有1.15克大麻,现场还有一位长发的神秘女子。他面对公安问话时,被问到什么时候上京?他一边指着女友人,一边说"29日。"再被问到中间见过什么人?他说:"中间就是我女朋友她生日,我去参加她的生日Party。"意外自爆目前已经有女性 交往对象。事件震惊中港娱乐圈,张耀扬被捕的过程还在网路上播放,画面犹如电影情节一般,据媒体报导,好友透露他近年有传受腰部伤患折磨,曾爬上窗台想跳楼自杀,但爬上窗台就立即打消念头。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG...
日前,51岁的香港影星张耀扬吸毒被抓了!这个黄金配角所主演的那些奸角恶人个个经典,几乎无人超越,尤其是周润发吴孟达版的《监狱风云》中,那个坏到透顶的狱警形象。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlists&shelf;_id=23&sort;=dd&view;=50 ★Most popular dating...
From the director of "okay, but forgettable" movies (such as Story of Freemen and Angel Cop "Final Crisis). Unbeatables is a rip-off of Scarface (the Brian DePalma version), just more action oriented, shot in the Philippines and also, a bit more enjoyable than expected (in the first hour, at least) and also, taking a few liberties with the source material. You get Roy Cheung playing the Al Pacino role, Fan Siu-Wong replacing Steven Bauer, Billy Chow replacing Paul Shenar and Pinky Cheung as the main love interest and many more characters and scenes resembling the original film. There's a some yayo snorting too. Music is from the TimeSplitters soundtrack.
Also known as: Hong Kong Thug Life. Simon Yam plays a real life criminal who goes GTA on Hong Kong.
Once Upon a Time in Triad Society 2 1996 Director CHA Chuen-Yee Cast Francis NG Chun-Yu - 吳鎮宇 Ada CHOI Siu-Fan - 蔡少芬 Roy CHEUNG Yiu-Yeung - 張耀揚 Ridley TSUI Bo Wah Peter NGOR Chi-Kwan LEE Kin-Yan Angie CHEUNG Wai-Yee - 張慧儀 LAM Chi-Sin LAM Wai-Hung Samuel LEUNG Cheuk Moon HA Ping LAM Kin-Yee Ivy LEUNG Si Man CHEUNG Tat-Ming - 張達明 07:22 : Roy Cheung
Shanghai Heroic Story 1992 Director Chris LEE Kin-Sang Cast Damian LAU - 劉松仁 Victor HON Kwan William HO Ka-Kui Manfred WONG LAU Kar Wing NAM Yin YU Li Roy CHEUNG Yiu-Yeung - 張耀揚 Vincent WAN Yeung-Ming - 尹揚明 Nadia CHAN Chung-Ling An Ocean Shores presentation
新人皮燈籠Ghost Lantern (1993) 很好看的一部舊港產片. 劉偉強導演. 梁家輝, 邱淑貞, 張耀揚, 黃光亮主演. Title: Human Lanterns 人皮燈籠 Year: 1982 Director: Sun Chung 孫仲 Casts: Liu Yung 劉永, Chen Kuan-tai 陳觀泰, Lo Lieh 羅烈 Part horror, part kung-fu, 100% . TRAILER 1993 Hong-Kong Directed by Andrew Lau Starring Chingmy Yau, Tony Leung Ka-Fai.
Angel Warriors Action Movies Collection : https://youtu.be/3TXGgSkFLbQ https://youtu.be/QtF3j-tF2wo https://youtu.be/9RQ_a6275E8 https://youtu.be/OGoqm4G79Dg https://youtu.be/Y_CcE7Sm1LE https://youtu.be/iMpR6wpWHN8 https://youtu.be/7A2q78LkEj8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFrpqPch7kw Angel Warriors
Hong Kong's sexy action star Carrie Ng (Naked Killer ) stars in this action packed comedy as a kowloon cop on the trail of a Leon style killer Ng Man Tat (Kung fu Soccar) Roy Cheung and Vivian Chow co star
RAGING ANGELS: (1995) Director: Rickie Lau Cast: Carrie Ng, Jade Leung, Roy Cheung Great addition to the Angel series! On a business trip to the Philippines, Carrie Ng's husband is murdered. So Carrie teams up with her friend Jade Leung and some serious firepower to track down the killer and save their skin. Rare action guns and girls flick featuring the beautiful Carrie Ng. Kickass girls! ENGLISH and CHINESE SUBTITLES Subscribe to the Wu Tang Collection click now on http://bit.ly/29nrP2Q and enjoy the best in Martial Arts Action and Entertainment!
The Mission (1999) - Dir. Johnnie To. Starring: Anthony Wong, Lam Suet, Simon Yam, Francis Ng, Roy Cheung, Jackie Lui. Milky Way Image (HK) Ltd. No current DVD release in English territories. WS, Cantonese, English subtitles.
As the Asian stockmarket begins to tumble, patriarch Yuen Wah decides it's time to close up shop. Bringing his 'financial' team together, which includes butt-kicking sons Roy Cheung and Yu Rong-guang, to access the fresh damages the market has spanked his company with, they decide to try and persevere against a group of businessman who want to buy them out. To do so they need to borrow a large wad of cash to make a counter offer. Wah employs help from his gwailo friend Karl, also head of a big company. Karl's company is involved in the low down and in exchange for the $, Yuen and co. must help captured colleagues caught by Interpol, retrieve a cd-rom and a prototype narcotic in one of the prisoners possession and break into a Japanese bank, that's withholding money from his company. Of cou...
cast: Leehom Wang, Stephen Fung Tak-Lun, Sammo Hung Kam-Bo, Gigi Leung Wing-Kei, Kristy Yeung Kung-Yu, Yuen Biao, Cecilia Yip Tung, Chin Kar-Lok, Roy Cheung Yiu-Yeung, Ekin Cheng Yee-Kin, Ron Smoorenburg.
Hot 10 Action HD, Angel Warriors 2013, Adventure Movies, Crime Action HD, Action Hoolywood Movie 2015__ Roy Cheung, Collin Chou, Wang Danyili Don't forget like, comment, share and subscribe Best Ation hollywood movies channel - Thank you!!!
Fight Back To School 2 (1991) Đạo diễn: Gordon Chan Car-Seung Diễn viên: Châu Tinh Trì, Ngô Mẫn Đạt, Cheung Man, Roy Cheung, Wong Chi
Chinese Drama: Legend of Love Hmong Dubb: Teev Kua Muag Hlub Starring: Lee Wei, Roy Cheung, Suen Hing, Jiang Yi, Zhang Bo, Chen Hao Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtD3VC37pAo
An opening title video for Roy Cheung & Linda Lim's wedding made by Studio d'ailes! Do check out our site for more other stuffs @ http://studio-dailes.blogspot.com/ :)
Dr. Roy Cheung ENT Surgeon speaks about the dangers of untreated hearing loss. Endorses online hearing test and virtual hearing consultation provided by Nexgen Hearing and Mainland Hearing
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Taylor Swift - Interview on 2020 SpecialAll Access Nashville with Katie Couric 26-10-2012
Myanma contemporary artist Aung Khin Myint is in Singapore for "Re-Connect: Contemporary Photography from Myanmar", an exhibition hosted by Esplanade from 16 May to 30 June 2013. Gum Cheng and Clara Cheung from C&G; Artpartment (HK) interview Aung Khin Myint on 15 May in Singapore. Courtesy of HKADC
Starring: Jackie Chan, Johnny Knoxville, Bingbing Fan Skiptrace Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Jackie Chan Movie A detective from Hong Kong teams up with an American gambler to battle against a notorious Chinese criminal. Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/1QyRMsE Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Fandango MOVIECLIPS team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In additio...
Prison on Fire II 1991,Yun-Fat Chow, Sung Young Chen, Roy Cheung
Voice: Anne-Laure Winkin Guitar: Diego Sampieri Engineer: Roy Cheung Assistant: Tom Mungall Recorded by Roy Cheung, student on the Tonmeister course, at the Institute of Sound Recording at the University of Surrey. www.tonmeister.co.uk
Voice: Anne-Laure Winkin Guitar: Diego Sampieri Engineer: Roy Cheung Assistant: Tom Mungall Recorded by Roy Cheung, student on the Tonmeister course, at the Institute of Sound Recording at the University of Surrey. www.tonmeister.co.uk
កំពូលតួបងធំ Roy Cheung ធ្លាប់ចាប់ខ្លួនព្រោះគ្រឿងញៀនkhmer post https://youtu.be/jPH2FLXM_z4 Please subscribe to get hot news today
Exiled 2006 Stars: Anthony Wong, Francis Ng, Nick Cheung, Josie Ho, Roy Cheung and Lam Suet
Five girls from the city go on a rural getaway surrounded by lush jungles and beautiful beaches. But there's trouble in paradise when an excursion into the forest leads the five girls into ... Director: Huayang Fu Stars: Roy Cheung, Collin Chou, Wang Danyili Angel Warriors - Roy Cheung, Collin Chou - Best Action Movies 2016 - Hollywood Full Movies 2016
The Mission (1999) - Dir. Johnnie To. Starring: Anthony Wong, Lam Suet, Simon Yam, Francis Ng, Roy Cheung, Jackie Lui. Milky Way Image (HK) Ltd. No current DVD release in English territories. WS, Cantonese, English subtitles.
Hong Kong's sexy action star Carrie Ng (Naked Killer ) stars in this action packed comedy as a kowloon cop on the trail of a Leon style killer Ng Man Tat (Kung fu Soccar) Roy Cheung and Vivian Chow co star
Hot 10 Action HD, Angel Warriors 2013, Adventure Movies, Crime Action HD, Action Hoolywood Movie 2015__ Roy Cheung, Collin Chou, Wang Danyili Don't forget like, comment, share and subscribe Best Ation hollywood movies channel - Thank you!!!
Five girls from the city go on a rural getaway surrounded by lush jungles and beautiful beaches. But there's trouble in paradise when an excursion into the forest leads the five girls into ... See full summary » Director: Huayang Fu Stars: Roy Cheung, Collin Chou, Wang Danyili
Fight Back To School(1991) Đạo diễn: Gordon Chan Car-Seung Diễn viên: Châu Tinh Trì, Ngô Mẫn Đạt, Cheung Man, Roy Cheung, Wong Chi
Five girls from the city go on a rural getaway surrounded by lush jungles and beautiful beaches. But there's trouble in paradise when an excursion into the forest leads the five girls into .. Actors: Roy Cheung, Collin Chou, Wang Danyili Thank for watching
You'll be my New Year's Day, my Valentine
Now I ain't gonna stop until I make you mine
You'll be my April Fool, my Mardi Gras
The music on my tongue when I sing fa la la
You'll be my flower child, in the month of May
My sunny summer lover on my holiday
You'll be my autumn leaves, my Halloween
The winter snow and everything that's in between
This year I'm gonna take you home
This year I don't wanna be alone
This year, this Christmas together
And the minutes they pass, and the hours they fly
This year, this Christmas forever (ooh)
And the weeks and the months go rushing by
This year we've learned how to live
How to forget, and how to forgive without fear, ohh ooh
Just love this Christmas, this year
You'll be my spring ahead, my fall behind
The shimmy on my hips oh when I, bump and grind
You'll be my Santa Boy, all dressed in red
And ride that little reindeer all through my head
Oh ooh, oh oh oh
Here we go, oh oh oh oh
Ohh yeah
This year I'm gonna take you home
This year I don't wanna be alone
This year, this Christmas together (ooh)
And the minutes they pass, and the hours they fly
This year, this Christmas forever, ohh ooh
And the weeks and the months go rushing by
This year we have learned how to live
How to forget, and how to forgive without fear, ohh ooh
Just love this Christmas, this year, oh ooh
This year I pray for you, uh
And I thank God for you
Just wanna be with you
This year that's all I wanna do
Day by day, I'm gonna get my way
This year I pray for you
Seasons turn, I've got a lot to learn
And I thank God for you
Now this year I'm gonna, gonna, gonna take you home
'Cause I don't wanna be alone
This year, (oh this year) this Christmas together (ohh...)
And the minutes they pass, and the hours they fly
This year, this Christmas forever (forever, forever)
And the weeks and the months go rushing by
Now this year we have learned how to live
How to forget, and how to forgive without fear, ooh oh
Just love, ooh ohh
This year we have learned how to live
How to forget, and how to forgive without fear, ohh ooh oh oh oh