Let These Cartoons Explain What The World Thinks Of The Iran Deal

Edit Huffington Post 15 Jul 2015
Tuesday's agreement between Iran and six world powers over Tehran's nuclear program has prompted both celebration and skepticism around the world -- even among cartoonists ... Some Iranians came out onto the streets to welcome the accord, which many hope will boost their nation's economy and ease its international isolation ... اين هم واكنش نتانياهو به مذاكرات كه دلش خونه به خدا- كاريكاتوري از بزرگمهرحسين پور ... U.S ... - Former Iranian President....

Senior cleric urges Muslims to be united against extremists

Edit Irna 21 Aug 2014
9191**1412. آيت الله اراكي ... خداوند در سوره شورا در اين باره مي فرمايد ?ديني كه ما به نوح، ابراهيم، موسي، عيسي و محمد (ص) وحي كرديم يك پيام دارد و آن اين است كه دين را چندپاره نكنيد و در دين خدا يك جهت و يك سو باشيد.?. وي رسول خدا را به عنوان نعمت معرفي كرد و افزود. خداوند در وصف اين نعمت مي فرمايد، ?نعمت خدا بر شما كه همان وجود نبي اكرم است را بياد بياوريد كه چگونه شما را كه با هم دشمن و پراكنده بوديد با هم برادر و برابر كرد.? ... وي افزود....

What It Looks Like When a Massive Dust Storm Swallows Tehran

Edit Mashable 02 Jun 2014
A massive dust storm hit Iran's capital city of Tehran on Monday, turning the skies black as night. The dust storm, commonly called a "haboob" across the Middle East, left three dead and 27 injured, according to the Iranian Students News Agency ... According to The Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang, weather conditions changed rapidly as the storm hit Tehran ... خدا هم اعصاب نداره ها ... ....